Don't ask where people go

Chapter 615 Shipping

Chapter 615 Shipping
Fang Lihui's heart sank, "Sister Lan, if the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain came here in person, what would you like to do?"

"If I should ask clearly, I will ask clearly one at a time." Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but it disturbed Fang Lihui's mind, "Sister Lan, although I have only met the bandit leader Feiling Mountain a few times, I also know him Not the easy-going generation..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "So what?"

Fang Lihui pursed his lips, but stopped talking.Fang Zilan looked at him and said, "Cousin, when you say something from your mouth, the result is completely different from what you say from the mouth of the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain."

"Sister Lan, do you really want to investigate to the end?" Fang Lihui held the folding fan tightly in his hand, Fang Zilan said casually: "If I am the only one who is investigating, I don't necessarily have to investigate to the end.

Fang Lihui's eyes darkened, "You mean, there are other people investigating?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I can't stop that person, and I don't want to stop him. After all, I'm also curious about what the truth is."

"The truth?" Fang Lihui curled his lips and smiled, "Sister Lan, I don't believe you don't know what the truth is. If you investigate further, you just want to see how many people in the court and Jianghu are involved in it."

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "Cousin, the so-called truth, you and I don't count. Whether it's collusion between officials and bandits, or betrayal by generals, these superficial truths are not what I want."

"Then what does Sister Lan want?" Fang Lihui spread his folding fan with a fierce expression, "People's hearts are unpredictable, and their greed is boundless. Such a truth is destined to be meaningless."

"Whether it's meaningful or not, I just need to know for myself." Fang Zilan collected her expression, as if she didn't want to get too entangled with Fang Lihui, so she changed her voice and said: "My cousin has contacts with the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain, and he also set foot in it if he wants to." There are a lot of Jianghu affairs, I have something I want to inquire about, and I would like to ask my cousin to let me know."

Hearing the words, Fang Lihui said happily: "As long as I know something, I will know everything and say everything."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath and asked, "Cousin, do you know the wheel-running king of ghosts—Chu Bin?"

"I have heard a little bit that he is one of the kings of hell in the ten halls of the ghost gate." Fang Lihui hesitated for a moment before saying, "But, aren't all the kings of hell in the ten halls of the ghost gate dead?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, "Chu Bin disappeared. The last time he appeared was on the way to Suzhou Mansion, not far from Zuiyue Tower. At that time, there were many sect disciples who disappeared together with him."

Fang Lihui raised his eyebrows, "Sister Lan, when you mentioned this wheel-turning Wang Chubin, you were quite familiar with him. Could it be that you have acquaintance with him?"

"Chu Bin's father was my mother's bodyguard. He grew up with me. It's not an exaggeration to say that he was a childhood sweetheart." Fang Zilan said seriously: "He is very important to me, and I must find him."

Fang Lihui shook his folding fan thoughtfully, "When did Chu Bin disappear?"

"April or May last year, around the time when Di Rong's mission entered Beijing." Fang Zilan answered quickly, but when Fang Lihui heard this time point, he was taken aback and frowned, "Did you remember correctly?"

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head, "I remember it very clearly."

"At that time..." Fang Lihui's expression turned serious, and Fang Zilan asked, "Cousin, do you know something?"

"I..." Fang Lihui opened his mouth, and then sighed, "Sister Lan, I'm afraid Chu Bin is... more ominous than good."

Fang Zilan suddenly turned cold, "What did you say, cousin?"

"At that time, the Fang family's spring meeting had just ended, and the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain had a batch of goods, and he needed to fish in troubled waters and transport them to Miluo when merchants from all over the place left Zuiyue Tower." Fang Lihui seemed to be lost in memory, and murmured: "I originally I told the shopkeeper of Zuiyue Tower to handle it, but the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain said that this batch of goods is extremely important and asked me to go there myself."

When Fang Zilan heard this, she couldn't help interjecting: "Could it be that cousin, you still took a trip to Miluo yourself?"

"Not really." Fang Lihui shook his head and said, "I just need to send the cargo to the Miluo border, and someone will come to pick it up there."

"Who will respond?" Fang Zilan's expression became colder, and Fang Lihui lowered his eyes and said: "The responders deliberately hid their identities, but I still found some clues. They should be members of the Miluo army."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, "What kind of cargo is the chief cousin of the Feiling Bandit transporting?"

"Human bones." Fang Lihui spoke lightly and quickly, but Fang Zilan still heard clearly, and subconsciously repeated, "Human bones?"

"Yes, human bones." Fang Lihui's reaffirmed voice made Fang Zilan inexplicably panic, "What kind of...human bones?"

"Those human bones are tightly wrapped, and I just caught a glimpse of them by chance, but I can't really see them clearly." Fang Lihui said in a low voice: "According to my staff who saw them clearly, those human bones are still fresh and smell of blood. , should have died not long ago..."

"You just said it was a batch of goods." Fang Zilan intercepted Fang Lihui's words, her voice trembling slightly, "That is to say, there are many..." She paused, but finally did not say the second bone. Character.

Fang Lihui understood, didn't say anything, just nodded, but it was like a heavy hammer, hitting Fang Zilan's heart hard, causing her to stagger a couple of steps, holding onto the door frame to stabilize her body.

"Sister Lan!" Fang Lihui hurriedly reached out to help Fang Zilan, but she avoided it without a trace, "At that time... was there any news that many people died?"

Fang Lihui nodded, then shook his head again, "All the news is that they are missing, such as the disciples of Xiaojinghu and Daomen Huo's family..."

"How did you know that they were not missing, but..." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Lihui, but she couldn't tell the almost cruel result.It's as if as long as you don't say anything, nothing will happen.

"I sent the goods to the border of Miluo, handed them over to the people who responded, and then returned to report to the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain." Fang Lihui explained: "I arrived almost a day later by water, and I heard some news when I went up the mountain. Guess the cause and effect."

He observed Fang Zilan while talking, but he couldn't see any expression on her face, so he continued on his own, "I heard that Geng Nan from Xiaojinghu—Geng Daxia owed a lot of money, and the creditor is The bandit leader of Feiling Mountain, therefore under his control..."

"I met Geng Nan a few days ago, and he is doing well." Fang Zilan showed a cold expression, "I think the money has been paid off."

"Great Xia Geng is not paying back money, but life." Fang Lihui lowered his voice, leaned into Fang Zilan's ear and said, "He is the seventh-generation successor of Xiaojinghu No. 20. He has disciples in the door and contacts outside the door. Therefore, he borrowed money from him." In the name of punishing the scum of the rivers and lakes, everyone gathered together and used their lives to pay back the money for me."

 Fang Lihui: Actually, I know a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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