Don't ask where people go

Chapter 620 Jackal

Chapter 620 Jackal
Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan steadfastly, with a little sadness in his eyes, "There is not much time left for you and me."

The ambiguous sentence made Fang Zilan's expression tremble.Li Shengxuan had "disappeared" for a few days, but luckily he was prepared and could hide it for the time being, but if it took a few more days, he might not be able to hide it.

At that time, the Yuning King Ji Ningtian, the Yucheng King Li Qiyou, and even the Empress Dowager in Beijing will definitely make some moves.Murong Qing, the eldest son of Zhongzheng, will not settle down, and Mi Luo, who is eyeing him like a tiger, is not sure what he will do.There are also various state capitals, bandits and bandits...

Like invisible mountains, Fang Zilan couldn't breathe.Seeing her pale face, Li Shengxuan quickly supported her shoulders, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan waved his hands, but his voice was weak.Although most of the poison in her has been cured, but the remaining poison is not cleared, when the poison in her body swallows her, she will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

Awan has explained all these in detail, and she knows it well, but now...

"Are you..." Li Shengxuan's hesitant voice suddenly sounded, and Fang Zilan retorted without thinking, "No."

Li Shengxuan pursed his lips, tightened his hands a little, leaned into Fang Zilan's ear and whispered: "Don't be brave, I will support you."

"No need..." Fang Zilan tried to break away from Li Shengxuan's hand, but found that she couldn't use the strength, and even couldn't hold the plum sword in her hand.

Li Shengxuan sighed softly, took Fang Zilan's plum sword involuntarily, and walked forward with her in his arms, trying not to let Fang Lihui and Feilingshan's second leader who followed behind see the clue.

"At a time like this..." Fang Zilan put most of her body weight on Li Shengxuan, but she still kept every step steady, and said softly, "If someone sees it out, none of us will survive."

"I know." Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan who was in a cold sweat, and said softly, "Do you believe me?"

"What are you going to do?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, the next moment Li Shengxuan hugged her by the waist, "Now, you know."

"You..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, he saw the second head of Feiling Mountain chasing him not far away, so he stopped talking and buried himself in Li Shengxuan's arms.

"Miss Zixiu, what's the matter?" The second head's inquiring eyes followed the sound, and Li Shengxuan said calmly, "I'm tired, I don't want to walk anymore."

The second leader coughed, with obvious doubts on his face, "Miss Zixiu is a son and daughter of the world, and she is not a weak lady from a family..."

"My woman, I can hug her whenever I want." Li Shengxuan glanced at the second master, and said calmly, "Do you have any opinions?"

The second master was choked and speechless, Fang Lihui hurriedly made a rescue and said: "It's because I didn't think carefully, I didn't prepare a car and horse, it's just on the mountain road..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Shengxuan carried Fang Zilan and left, leaving them all behind.

"Let me down." Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, "I can hold on."

"Do you know how much I hate you and don't say anything." Li Shengxuan's face sank like water, and Fang Zilan was stunned. It was rare for her to hear the word hate from him, but now she said it clearly to her.

"It's better for you to hate me than to like me." Fang Zilan hooked the corners of her lips, and Li Shengxuan's eyes showed a trace of panic that she had never seen before, "I am sincere..."

"You can have things like sincerity." Fang Zilan reached out and hooked Li Shengxuan's neck, and whispered in his ear, "But you can't give it to anyone. I'm the same, and you are the same."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "Even with our current identities, can't we talk to each other?"

"No." Fang Zilan said without hesitation: "Talking about the truth with a false identity is just a dream, and it's meaningless."

"You really..." Li Shengxuan's voice was barely audible, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly, "Very sensible."

Fang Zilan sneered in her heart, if it wasn't for this, she would have become a lonely ghost long ago.

"Miss Zixiu, we're here." The second master stepped forward, knocked on the stone wall in front of him, and there was an echo from inside.

Fang Zilan watched quietly, thinking that this mechanism is not exquisite, but it is enough to deceive people's eyes and ears. No wonder the world knows the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain, but few people have seen it with their own eyes.

"Please." The second master led the way, Fang Zilan jumped out of Li Shengxuan's arms, took back the plum sword, and said softly: "You brought us in so easily, aren't you afraid that we will go out and talk nonsense in the future?"

Hearing that the second head of the house smiled slightly, he said, "Miss Zixiu, have you ever heard of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit?"

"I've heard of it." Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "But I don't think you are rabbits."

The second master chuckled, "Miss Zixiu thinks, what are we?"

"The jackal." Fang Zilan said concisely, the smile on the face of the second leader froze for a moment, and blurted out: "Why is it a jackal?"

"The jackals are hiding in the dark, ganging together, waiting for the opportunity." Fang Zilan had a panoramic view of the changes in the expression of the second master, and his expression became colder, "Don't you look alike?"

Before she finished speaking, she felt a pair of green eyes above her head staring at her.

When the twilight merges, the mountain plain becomes even darker, and being stared at by a pair of eyes in the dark makes people feel uncomfortable.

So Fang Zilan raised her eyes and looked over, it turned out to be a banner with a wolf's head painted on it, and the eyes she felt were wolf eyes.I don't know what kind of paint was used to draw it, but it is shining with faint light, making it more and more lifelike.

"Miss Zixiu's eyes are like torches, which is really admirable." The second master followed Fang Zilan's eyes and said solemnly: "The jackal is our totem."

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Zilan's expression changed imperceptibly, and she quickly exchanged glances with Li Shengxuan, both of whom saw vigilance in the other's eyes.

"In the big capital, very few people regard jackals as totems." Fang Zilan said casually: "It's the barbarians in the north who love them even more."

"Barbarian?" The second leader's tone was very disdainful, Fang Zilan heard it in his ears, and couldn't help frowning: "Am I wrong?"

"It's just a defeated general, how can we compare it?" The second leader looked arrogant, and Fang Zilan was puzzled. He couldn't hear what he said.

If she or Li Shengxuan called the barbarians in the northern border the defeated generals, they wouldn't feel disobedient, but it would be inexplicably weird to say it from a bandit like Erdangjia.

"Unexpectedly, among the bandits, there are people who care about the affairs of the court." Li Shengxuan said suddenly, but an unfamiliar voice answered him, "Why can't bandits care about the affairs of the court?"

Not far away, torches were lit one by one, illuminating the faces of the speakers.On the handsome oval face, the eyebrows are like knives, and the eyes are like stars, sharp and beautiful.

Fang Zilan stared blankly at the speaker, "The bandit leader of Feiling Mountain is a woman?"

 The true face of Feiling Mountain's bandit leader will be revealed soon~
(End of this chapter)

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