Don't ask where people go

Chapter 623 Conditions

Chapter 623 Conditions
"Miss Zixiu, I've already said what I need to say." Hong He's expression was gloomy, "After you've heard it, it's all up to you to do what you want to do."

"Girl Honghe, do you want me to save your elder brother Hongtai?" Fang Zilan looked at Honghe steadfastly, and smiled when she saw her laughing at herself, "I heard that no one in the world can do anything except the Lord of the Ghost Sect." Ordering Miss Zixiu to act, I don’t think I have the ability to do this..."

"Girl Honghe, let me ask you one last time." Fang Zilan interrupted Honghe's words solemnly, and said seriously: "Do you want me to save your brother Hongtai?"

Before she finished speaking, she felt the strength from her hand, and it was Li Shengxuan who squeezed her hand, as if to remind her not to easily get into this muddy water.

"I..." Hong He opened her mouth hesitantly, turned her head slightly, and said angrily in a low voice after a while: "What is Yin Quanzhang? Even if my brother dies, he should die in my hands."

"Since Miss Honghe has made up her mind." Fang Zilan broke free from Li Shengxuan's hand, stood up and walked in front of Honghe, "I can go and save Hongtai, but in exchange, you have to tell me what I want to know."

Hong He looked up at Fang Zilan. She was condescending, without any airs of domineering, but she had an aura of determination to win, as if she could make Hongtai appear here immediately as long as she said a word about the deal.

"If Miss Honghe can't make a decision, then forget it." Fang Zilan casually straightened her clothes, "I can always know what I want to know, and I don't have to waste my time here."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, Hong He suddenly said: "Miss Zixiu, wait a minute. Feiling Mountain is not a place where anyone can come and leave whenever they want."

"Miss Honghe, is she threatening me?" Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, with a seemingly vague killing intent on her body, "There are many people in this world who want to keep me, but the ones who can really keep me are never No one."

"If there is only Zixiu girl today, Feiling Mountain will not be able to keep her up and down." Hong He stood up and met Fang Zilan's gaze, "But now Mr. Fang and this gentleman are here, so Zixiu Is the girl going to leave them alone?"

"Leave it alone?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words, and suddenly laughed softly, "Miss Honghe, you said just now—the Hong family, the wolf army, and never a bandit. But now you are taking hostages at every turn. How is the appearance of being a threat different from that of bandits?"

She paused, and said meaningfully: "Everyone in the world thinks that they are different, that they can get out of the mud without being stained, but they don't know that in this world, it is normal to go with the same people, and it seems that the Hong family is nothing more than that..."

"Miss Zixiu!" Hong He sternly cut off Fang Zilan's words, "What you said is so high-sounding, why don't you just be in the same boat?"

"In the past, maybe it was." Fang Zilan said without any concealment, "but now, and even in the future, I will only live for myself."

She said and looked at Li Shengxuan, "I choose what I think is right, not what others think is good or bad."

"You..." A look of disbelief flashed across Hong He's face, "Impossible..."

"Nothing is impossible." Fang Zilan smiled, "Girl Honghe, what you can't do doesn't mean that others can't do it either. Otherwise, why would you and the second leader want me to save Hongtai at the expense of coercion? "

"We... can't be saved." Hong He's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly, "If that's the case, why don't you agree to my conditions?"

Hong He's expression froze, and Fang Zilan continued, "If you want me to do things for you without paying any price, it's tantamount to nonsense."

There was a hint of sarcasm in her tone, Hong He pursed her lips, "Can you really save my brother?"

"Before then, I have some questions that need to be answered by Miss Honghe." Fang Zilan asked without answering, "If I rescue Hongtai, how will you do?"

"What does Miss Zixiu mean by that?" Hong He frowned slightly, as if she didn't understand what Fang Zilan meant at all.

"You won't go back to Yin's residence, and Hongtai didn't stay in Yin's residence." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Do you think Master Yin Quanzhang will swallow his anger and say nothing?"

Her voice sank a bit, "Or, at that time, your brothers and sisters will use me as a scapegoat and directly throw it to Mr. Yin Quanzhang to make amends?"

"I don't have that intention..." Hong He waved her hand, but she didn't have any convincing force. Fang Zilan glanced at her, and she weakened her voice, her voice was like a mosquito, and she couldn't hear the following words clearly.

"Really?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and said coolly: "Miss Honghe, this is the end of the matter, you never thought about how it will end, right?"

Hong He froze for a moment, it's not that she never thought about it, even what Fang Zilan said was what she thought in her heart.It's just that now that such thoughts are exposed to the public, it seems a little more unscrupulous.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and said: "Someone told me that bandits and bandits are different from people in the Jianghu. They are ruthless, cruel and cruel. It is okay to talk about profit with them, but it is absolutely impossible to talk about right and wrong with them." cannot."

She deliberately prolonged her tone, Hong He changed her expression imperceptibly after hearing this, and before she could say anything to refute, she continued: "I didn't intend to talk about right and wrong at first, but Miss Hong He and When I mentioned the matter of the Red Wolf Army, I ignored it and let it go. But I didn't expect that now I can't even talk about profit?"

"Naturally, there are benefits to talk about, but..." Hong He blurted out, but stopped abruptly, and after hesitating for a moment, said: "Miss Zixiu, even if you have the title of number one in the world, you will only have one person after all. It's hard for me to believe that you can really save my brother."

"Believe it or not is your business, what do I have to do with it?" Fang Zilan turned her face away, "If you don't believe it, just let it go. Why, are you still afraid that I will report the letter to Mr. Yin Quanzhang?"

Hong He seemed to have been stabbed in the heart, so she said bluntly: "Miss Zixiu knows well, there are people who want to stay on Feiling Mountain today no matter what, you might as well make a decision early."

"In this case, it's okay for us to stay." Fang Zilan turned around and sat back to the original position, taking a moment to say: "I think Miss Honghe must be reluctant to peel our skin and bones, and then give the bones to the Miluo people?"

"What did you say?" Hong He's face turned pale, "How do you know..."

She reacted halfway through her words, glared fiercely at Fang Lihui and said, "You told Zixiu?"

Fang Lihui pretended to be puzzled and said: "Miss Honghe, what does this mean? Why did you involve me? And what do you mean I told Miss Zixiu?"

 Fang Zilan: There are exchanges and exchanges, and mutual negotiation of conditions is the only deal.Don't even think about Honghe's overlord clause!

(End of this chapter)

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