625 Allegiance
Hong He's expression froze, she knew very well what Fang Zilan said was true.Wu Qing grew up in Yuning Prince's Mansion since she was a child, and was educated by Concubine Shu of the former court, and she had childhood sweethearts with Ji Ningtian, so she naturally believed in them deeply.

Thinking about it, in Wu Qing's heart, Concubine Shu and Ji Ningtian were her relatives and the people who treated her best in the world. As for the old people from the previous dynasty scattered outside like their Hong family, what affection could she have?
Seeing that Hong He was silent, Fang Zilan's hand relaxed a bit, and even the oppressive feeling around her body was not so strong, "Now you want to understand?"

"Why should I believe you?" Hong He gritted her teeth and said, "You said that the name of the wheel-running king is Chu Bin, and he is the son of Uncle Chu Xiang. What evidence do you have?"

"After the Baiye Temple murder, Chu Xiang surrendered himself and died in prison. It was Chu Bin who took away the body for him." Fang Zilan didn't see any expression on his face, but his words were cold, "At that time, Princess Wuqing He didn't show up, Ji Ningtian didn't show up, and the other old people from the previous dynasty were also silent and didn't dare to move. Only Chu Bin, at a young age, endured everything."

"How do you know..." Hong He asked in a daze, but Fang Zilan didn't answer her at all.

If Fang Zitong hadn't been wronged and imprisoned, Chu Bin had not come forward to mediate with Jing Zhao Yin's house, she probably would never have known.There are so many people who, because of her, either lost their lives, or hibernated in the mountains, and endured the infamy they shouldn't have suffered.

"Miss Honghe." Fang Zilan asked in a deep voice when she heard her own voice, "I heard that you have no respect for Ji Ningtian in your words, why are you still willing to serve him..."

"Who is loyal to Ji Ningtian?" Hong He sternly interrupted Fang Zilan's words, with a grim expression on his face, "The Red Wolf Army has always been loyal to General Zhenbei and King Pingnan..."

She didn't say Princess Wu Qing, as if as long as she didn't say the name, she didn't have to face the fact that she might have been abandoned.

"General Zhenbei Pingnan Queen?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Did she ask you anything?"

Hong He pursed her lips, and said after a while: "Never."

She suddenly smiled as she spoke, "It's a coincidence that my elder sister had just passed away at that time, and my brother and I discussed taking the wolf army to disarm and return to the fields. After that, I hid in the countryside under my name, so I could live a peaceful life."

She paused, "At that time, my brother and I received a letter. The sender claimed to be a former member of Pingnan Palace, and the letter was Mrs. Qin Ji's suicide note that she kept on her behalf."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan stared at Hong He in disbelief, as if trying to get some clues from her expression, but she couldn't see anything.

"Ms. Qin Ji said in her letter that she and General Zhenbei Pingnan Wang and his wife, the only wish in this life is to have mountains and rivers forever. If the world is settled, the old department can disperse on its own, and there is no need to be loyal to anyone." Hong Hong He Yue spoke in a softer voice until it was almost inaudible behind.

However, Fang Zilan could still hear every word clearly, and she couldn't help asking: "In this case, why do you still want to be loyal to Wu Qing and Ji Ningtian?"

"People are so eccentric. If you are forced to do something, it is probably difficult to do something reluctantly, but it is easier to do otherwise." Hong He laughed at herself, "Shortly after my brother and I received the letter, Then I received Ji Ningtian's request for help. He said that Princess Wu Qing is still young and easily bullied. If there are no capable people to support her, the future life will be even more difficult. Can she grow up safely? Grown-ups are unknown."

When she said this, the smile on her face faded a bit, "At that time, the old man from the previous dynasty who was able to support Beijing was only the Prime Minister Fang Chongzheng, but Ji Ningtian couldn't go too far with him in order to avoid suspicion. It's close, so we can only look far away. My brother and I understand his intentions, not to mention Princess Wuqing is the only bloodline of General Zhenbei and King Pingnan. If we can't protect her well, what face will my brother and I have in a hundred years? See father underground?"

"Is it because you simply fall into the grass as a bandit and occupy the mountain as king?" Fang Zilan's hand holding the plum sword trembled a little. Although it was only for a moment, Hong He still felt it. A look of doubt flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say much. Asking something, he just said: "It is really not easy for us old people who can't see the light to have the power to protect a person."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, just snorted half-disdainfully and half-coolly, and seeing this, Honghe said to herself: "Miss Zixiu, it's okay if you don't believe it. There are countless old people in the past, but they can still be respected by the world today." You know, besides the Fang family, is there anyone else who really left their names?"

"If the true identity of the Feiling bandit is announced to the public today, I think your Hong family will also be known to the world." Fang Zilan's words were obviously sarcasm, but Hong He was not angry when she heard it, "If that's the case, Let the royal family of the Li family know that the old man from the previous dynasty is not dead yet..."

"If His Majesty finds out, will it be of any benefit to you?" Li Shengxuan, who had never said a word, said suddenly, with a thin layer of chill in his brows, "What benefit will it be to Princess Wu Qing?"

Hong He was stunned for a moment by the question, and murmured: "There is someone behind Princess Wu Qing, isn't it good?"

"Princess Wu Qing's status is special, and everyone knows it." Li Shengxuan said quietly: "So she is the most suitable to be a puppet who keeps quiet and shows that the Li royal family has a broad mind and ignores past suspicions. Only in this way can they live well."

Hong He chewed Li Shengxuan's words several times before she understood the deep meaning.

If Wu Qing is just a puppet, Li Shi will treat her preferentially, so that she can live a long life without worrying about food and clothing, because only in this way can Li Shi's magnanimity be displayed.

But if Wu Qing is a puppet supported by someone behind her back, it is tantamount to exposing a huge handle in front of Li Shi, giving Li Shi a reason to kill and silence her.

If you don't cherish the status of the pampered princess, you must form a party for personal gain and seek misconduct. As long as such rhetoric comes out of Li's mouth and it is announced to the world, it will be a dead end, and you don't even need much evidence.

This is the arrogance and oppression of the superiors to the subordinates, just like teasing cats and dogs.When you need it, you will show favor in every possible way, and you will continue to be favored.

The more Hong He thought about it, the more frightened she became, cold sweat broke out down her back, but she still insisted: "Princess Wu Qing is supported by someone behind her, so the royal family of the Li family would not dare to attack her easily..."

"If you want to deceive yourself, I, a bystander, can't say anything." Li Shengxuan shook his head, Fang Zilan glanced at him, and covered up: "The temper of His Majesty today is unpredictable, no matter how we speculate, it is just a one-sided story. , it doesn't make any sense."

 Ji Ningtian: Use, I am a professional

(End of this chapter)

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