Chapter 628 Face
Fang Zilan tightened her hand holding Mei Jian. In this way, the so-called collusion between officials and bandits, the length of the chain behind it, and the wide range of involvement are already creepy just by imagining it.

Hong He lay on the ground, not daring to raise her head, only to hear an angry voice break the silence in the room, "Enough!"

Erdang opened the door and entered, Fang Zilan glanced at him, but didn't say a word.

"Miss Zixiu, Mr. Fang, and this unknown gentleman." The second master said and looked at Li Shengxuan firmly, "You forced Honghe to come here, and I will never let you go..."

"Second leader, it's hard to say who won't let anyone go." Li Shengxuan interrupted the second leader in a low voice, and met his gaze straight away, "I've heard for a long time that the leader of the Feiling Mountain bandit responded to every call. , is the leader of bandits in the world."

The Erdang's complexion was not good, and he said cautiously: "What do you mean by this, sir?"

"Whether the rumors are true or not, it is enough to show that Hongtai plays a pivotal role among bandits. In addition, the imperial court has suppressed bandits every year, and there is no end to it..." Li Shengxuan deliberately paused before continuing: "This kind of Hongtai , will be detained by Mr. Yin Quanzhang, and the bandits under him who can compete with the imperial army are actually helpless, and they have to rely on Jianghu killers to rescue him, what is the reason?"

The second master's expression changed slightly, but he still said stubbornly: "What do you know? We have a lot of contacts with Mr. Yin Quanzhang, and Hong He is his wife, so it's not good to mobilize people, hurt face, and make both sides look bad. "

"Do bandits also show face?" Fang Zilan interjected curiously, and the second master took a deep breath, suppressing his anger and said: "Miss Zixiu, you are notorious, and everyone in the world will be like you and stop showing face ?"

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan raised the plum sword, and Fang Lihui hurriedly persuaded him: "Miss Zixiu, your lord has a lot, don't want to be as knowledgeable as the second master..."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly, turned her head away holding the plum sword, saw that Li Shengxuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists, and said to the second master: "No matter how notorious my Zixiu family is, it is better than your bandits. The land in the south of the Yangtze River Who knows, as long as you mention you bandits, even three-year-old children will cry non-stop."

His words seemed to be defending Fang Zilan and venting his anger on her behalf. He heard Erdang's face full of indescribable expressions, coughed twice, and listened to him without saying anything, "Since you bandits The reputation is already so bad, so why are you afraid of hurting your face?"

"I..." Erdang Jiafu opened his mouth, but was stopped by Li Shengxuan, "Oh, I got it. I think it's hard to protect myself in Feiling Mountain. In order to save face, I had to ask my Zixiu. Two Master, am I right?"

He dragged his tongue and said my Zixiu one by one, which made Fang Zilan get goosebumps all over his body.Why didn't she realize that he was such a glib person before?

"You..." The second leader was poked into his mind, neither admitted nor denied, his complexion became ugly, and he could only shout, "Stop talking nonsense! Why can't we protect ourselves? We are doing well up and down Feiling Mountain... "

"Really?" Fang Lihui curled his lips into a smile, shook his folding fan lightly and said, "If it's very good, why haven't I seen any money from the money promised in the previous transaction?"

The second master's expression froze, as if he hadn't expected Fang Lihui to stand up and disrupt the stage at this time, he couldn't help but glared at him, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Fang, don't forget, you still have a lot of things in our hands... "

"What's the clue?" Fang Lihui spread his hands without any intention of concealing it, "Is it the Jiangnan Huafang fire case, or the Beijing Wanhualou? These Zixiu girls know it all. She let go of more fires than I do. Think about it." Don't care about the little things."

Hearing that Fang Zilan gave Fang Lihui a gouged look, it is one thing for her to do a lot of evil, but it is another thing to say it from his mouth almost like a comparison.

What do you mean don't care?She has the consciousness to lose her life sooner or later, does Fang Lihui have it?

Sensing Fang Zilan's gaze, Fang Lihui sneered, and said innocently: "Miss Zixiu, am I wrong? Could it be that you don't know?"

He changed the concept lightly, and Fang Zilan didn't bother to argue with him, so he simply turned the conversation back to Li Shengxuan, "It seems that you guessed right, the second boss is furious."

"I didn't..." The second master's eyes were full of fierceness, but Fang Zilan turned a blind eye and said with a sneer, "If you sincerely want to save Hongtai, you might as well tell the whole story, maybe you can win my sympathy, so once in a while, you are kind and rescued me." .”

"You, you!" The second leader was angry, "You know enough already, don't try to talk me out of it!"

Fang Zilan shrugged, "Does the second leader think that we were trying to trick Miss Honghe just now?"

"Isn't it?" The second master glared at her, Fang Zilan pouted her lips, "Girl Honghe just said the words she had prepared a long time ago, and the rest are all our guesses. She didn't say anything, so how can it be a formula?"

The second master gritted his teeth, "What Miss Zixiu says, I'll put it here, the eldest master Hongtai is the face of Feiling Mountain. If you help us today, you will give us face. See you in the future. We will naturally give you face."

"In the face of life, face or face, what is it?" Fang Zilan collected his expression, and said in a deep voice: "If Feiling Mountain is hard to protect itself, how can we talk about the future?"

After she finished speaking, she raised her chin to Li Shengxuan and Fang Lihui, signaling that they don't need to waste any more time and can leave.

"Miss Zixiu..." The second master called Fang Zilan hesitantly. After hesitating for a long time, he said as if he had made up his mind: "After you rescue the first master, I will know that I can say everything."

"Uncle Sun!" Hong He's eager voice was overwhelmed by Fang Zilan's determined voice, "It's a deal."

Everyone present was taken aback, as if they never expected that Fang Zilan would agree so easily, and what Li Shengxuan wanted to say was stopped by her eyes.

"Time is running out. I will make some preparations today, and I will save people tomorrow." Fang Zilan's tone was undeniable, especially the sentence that time was running out, which sounded like a reminder to Li Shengxuan that he didn't have much time left. , which is the fastest way.

But whether it was breaking into Yin Quanzhang's house or bringing Hongtai back safely, it was not an easy task. He couldn't do it if he wanted to watch Fang Zilan put himself in danger.

In the guest room, Fang Zilan sat with her head propped up opposite Li Shengxuan, and couldn't help waving her hands in front of his eyes: "What are you thinking about? I've been absent-minded since I entered the door. I've checked, and there's nothing wrong with this room."

 Fang Zilan: Do you want to lose face if you say that I am notorious?
(End of this chapter)

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