Don't ask where people go

Chapter 636 Not Alone

Fang Zilan hooked her fingers, Lin Jian swallowed, and slowly put her ear to it, listening to her meaningful words: "You can do what the escort should do."

"What do you mean?" Lin Jian was stunned, and Fang Zilan whispered in his ear, before he finished speaking, his expression changed, "Is this... feasible?"

Fang Zilan sat up straight and distanced herself from Lin Jian, "Before General Zhou appeared, I was not sure. But now that General Zhou is here, what are you afraid of?"

Although Zhou Lang didn't know what Fang Zilan and Lin Jian said, but out of trust in her, he nodded directly and said, "That's right, I will do my best if Master Fang has any orders."

Fang Zilan pressed her lips with her index finger, shook her head and said: "General Zhou, the one in front of you is Qianjinfang Zhen's family, please don't call me wrong again, General."

"Okay, Miss Zhen." Zhou Lang changed his address, and Fang Zilan smiled, "I wish to see General Zhou again today. In the future, no matter what happens, General Wanwang will put himself first."

"Thank you Miss Zhen." Zhou Lang clasped his fists in a solemn salute, "I also want to say this to the girl. The road ahead is difficult and dangerous, the girl must protect herself."

"General Zhou, I can't bear this." Fang Zilan supported Zhou Lang's arm, "You are the pillar of the country, how can you thank me so easily? It really breaks me."

"Miss Zhen, you can bear it." Zhou Lang kept his saluting posture motionless, like a stone statue, and said in a deep voice: "Your trip is not easy, but you still don't forget your home, country and world. Only this heart, It’s enough to be admirable, not to mention that you practice yourselves and never slack off.”

Hearing his words, Lin Jian who was next to him felt like a raging flame was burning in his chest, and a heart was framed in it, which was extremely hot.It was as if the fire in the Lin Family Village had started again that year, but it was even more intense.

Even though he was unwilling at that time, he also knew that not everyone can be a hero, at least he didn't have the ability to do it.

However, at this moment, Fang Zilan, who looked powerless and powerless, and who got the name and surname of Qianjinfang Zhen from nowhere, who was mediating between bandits and high-ranking dignitaries, suddenly understood—the so-called hero does not have to be You have to be able to do it.

It's just that when most people choose to be alone, a very small number of people choose to stand up, so they become heroes.

Maybe they will lose everything, and in the end there is only one name left on the page, and even the name may not be preserved, but they still rush forward without regret or complaint.

This time, he, Lin Jian, can also be such a person.How lucky?Even once in a lifetime is enough.

"Since the two of you know my heart, I'll leave everything to you." Fang Zilan poured three cups of tea and lined them up on the table, and then she held up her teacup with both hands, "I use tea instead of wine, here Respect to both of you. May the family and the country be peaceful in the future.”

Zhou Lang and Lin Jian also raised the teacups on the case, and respected Fang Zilan, "May the family, the country and the world be peaceful in the future."

Li Shengxuan, who was always outside the door and never went far, couldn't help but feel sore eyes when he saw this scene.

It turned out that he was not really alone.

Among the world, he is not the only one who is willing to fight for prosperity and peace.

My way is not alone—the four words suddenly appeared in Li Shengxuan's mind, and there was an ironing note in my heart that had never been there before, as if all the bitterness and pain before had disappeared with these words.

"Sir?" A Wan moved closer to Li Shengxuan, but his eyes were directed towards the room, "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Li Shengxuan calmed down and left quickly as if fleeing.

Awan had never seen Li Shengxuan like this before, so she got curious and couldn't help peeking outside the room, but when she saw Zhou Lang and Lin Jian, her hands trembled in shock, and she almost took the medicine bowl she was holding. It fell.

A hand grasped A Wan's wrist in time so that she wouldn't make any movement. She looked over and said in surprise, "Mingxiang..."

"Hush." ​​Ming Xiang took the medicine bowl in A Wan's hand with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other, motioning her to keep quiet.

After confirming that the people in the room were not paying attention, Mingxiang took A Wan and left quietly until there was no one around, then said: "Master never likes people listening to the corner, if Miss A Wan wants to know, you might as well ask her directly. "

"I'm not the one listening to the corner." A Wan curled her lips, "However, the people in the room I see are General Zhou Lang from the Southeast Camp, and that little escort, Lin Jian. Why are they here?"

"Miss Awan, be careful." Mingxiang looked a little cold, and Awan pursed her lips, "Now there is no one else, Miss Mingxiang..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, and then suddenly realized: "It's you..."

"It's me." Ming Xiang nodded slightly, "The master said that the time is tight, and it is really difficult to complete it with her own strength. Therefore, I was not idle when you went up the mountain."

A Wan thoughtfully said: "Then..."

"Miss Awan." Mingxiang cut off Awan's words, and said bluntly, "I'm not telling you this to clear up your doubts, but to let you know that the master can't afford to delay."

She said in a lower voice, "The master is not in good health, and now he has a leg injury..."

"How do you know..." Awan couldn't help interrupting Mingxiang, and after hearing her sigh softly, she said after a while: "Although the master concealed it very well, I am a medical student, and I am not the number one doctor." The sky is following her, you can see it to some extent. Is her leg badly injured?"

"It's not a serious injury." Awan thought for a while, but after all, she didn't tell Mingxiang about Fang Zilan's jumping off the city wall, so as not to add to her worries, "But with me here, Miss Mingxiang can rest assured."

"That's it, miss Awan." Ming Xiang bowed, then turned and left.

Before A Wan could say anything, she heard a muffled sound behind her. She looked back, but saw a person falling straight from the wall, who seemed to be seriously injured.

She plucked up her courage and walked over cautiously, but when she saw the man's face clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Xia..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, a black shadow grabbed her neck from behind, and she couldn't make a sound.

"Yo, this little lady looks very familiar. Could it be Miss Awan from hell?" The person behind said with a frivolous smile: "Unexpectedly, we are quite destined."

Hearing this, Awan's face turned pale, she was so familiar with this voice, so familiar that even if the speaker turned to ashes, she could recognize it.

"Let her go..." Xia Houzhang, who was dying on the ground, still clenched his teeth, trying to rescue A Wan from the hands of others, "What... is coming for me..."

The person behind A Wan suddenly tightened his hands, and said with a sneer, "Little lady, why doesn't my husband know when you hooked up with other men?"

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