After Yin Quanzhang's master left Zuiyue Tower, Fang Lihui did not wait for him to come, and he was uneasy, but Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan were more calm than the other, and they were both calm.

It wasn't until the last two days of the Spring Festival, the night before the finale Dabao appeared, that Yin Quanzhang finally showed up.

As the night rain faded away, Fang Zilan leaned against the railing by the window as usual, and saw a golden carriage approaching from far to Zuiyue Tower in the distance.

"It's such a grand occasion." Fang Zilan snorted softly, and happened to be heard by Ming Xiang who was returning to the room. She walked over curiously, "Who is the master talking about?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but raised her chin, signaling Mingxiang to look out the window.

Ming Xiang poked her head to look, and echoed, "BMW car, the splendor that can't be covered by the rain at night, it really is a big ostentation."

"Suzhou Mansion is rich, and the Zuiyue Building is luxurious." Fang Zilan stretched lazily, "The land in the south of the Yangtze River, as expected..."

"Yin Quanzhang is here." Li Shengxuan's voice interrupted Fang Zilan's words, she didn't turn her head, but just waved her hand, "I see, you also come to see the excitement."

"Your guest room has a good view." Li Shengxuan walked to Fang Zilan's side and smiled when she saw her pursed lips, "The Qianjinfang Zhen's must be the best match for everything."

"You are worth it." Li Shengxuan said, took off his cloak, put it on Fang Zilan's shoulders, and said in a warm voice: "Be careful of catching a cold."

Fang Zilan raised her hand to wrap up her cloak, and grabbed Li Shengxuan's hand, "Why are your hands so cold?"

"I went out for a while." Li Shengxuan said succinctly, Fang Zilan didn't ask any more questions, and put his hands on his, "This will make you warm."

Ming Xiang coughed lightly, and was about to leave, but Fang Zilan ordered: "Ming Xiang, I won't see anyone tonight, including Fang Lihui."

Ming Xiang's expression froze, she nodded in yes, and quietly backed away.

Li Shengxuan sat beside Fang Zilan, clasping fingers tightly with her, "Are you trying to avoid trouble for Fang Lihui?"

"I don't like trouble, so I can avoid it if I can." Fang Zilan watched a figure get off the carriage and was welcomed into Zuiyue Tower by Fang Lihui. It should be Yin Quanzhang.

"Speaking of..." Fang Zilan asked casually, "Do you know Yin Quanzhang?"

"Your question came later than I expected." Li Shengxuan hooked the corners of his lips, and Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "You may not have met all the adults in the state capitals, most of them are recognized by their political achievements, so I just asked I didn't expect an answer. If that's the case, what does it matter if it's sooner or later?"

"It does have something to do with it." Li Shengxuan smiled even wider, "Yin Quanzhang and I have not only met, but also dealt with each other."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan, who was leaning on the railing, sat up straight suddenly, "Then why did you..."

Li Shengxuan hugged Fang Zilan's shoulder reassuringly, "This is the end of the matter, there is no room for maneuver. As long as Yin Quanzhang never sees me before the end of the Spring Festival, it's fine."

Fang Zilan leaned back against the railing helplessly, and asked, "When was the last time you saw Yin Quanzhang?"

"At that time I was King Xiang, and Yin Quanzhang was the county magistrate of Fengyu County." Li Shengxuan added as if remembering something as he said: "During the southeast plague, the Lin Family Village you went to belongs to Fengyu County."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "You said you had dealings with Yin Quanzhang, but it was about Xiahou's family?"

"How do you know?" Li Shengxuan's eyes flashed with astonishment, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "When I was in the government office, I read the transfer records of officials from various places in the southeast, and Yin Quanzhang was among them. At that time... "

She didn't continue, Li Shengxuan interjected: "At that time, there was a big case in the Lin family village. The chief guard colluded with bandits to bully men and women, killing many lives. The case was exposed by Xia Hou's family, and later found out that King Rong An's subordinates On the little official..."

"What does this case have to do with you and Yin Quanzhang?" Fang Zilan interrupted Li Shengxuan almost eagerly, with an imperceptible tremor in his voice.

Li Shengxuan felt the sudden ups and downs of Fang Zilan's emotions, but he didn't go into details. He just explained: "Xiahou's family and King Rong'an are both in the southeast. In order to prevent this case from becoming a power struggle between the two parties, the court needs someone who is fair and understands the situation." Yin Quanzhang is the most suitable person to try this case."

He paused, and clasped Fang Zilan's hand tightly, "As for me, I was suppressing bandits in the southeast at that time, and Aunt Zhao didn't want to get involved in the case, so I let me listen in on her behalf."

Fang Zilan couldn't help asking: "How did Yin Quanzhang go with that case?"

"It's fair." Li Shengxuan said pertinently: "As a county magistrate, Yin Quanzhang has limited official positions, but everyone who can be dug out has been dug out."

"Really?" Fang Zilan was noncommittal, Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully: "You react like this, you should be aware of this case. If so, you should know that corruption is the crux of this case. If you say that King Rong An didn't know anything about it, It must be impossible. But if you want to use a case to bring down King Rong An, not to mention Yin Quanzhang doesn't have the ability, even Xiahou's family can't do it."

"You mean..." Fang Zilan said coolly, "Is Yin Quanzhang upright?"

"It's hard to say." Li Shengxuan shook his head, "After this case, Yin Quanzhang has been promoted to the prefect of Suzhou in less than three years."

"Even if the case is successfully handled, Yin Quanzhang has outstanding ability..." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "but he was promoted too fast."

"Indeed." Li Shengxuan nodded, "Now that I think about it, King Rong'an threw away his son in this case, and it's unknown whether he is holding Yin Quanzhang as the new son."

"King Rong An has passed away. No one can know what he thought back then." Fang Zilan turned her face away, "The past cannot be traced back. We can only focus on Yin Quanzhang today."

"Although that is the case, I always feel that you are hiding something." Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him firmly, and said word by word: "What happened when you were in Linjiacun? The burning of the village was indeed caused by the plague. Is it a last resort?"

Fang Zilan was stunned, she never thought that Li Shengxuan's ability to read people's hearts would be so powerful.In front of him, it seemed that no matter what it was, it was difficult for her to completely hide it.

But that was the Lin family village where Miss Yan'er died in vain, and Su Yuexi got her revenge when she was dying. She tried her best to tamper with all the truth. Could it be that because of a Yin Quanzhang, she should tell everything?

For a while, neither of the two spoke again, and the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Fang Zilan hesitated for a long time, before hesitating to speak, "I..."

Just at this time, there were knocks on the door, "Miss Zhen, are you asleep?"

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