Chapter 667
The girl slept soundly on his back, and he also forgot the hard work of carrying the weight forward.

"Why don't you talk?" Fang Zilan's voice was close at hand, showing some caution, "Am I too heavy?"

"No." The voice of the wheel-running king was full of smiles, "Lan Lan, you are too gentle."

Fang Zilan said "oh", and the wheel-turning king turned his head to look at her and asked, "Lanlan, have you thought about how to arrange me?"

"Since I want you, of course I have to bring you back to the manor." Fang Zilan said confidently, "Or do you think my manor is not good enough?"

"You know what I'm asking." Although the wheel-turning king's tone was helpless, it was more of favoritism.

"Isn't it just a pretext?" Fang Zilan leaned into his ear nonchalantly, "When it comes later, just say..."

The more the King of Wheels listened, the more amusing he became, "Lan Lan, are you sure this is feasible and won't be suspected?"

"No." Fang Zilan affirmed: "I have brought many people back to the house in the past few months, and it is common for outsiders. What's more, your appearance seems normal to me."

"A lot of people?" Zhuanlun Wang repeated, Fang Zilan coughed lightly, "They were all dismissed quietly, only one Ah Shi was left, and Fang Lihui asked him to leave."

She spoke very fast, afraid that the wheel-turning king might misunderstand something, "By the way, I heard that Fang Lihui has taken over a lot of Fengyue business. With their help to cover it up, no one will suspect it."

"Cover?" Zhuanlun Wang raised his eyebrows, Fang Zilan reacted abruptly, and simply said nonsense: "If you don't like what I said, then think of an excuse yourself, and I will cooperate with you."

"What did you say that I don't like it?" The Wheel-Turning King pretended to sigh reluctantly, "That's it."

"Master..." Shangguan Min hesitated to speak, and Fang Zilan strode down the steps in front of the prison door, feeling as if a huge stone had fallen to the ground in her heart—there was a result in the end, but it also smashed all her escape routes.

Shangguan Min walked two steps faster and stood in front of her, "Master, I know you are having a hard time, but I am beyond my powers and don't know how to help you. I..."

"Do you think Xue Haoyu's words will come true?" Fang Zilan's voice was extremely soft, like a gust of wind blowing past Shangguan Min's ears, but it chilled him.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan smiled, "Xue Haoyu can think clearly, and you can understand, how could I not know?"

"Master!" Shangguan Min reached out and grabbed her arm, and said in a low voice, "But will the aristocratic family and the poor family really reach that point?"

"Even if Xue Haoyu's life is saved, the aristocratic family will make a big fuss to suppress the poor family." Fang Zilan moved closer to him and whispered: "If the situation gets worse, people in the world will fall into the poor family of the respected family in the long run. In a strange circle. Birth is a sin, so I am the tallest person among the poor..."

Before she finished speaking, Shangguan Min let go of her hand abruptly, and took two steps back before standing still, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Shangguanmin, since you asked me a question, I'll ask you a question too." Fang Zilan's face was calm, but there was a touch of determination in her eyes.

Shangguan Min subconsciously wanted to cover her ears, but it was still a step too late.

"Have you ever thought about why the Shangguan family collapsed in one blow, and why I, who has no foundation, would take over as the Duke of Yue so easily?"

Shangguan Min stared blankly at the person in front of him, bit his lips tightly until his teeth were full of sweet smell, and he left without looking back.

Fang Zilan looked at his back, her face was almost bloodless.She finally asked this sentence, after she had completely thought it through.

She was the best sword in the past, now she is the best banner.However, no matter in the past or now, she is the target of public criticism, a living target.

Fang Zilan hummed, and A Wan trotted to her side, "Today is the Lantern Festival, where are you going?"

"Baiye Temple." Fang Zilan said concisely, before A Wan opened her mouth, she explained, "I'm bored in my heart, and I want to listen to Master Yuan's lecture, and calm down."

After she said that, she left straight away, never thinking that before leaving the mansion, she saw Mo Han who was at the gate of the mansion.

"Sister Lan, I heard that you took Mr. Shangguan to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice yesterday." Mo Han cut to the chase, Fang Zilan's expression froze, "Have you guessed it all?"

Mo Han nodded slightly, "Where are you going? I will accompany you."

"Your injury..." Fang Zilan's words were interrupted by Mo Han, "It's almost healed, and we can't always be bored in the mansion..."

"Okay." Fang Zilan waved her hand, "I'll take you there."

The two arrived at Baiye Temple in a carriage, and when they got off the carriage, they were greeted by a young novice, which surprised Fang Zilan, "Excuse me, little master, is Master Liao Yuan free now?"

"Amitabha." The little novice saluted and said, "Master Fang and Mr. Mo please come with me."

The two followed the little novice to the door of a tea room in the temple. The little novice stopped and said, "Please come in, both of you."

Fang Zilan and Mo Han looked at each other, thanked the little novice, and walked in directly.

So the two walked to the door of the Duke of Yue's mansion, and when they saw A Wan and Mo Han arguing, and Xiao Xuan'er and Zheng Yan who were dissuading from the side, one pretended to be drunk and the other pretended to be wronged.

"Sister Lan!" "Lord Fang!"

The four came quickly, and when they saw the runner king who was carrying Fang Zilan on his back, they had different expressions, and before they could speak, they saw Fang Zilan on his back stretching out his hand and grabbing randomly in the air, "Good wine, let's have another pot! "Obviously drunk.

A Wan bit her lip, with an indescribable expression, but Mo Han said without changing her face: "Thank you, little brother, for sending Sister Lan back. I don't know which building the little brother is from? I'll send someone to send money over tomorrow." .”

His rhetoric was too upright, and instead, Zhuanlun Wang was stunned for a while, "I..." He hesitated to speak, and looked a little bit annoyed.

A Wan was at a loss, and saw that the King of the Wheel seemed to have made up his mind, and said with a single brain: "Master Fang said that he wants to take me into the house, but I have paid the deposit in the building just now, and I will be with her for the rest of my life. None of you I want to turn my face and deny it!"

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into fists, and it took a lot of effort to keep herself from laughing, but her undulating body still couldn't be ignored.

"Sister Lan seems to be feeling a little unwell..." Mo Han tried to calm down and said, "In that case, you go to the mansion first, and we will talk about the rest when Sister Lan wakes up."

The King of the Wheel swaggered into the Duke of Yue's mansion with Fang Zilan on his back, and the people passing by, whether they were pedestrians or stalkers, were secretly saying that the Duke of Yue was sensual and shameless.

A Wan finally understood, and chased after him through gritted teeth, "Wait a minute, newcomer, Mr. Fang's room is not over there, so don't wander around!"

(End of this chapter)

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