Don't ask where people go

Chapter 680 Rejection

Chapter 680 Rejection
A Wan didn't know when she left, and Li Shengxuan and Fang Zilan who were embracing in the room couldn't see each other's faces, so they could temporarily hide their emotions and enjoy a moment of tranquility.

Although neither of the two of them spoke again, they each had their own ghosts.

Li Shengxuan knew that Fang Zilan's words might be meant to be a test, but they were not empty words.He and Fang Ziqin have no children, and the throne will fall into the hands of his nephews sooner or later.With his deliberate training and support, Li Qiyou is the most suitable candidate.

However, did he tell Fang Zilan about his own position, or did he say that the rank of meticulous work is not high enough to know the news of today's disappearance?

No, if it is possible to collude with bandits and bandits, betray the military situation, and cause the capital to retreat steadily, the rank will definitely not be low...

"Why can't you go up?" Awan's voice suddenly sounded, Fang Zilan looked over and saw that she and Mingxiang were stopped by soldiers guarding the stairs.

"We are searching under the order of the army, and the idlers are waiting to retreat." The soldiers' voices were like a bell, shaking the surroundings into silence and silence.

However, Awan has been in the army with Fang Zilan since the northern border, without any fear, "Master, you have your military orders, and I also have my master. Please make it easy for me. I just need to take a look to confirm my master's order." ..."

"The military order is like a mountain, how can you allow you to mess around?" The soldier glared, and Fang Zilan came quickly when he saw this, "Awan, Mingxiang, I'm fine."

Hearing the sound, the soldier looked back at Fang Zilan, and said routinely: "Are you the master? Have you ever registered at Zuiyue Tower? How many servants are there?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly and said, "That's right, I am the master, registered in Zuiyuelou, and there are four servants in total."

"Four?" The soldier frowned, "Where are the other two?"

"Well..." Fang Zilan looked around, and then asked A Wan and Ming Xiang, "Where did Ah Da Er Er go? Why didn't you come with you?"

Ah Da and Ah Er are referring to Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang. When they changed their names and surnames while hiding their identities, they were not satisfied with the choices they made. Fang Zilan thought they were too picky, so she deliberately chose the two most ordinary names and wrote directly On a corresponding document.

The matter has come to this point, there is no room for repentance, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang can only accept it, but this name and their easy-going looks have indeed become the best umbrella, no one pays attention to it along the way, let alone suspects it.

However, if he is placed under the eyes of the soldiers of the Jiangnan camp, he may not be able to get away with it.

Awan and Mingxiang also knew this, so they faltered and answered irrelevant questions. Fang Zilan frowned and pretended to be surprised: "What are you talking about, Ah Da Er Er is not in the building, could it be that he went to buy sesame seed cakes?"

"It's not biscuits, it's flower cakes." A Wan cooperatively put on a troubled look, "They talked too fast, I didn't hear clearly, what kind of flower cakes..."

The two words as light as a feather made Fang Zilan feel a strange emotion in her heart, which was both unexpected and soft.She never thought that Li Shengxuan would miss her.

"I'm... not bad." Fang Zilan opened her mouth hesitantly, many thoughts flashed through her mind, but none of them could explain why Li Shengxuan appeared here.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was delicate, and Xia Houzhang retreated tactfully.Li Shengxuan stared at Fang Zilan steadfastly, without getting to the bottom of it or explaining why he came, the two fell into silence.


"His Majesty……"

Suddenly the two spoke at the same time, but stopped at the same time. After smiling at each other, Li Shengxuan said first: "I want to see you."

He spoke bluntly, Fang Zilan was stunned, and blurted out: "The day before New Year's Eve, Your Majesty should prepare for the year-end ceremony..." As soon as she spoke, she stopped, as if she was out of control.

Seeing her hesitate to speak, Li Shengxuan raised the corners of his lips and asked with a smile: "What?"

"Nothing." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "What did His Majesty want to say just now?"

"This is the fourth year of my accession to the throne. Except for the first year when you stayed in the north, I can see you every New Year's Eve after that." Li Shengxuan said with a serious expression, "I don't want to make exceptions."

Fang Zilan looked at Li Shengxuan in disbelief, a little confused whether he was unconscious or he had taken the wrong medicine.But his gaze was so calm and eager that she couldn't avoid it.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint His Majesty." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, she heard Li Shengxuan say: "So, I'm here."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, although since the Lantern Festival about a year ago, she felt that Li Shengxuan's attitude towards her was ambiguous, more sincere than buying people's hearts, but less greedy than children's love.

She pretended to be deaf and dumb, but Li Shengxuan made an inch of it.At this point, if she pretended to be confused again, it might not work.So she simply asked: "What do you mean by your majesty's words?"

Li Shengxuan didn't answer her question, but changed his voice and said: "There are rumors in Beijing, I will deal with it myself, you don't have to worry."

"What rumor?" Fang Zilan pretended not to know, and asked.

"Why don't you buy flower cakes in Zuiyue Building, you have to go out to buy them?" Fang Zilan deliberately raised her voice, Ah Shi downstairs understood, and waited at the door for Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang who hurried back upstairs, and gave them a copy flower cake.

Li Shengxuan didn't understand why at first, but he still let Xia Houzhang take over the steaming flower cake, until the two of them came to Fang Zilan and the soldiers who were at a stalemate, he completely understood, "Master..."

"Do you still know to come back?" Fang Zilan said coldly: "I can't find anyone early in the morning, and those who don't know think you are my master."

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan blinked innocently, snatched the flower cake from Xia Houzhang's hand, and handed it to Fang Zilan, "I bought this on purpose, it's delicious, master, try it!"

His appearance as if flattering and offering treasures eased the soldiers' vigilance a bit, and after confirming his and Xia Houzhang's identities, he waved them away.

Unexpectedly, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang had just taken two steps, and before reaching Fang Zilan's side, they heard a shout of "wait a minute" from downstairs.

Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang stopped in their tracks, Fang Zilan's expression froze, Awan and Mingxiang exchanged glances, and finally the five of them looked at the person who made the sound tacitly.

"I don't know which flower cakes you two bought?" The commander who spoke had a half-smile, "I have been coveting the flower cakes in Suzhou Prefecture for a long time, but I don't know which one is the best. The two of you have flowers from Zuiyuelou. I don’t want cakes, I have to go to the one I bought, it tastes really good after all.”

"General, if you like it, you might as well take it and try it." Fang Zilan raised the flower cake in his hand, but the commander shook his head, "How embarrassing, please tell me the name of the store, and I will buy it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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