Don't ask where people go

Chapter 701 Breaking In

Chapter 701 Breaking In
Li Shengxuan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the three notebooks in front of him and the memorials piled up like a hill behind them.

Xia Houzhang was sorting all the memorials, when he heard Li Shengxuan sigh, he asked, "Is Your Majesty worried about the Pei family and Duke Yue?"

"Pei Poming's crime is indeed unforgivable, but..." Li Shengxuan didn't continue, Xia Houzhang understood, "Is your majesty afraid of hurting the Pei family's face, and provoking the family of Gongqing to join forces with him, causing chaos for the court?"

Li Shengxuan didn't say anything, as if he had tacitly agreed, so Xia Houzhang also fell silent, and carefully sorted out the memorials on the case.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Shengxuan picked up Mo Han's letter of resignation, stared at it for a long time, and said, "Show me, go to the Duke's Mansion of the State of Yue."

"Your Majesty is going to see the Duke of Yue?" Xia Houzhang was stunned, and Li Shengxuan said in a low voice, "No, I'm going to see Mo Han. No matter how Fang Zilan fights with the Pei family, Mo Han must be responsible for revising the law. "

Xia Houzhang's expression froze, and he said, "Yes, I'll arrange it right away."

Fang Zilan didn't take a bath that day, so when Li Shengxuan arrived, the other people in the Duke's mansion were very surprised. On the one hand, Mo Han respectfully received the driver and served tea, and on the other hand, Zheng Yan quickly sent people to the mansion. The Yamen informed Fang Zilan.

At first, Fang Zilan thought it was a little strange to hear someone tell the time, but soon realized that it was Li Shengxuan who asked Mo Han to go back and continue to be responsible for revising the law.

If she was in the house, I'm afraid Li Shengxuan would feel that Mo Han needs to obey her wishes, and he would be restrained and scrupled.Now that she is not at the residence, it is convenient for Li Shengxuan to attract people's hearts.

Whether it is a tiger and wolf den, or a blessed land and a cave, you have to go through it yourself to know.What other people say and do is mostly useless.

All she can do is to accompany each other like what Mo Han did to her, so that they will not be too lonely on this road.

As if a stone had fallen to the ground, Fang Zilan looked towards the Duke of Yue's mansion not far away, and walked back slowly.When she walked to the front of the mansion, Mo Han had just sent Li Shengxuan away not long ago, and he was still standing outside without going back.

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han turned his head, facing Zi Lan's gaze above, "I'm back."

Mo Han was stunned for a moment, "You know everything?"

"Know what?" Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled, "Although if I want to listen to the corner, no one will be able to find out, but that's not the case for you."

"That's not what I meant..." Mo Han shook his head, and said with determination: "Sister Lan, I'm going back to the Ministry of Punishment."

Given the expected answer, Fang Zilan said noncommittally, "Then what does Pei Poming say?"

"Confine your feet in the mansion, and you will never be an official." Mo Han answered simply, Fang Zilan's expression froze, "Your Majesty agreed to Pei Poming's letter of guilt?"

Mo Han nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty agrees."

Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves were tightly clenched into fists. Mo Han understood her reluctance and anger, and comforted her: "Sister Lan, the people come first, and the monarch and minister are not that important. , which is more reassuring.”

"You, it always makes sense." Fang Zilan sighed, with a complicated expression, "So, are you willing to endure the anger for a while for the sake of the future generations that can be expected?"

Mo Han didn't answer, Fang Zilan continued to ask, "But who can tell what will happen to the future generations?"

"It's just that I can't explain it clearly, so I have to try it." Mo Han said when he heard his own voice.

Zhuge Ming looked at the person in front of him firmly, "So, actually, you don't want everything to go well?"

"I..." Zhuge Yu hesitated for a moment, then slowly let go of his hand, "I don't know what kind of truth is right, okay."

"The truth doesn't matter right or wrong." Zhuge Ming straightened his sleeves, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Zhuge Yu, "Master Xu Yi, who died in the New Year's Society Opera, was originally the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The law is the only justice."

law?Zhuge Yu was stunned when he heard this word, but suddenly thought of Mo Han for some reason.If the Yue government is still there, he should continue to revise the law based on justice...

In the blink of an eye, Zhuge Yu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly understood the pros and cons of it.The purpose of killing Mo Han was not only to provoke Fang Zilan to avenge him, but also to prevent the reform of the law.

If you think about it from this angle, I'm afraid the murderer behind it is not easy.All vested interests affected by the revision of the law may become accomplices in fueling the flames.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Yu suddenly stood up, "I want to go into the palace."

Zhuge Ming glanced at Zhuge Yu's furious back, and then his eyes fell on the teacup. The tea surface in the cup was shaking, and the tea outside the cup was spilled on the table, leaving an obvious water stain.

A few years have passed, and A Yu is still so impatient.Was it wrong to ask grandfather to hand over the position of Patriarch to A Yu?
In the final analysis, he is the eldest brother, who failed to bear the name of Zhuge, and instead caused the younger brother to suffer...

"My lord." The boy came forward, Zhuge Ming collected his expression, and said, "You don't have to clean up, just go and follow Ayu, and report anytime if there is any situation."

Although she had heard of Pei Poming's confession, who in the court could not see that this was Pei Juanqing's superficial effort, not Pei Poming's sincerity?

People only know pain when their head is bleeding, let alone someone like Pei Poming?If he hadn't paid a heavy price and had always retreated under the protection of the Pei family, he would definitely get worse in the future, and he might do something.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, put down the official business at hand, explained to other people in the government office, and quietly returned to the house.

She was walking on the road, feeling a bit conflicted in her heart, thinking over and over whether she should show up, and when she was worried, she bumped into Ouyang Zirou head-on, and only heard "Aiyo".

Fang Zilan sat on the bed with a haggard face, but her eyes were extremely sharp. She nodded, "Yes."

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, "All the 52 lives in the Xu family were killed by you?"

She stopped talking almost abruptly, Fang Zilan nodded slightly.

"Does it have to be like this?" Ouyang Zirou asked, "Is there no room for redress?"

"If someone offends me, I will pay it back." Fang Zilan's voice was deep, with a hint of murder on his face, "Zirou, I have never been a person who repays evil with virtue."

Ouyang Zirou lowered her eyes and said: "I understand." After she finished speaking, she saluted and turned to leave.

Fang Zilan looked at her back and suddenly felt enlightened.Her worries about Mo Han were like Ouyang Zirou's and Fang Zitong's, and had no real effect.

(End of this chapter)

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