Don't ask where people go

Chapter 705 Fighting Beasts

Chapter 705 Fighting Beasts
Fang Zilan remained silent, but looked at Li Qianning who was sitting next to Mu Churui.Although the new queen of Miluo has no expression on her face, her trembling shoulders have already exposed her fear.

That's right, it's already disturbing to meet such an emperor who watched people fight with wild beasts for fun, let alone the person next to him?It is not an exaggeration to say that I am terrified.

"Mrs. Shizi, do you know what crime is for breaking into the palace?" Mu Churui looked at Fang Zilan with great interest, wondering if she was pretending to be calm, or if she was really not afraid.

"Please enlighten me, Lord." Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter.

Mu Churui hooked his lips, and showed a cruel smile, "The death penalty will implicate the nine clans."

"My life is not difficult for the king, but it is not easy to kill my nine clans." Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "It is not the king's turn to say whether the Fang family in Dajing is alive or not."

Hearing that Mu Churui seemed to have heard something funny, he clapped his hands and laughed out loud, "Mrs. Shizi is so courageous, she deserves to be the bride of Zhongzheng Palace."

"Since the lord knows that I am the bride of Zhongzheng Palace, then he should know why I came today." Fang Zilan stared fixedly at Murong Qing whose life was hanging by a thread in the tiger's mouth, and said coldly: "My husband Murong Qing , I will take it away today."

Mu Churui smiled even wider, "Mrs. Shizi, why did you take away Zhongzheng Shizi?"

"Then why does the lord treat the son like this?" Fang Zilan asked without answering, with an arrogant expression on his face, "If the son has made any mistakes, there are national laws and clan rules, and there is no need for the lord to abuse the lynching anyway. .”

"I'm not abusing lynching, but following the destiny." Mu Churui casually leaned on the throne, as if he didn't pay attention to Fang Zilan's questioning at all, "High Priest, do you think so?"

high priest?When Fang Zilan heard these three words, her expression was startled, and she looked around involuntarily. She saw a woman in a black sacrificial dress, covered with a black gauze, sitting on a high platform, like a silent sculpture.

Hearing Mu Churui's roll call, the woman stood up and nodded slightly, then folded her hands in front of her forehead, and made a gesture of praying to the sky.

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and said loudly: "May I ask the High Priest, what is the destiny to put the son into such a situation?"

Her question was very disrespectful, but the high priest did not reply, but the woman in blue stood up behind her, "Mrs. Shizi, this calamity is time and fate. If Madam doesn't want to see your son suffer, why not help me?" He suffered this."

What nonsense!Fang Zilan suppressed his anger, but in his heart there was a war between heaven and man, if Murong Qing was killed, Ji Ningtian would have no help, and he would not be able to stir up trouble for a while.

But if Murong Qing died, Murong Xun must be disheartened, and Mu Churui would no longer be afraid. He was the only one in Miluo, and without restraint, his next goal would be to send troops northward, pointing directly at the big Beijing.

As for her, she has changed from a bride to a widow, no matter whether it is Dajing or Miluo, there is no place for her anymore...

"Mrs. Shizi, how do you choose?" Mu Churui's voice was teasing, "Will you leave the palace and save your life? Or be robbed and die for the loyal son?"

Fang Zilan clenched her teeth, her eyes fell on the deep pit in front of the Wuji Hall.The dying Murong Qing no longer has the strength to struggle, the fierce tiger is close at hand and will bite off his neck in the next moment.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of Mo Han.On New Year's Eve, when she was on the tower, she saw Mo Han lying in a pool of blood, and she was dressed in such a splendid attire, as if it was the last farewell...

Murong Qing seemed to have a feeling, and looked in Fang Zilan's direction, he opened his mouth, and she vaguely recognized that he said "take care".

Also, "I'm sorry".

Then, Murong Qing slowly closed his eyes, waiting for death to come.

There was wind whizzing past her ears, and what fell from the sky was not death, but Fang Zilan—she tore off the skirt that was in the way, jumped into the deep pit.

Under the eyes of everyone, Fang Zilan didn't want to show off too much, and her leg injury dragged on for too long, so the moment she landed, she caressed her leg with a distorted expression.

Her reaction greatly pleased Mu Churui. He applauded repeatedly, and even asked Li Qianning, "The queen thinks, which one will win, Madam Shizi or Tiger?"

Li Qianning turned pale, bit her lips and said, "My lord, the people below are the faithful son of Miluo and Miss Fang of Dajing, if anything goes wrong..."

"Empress, do you even want to preach to me?" Mu Churui's eyes were full of hostility, and Li Qianning was so frightened that Li Qianning fell silent, but when he was not paying attention, he quietly ordered the maid to move rescuers outside the palace.

Fang Zilan's appearance attracted the tiger's attention.It is ready to go, not only as if it is vigilant against the unkindness of the comer, snatching the food that is close to its mouth, but also as if it is eyeing a new prey, ready to have a full meal at any time.

"Sister..." Murong Qing forced himself to call out, Fang Zilan raised his hand and pulled out the gold hairpin that bound his hair, let his long hair fall down, and staggered towards him.

The tiger rushed up quickly, Fang Zilan dodged and hid behind it, but saw it turned around, lifted its waist and hips, and slammed into it fiercely.

Fang Zilan dodged again, and saw the tiger raising its tail and sweeping towards it.

One pounce, two kicks, three cuts, Wu Song beats the tiger without deceiving me.Fang Zilan sneered, and after avoiding the tiger's three moves, she found the right moment and quickly plunged the gold hairpin into the back of his neck.

However, the tiger was so powerful that it threw Fang Zilan away, and her gold hairpin only hurt its fur, but completely enraged it.

The fierce tiger let out a long howl that shook the sky, making everyone tremble.

Rao Mu Churui, when he saw the tiger holding Fang Zilan with its sharp claws and trying to tear her apart, he ordered: "Go, don't let Mrs. Shizi die."

Not to mention that Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu who came here after hearing the news, couldn't care about anything after hearing the sound, and rushed straight to the front of the Wuji Hall.

"Miss Fang San..." Li Qiyou's face changed, and Zhuge Yu's expression was fierce, "Master Miluo, it was your country who proposed marriage on its own initiative, so I issued a decree to marry Miss Fang San, my lord. Don't bully people too much!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a shrill scream coming from the deep pit.

The people who were distracted by the sudden two people looked over again, and saw the tiger pressing on Fang Zilan's body, the whole neck was bloody and bloody from the gold hairpin, and there was no good skin.

However, Fang Zilan didn't stop, she didn't know whether she was frightened or to vent her anger, she didn't pull out the golden hairpin until the tiger's whole head was almost tied into a sieve by her.

(End of this chapter)

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