Don't ask where people go

Chapter 707 Prophecy

Chapter 707 Prophecy
Not long after, the people who came to visit found another way and entangled other people who went out in the mansion.

One day, after A Wan bought the medicinal materials, she bought a candied haws from a roadside stall, and ate while walking leisurely, but she was stopped by someone before she had gone far.

The woman blocking the way was full of smiles, "Isn't this Miss Awan from the Duke of Yue's mansion? What a coincidence."

Hearing this, Awan's face immediately darkened. This was the first "encounter" in the past few days, and she didn't even want to go out.

"Miss Awan, don't leave, I'm from Wu Shilang's family..." The woman grabbed Awan who turned away and was pushed away impatiently, "Ma'am, I'm just the mansion of the Duke of Yue There's a little maid inside, you don't have to."

"Miss Awan, don't be overly humble. Who doesn't know that you are a medical girl from the Duke of Yue's mansion. No other maid can compare to you..." The woman followed up again with perseverance. Awan walked a few steps quickly, trying to get her get rid of.

"Miss Awan, don't be in a hurry, wait for me..." The woman said and gave the maids beside her a wink, and the maids ran to Awan and surrounded her.

A Wan stopped in her tracks, frowned and said, "Madam, what are you going to do?"

"Miss Awan, I..." As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she was interrupted by a voice, "Awan."

Hearing the sound, Awan turned her head abruptly, and shouted as if seeing a savior: "Brother Chu, you are finally back!"

It was Chu Bin who came, he walked over with a package on his back, grabbed A Wan's wrist, and took her away.

The woman wanted to say something more, but when she met Chu Bin's chilling eyes, she involuntarily fell silent.

After walking a long distance, Chu Bin asked A Wan, "What happened, who were those just now?"

A Wan sighed, and told Chu Bin sullenly the ins and outs. After listening, he said with concern: "Then Lan Lan..."

"What can she do?" A Wan said unhappily: "These people are very bullying and afraid of being tough, and they only pick on weak-looking little girls like me."

"Weak?" Chu Bin laughed dumbly, and A Wan was confident, "Isn't it? Sister Xiao, no one would dare to stop her."

"Yes, what A Wan said makes sense." Chu Bin nodded cooperatively, A Wan was satisfied, and took a bite of a candied haws, but bared her teeth and cried out the pain.

"Eat less candied haws to avoid toothache." Chu Bin was quite helpless, but A Wan said firmly, "It's obviously too cold, and the candied haws are frozen."

Chu Bin didn't argue with A Wan, but walked back with her.When the two entered the gate of the mansion, they saw Fang Zilan who had just returned from the mansion.

"That's all." Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that I'm here, I'll be a good person to the end, clean up military discipline for the general, and teach me what the rules are."

The general was stunned for a moment, then hesitated and said, "Miss Zhen, even if you have your majesty's gold medal, you can't..."

"General, I want to help you, so you don't want to dismantle me." Fang Zilan interrupted the general's words unceremoniously, and said to the deputy general: "It will start with you."

"I..." The lieutenant hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan pinched the back of his neck, as if holding a little chicken, "Tell me, should I confess honestly, or should I serve you with severe punishment?"

Every word she said seemed to be casual, but she revealed an indescribable force and force, which made the general hardly have a chance to breathe and could only confess honestly.

"Last night, someone from Feiling Mountain sent a letter, saying that whoever comes to the Jiangnan camp today will be detained and killed without mercy." , or someone who claims to be His Majesty..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "Who sent the letter in Feiling Mountain?"

"I don't know." The deputy general waved his hand, "These messages are usually sent by Brother Yao..." He changed his words abruptly in the middle of the sentence, "It's Yao Wu, people from Feiling Mountain always look for He, I'm just an errand, I don't know anything."

"Whether it is the mastermind or the accomplice, collusion is a serious crime." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "It is rare for you to have the opportunity to fight for a lighter punishment, so think clearly. If you cheat, you will be punished immediately."

The deputy general pursed his lips, "I really don't know, but I heard from Yao Wu that it seems to be the second master of Feiling Mountain."

"Are you sure?" Fang Zilan's face was as deep as water. If it was Feiling Mountain's second in command, then Hong He and Yin Quanzhang were willing to be abandoned, and they even went so far as to marry Hongtai and put her together.

"I'm not sure. I've seen people coming from Feiling Mountain before, but the people who came last night were different from before, and they looked very strange." The deputy general recalled, "You look younger, and the people who come here are very different from each other. , not like ordinary bandits."

Fang Zilan has a calculation in her heart, it seems that it is not what she thought, Hong He and Yin Quanzhang may not be of the same mind, someone behind the scenes used the name of Fei Lingshan to target her and Li Shengxuan.

There are many people who wish them to die in the south of the Yangtze River, and Ji Ningtian is probably the most urgent among them, could it be...

"Miss Zhen?" The deputy general waved his hand in front of Fang Zilan's eyes, pulling her back from her thoughts, "That's all I know, I've already told you, see if you can..."

"No." Fang Zilan said decisively: "You clearly still have something to hide, so why should I let you go?"

"What else?" The lieutenant asked subconsciously, Fang Zilan curled the corners of her lips with a half-smile, "Since you have seen the person from Feiling Mountain, what did he say?"

A prince of the previous dynasty who is the master of the ghost gate, and a loyal son of Miluo, the man of destiny predicted by the priest.

The lieutenant general suddenly changed his expression, "I only know that the person is coming, but I don't know what exactly he said."

"Before I found out that this spring, Gu Yuan had a new outer room, and that outer room was from Miluo." Chu Bin continued: "In addition, Mr. Mo found a handwritten letter, and Miss Xiao asked the sisters in Qianjinfang to compare the handwriting. , found Mr. Zuo of the Yun family in Xiwu City."

"Murong Qing?" Fang Zilan read the name softly, Chu Bin reacted, and said, "Very likely. Since Mr. Zuo wrote the draft of Gu Yuan's revision of the law, it must have something to do with Murong Qing behind it." .”

In an instant Fang Zilan felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and Chu Bin supported her by the shoulders, "Lanlan, the worst possibility is that they form an alliance."

Ji Ningtian and Murong Qing?A prince of the previous dynasty who is the master of the ghost gate, and a loyal son of Miluo, the man of destiny predicted by the priest.

Could it be that the resetting of the world predicted by the priest of Miluo is actually such a law?

"We have no evidence." Fang Zilan leaned close to Chu Bin's ear, her voice was as light as a feather, and she swept it away.

Fang Zilan took a deep breath and said slowly, "I know."

(End of this chapter)

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