Don't ask where people go

Chapter 725 Falling

Chapter 725 Falling
"Okay, I see." Fang Zilan put the flower paper on the table casually, "Go and answer the people in the palace, and tell me that I will definitely be on time for the banquet. Also, you can ask for me, Chongyang Can relatives be brought to the banquet, and how many people can be brought? Ask clearly."

"Okay." The steward nodded in response, and heard Fang Zilan say: "The people in the palace have worked hard, don't forget to give them the money."

After the steward left, Awan helped Vice General Cao to sit over, "Chongyang has never been organized with such a big fanfare in previous years, even the palace banquets are very simple."

Fang Zilan picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and said happily: "There are festivals, banquets, fun and rewards, so what to do with so much."

"I found that you are really big-hearted now." A Wan picked up a melon seed, and Fang Zilan smiled, "If you go through the ghost gate a few more times, I guarantee that your heart will be bigger than mine."

A Wan shook her head and said, "Who can compare with you..."

"Eat less melon seeds, it's easy to get angry." Fang Zilan said and stuffed Awan's teacup into her hand, "Drink tea. And Lao Cao, you too, drink more tea."

"Boss, I'll do it myself." Deputy General Cao poured several cups of tea in a row, Mo Han poured the tea for him while saying: "Vice General Cao, drink slowly, be careful not to burn it."

Fang Zilan came back to her senses, as if she had made a great determination, she pursed her lips and said, "Master Yang, you go and surrender yourself."

"What?" Yang Zhiqing was dumbfounded, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Your family, I will take care of you temporarily." Fang Zilan looked determined, as if there was no room for change.

"Master Fang..." Yang Zhiqing wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan stopped him, "You are threatened, even if you are guilty, you will not be sentenced too severely, and I will personally write a letter to intercede for you. I also……"

"Why?" Yang Zhiqing asked in a daze, Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said, "It will be a matter of time before Mr. Zou Hongqi from the Ministry of Punishment finds out about you. What's more important is that you pay for your life by killing people. The people behind the scenes should be punished as they should be."

"Due punishment?" Yang Zhiqing laughed to himself as if hearing something funny, "Master Fang, how many people died in the capital, and have those murderers been punished? Why should I..."

"Not in the past, doesn't mean there won't be in the future." Fang Zilan interrupted him and said firmly: "No matter how difficult it is, I will make the people behind the scenes pay the price."

Yang Zhiqing raised his head, stared closely at Fang Zilan, who looked solemn and dignified like a god, and said involuntarily: "What if it can't be done?"

"That must be done." Fang Zilan said without hesitation, "The world needs the truth, not the pretentious peace. Is Mr. Yang willing to bear the charge of buying a murderer to assassinate the imperial court official?"

"I don't want to!" Yang Zhiqing almost yelled, he calmed down and said in a low voice, "Master Rong Fang, give me one more day. After I bid farewell to my family, I will surrender myself."

When he said these words, he looked past Fang Zilan and looked behind her.

Fang Zilan turned her head, looked at the old man walking towards the ancestral hall tremblingly, and finally nodded and said: "Okay."

"This is Mrs. Fang." The old man stepped over the threshold of the ancestral hall, his footsteps were a little unsteady, Yang Zhiqing stood up and walked over quickly, reaching out to support her, "Mother, be careful."

Fang Zilan stepped forward to greet her, and the old man held her hand excitedly, "Okay, that's great, thank you Mr. Fang for taking care of my kid. His father passed away early, if he hadn't been willing to endure hardships, in the southeastern smoky land I have stayed there for many years, and I don't have the good life I have in the capital now. In the future, Mr. Labor will worry a lot. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me."

The old man was about to salute, Fang Zilan hurriedly grabbed her arm with his backhand, "Ma'am, you are serious."

"Master Fang, how is my kid doing in the government office? Didn't he cause trouble for you?" The old man's eyes were full of cautious expectation, Fang Zilan curled his lips and said with a smile: "Master Yang is doing well, the government office No one in the Yamen can do without him."

"That's good, that's good..." The old man smiled as if relieved, but coughed violently the next moment.

Seeing this, Yang Zhiqing said anxiously: "Master Fang, my mother has not recovered from her long illness and cannot bear the wind. Please allow me to send her back to the room first."

"You go." Fang Zilan said goodbye: "I have something to do at home, so I won't stay any longer."

Yang Zhiqing saluted in a hurry, then helped the old man to leave.Fang Zilan looked at their backs, feeling a little sour in her heart.

When Xiao Xuan'er was investigating the people in the government office before, she had told her about Yang Zhiqing, and the words were quite regrettable.

Yang Zhiqing's father was originally the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and his rank was not low, but he died early. When he died in office, Yang Zhiqing was only ten years old.Later, according to the recommendation system of officials' children, I got a low-level idle job.

With nowhere to show his ambitions, Yang Zhiqing invited himself to the smoky southeast—a place that all the children of the capital avoided, and he had only one at that time.

This trip lasted eight years, and when he returned to Beijing, he finally entered the southeast government office, but he was still a little-known little master. Fortunately, he didn't care too much, as long as he received a salary to support his family, it was enough .

He is just a conscientious ordinary person who takes every step steadily and hard, but he will be involved in such a turmoil by chance, and in the end he can't even do it alone.

Fang Zilan didn't know how she got back to the mansion. She suddenly felt that she could no longer passively let Ji Ningtian lead her away. If things went on like this, she would only implicate more and more innocent people.

Maybe in Ji Ningtian's eyes, they are nothing more than ants, but in her eyes, they are all real people, once in this world, they shouldn't leave the scene without knowing why.

"I see." Fang Zilan responded, and the housekeeper said again: "Master Fang is here, do you want to invite him in?"

"Mr. Fang?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "Mr. Fang Lihui? Please come in."

After a while, the housekeeper brought Fang Lihui over.When Fang Lihui saw Fang Zilan, she stopped him just as he was about to salute, "Mr. Fang, there is no need to be too polite between you and me."

"Since Mr. Fang said so, then I will not be polite." Fang Lihui sat down on the empty seat after speaking.

After Fang Zilan signaled the steward to step back, he asked, "Young Master Fang, why did you come here today?"

Fang Lihui coughed lightly, "I'm ashamed to say, I'm here today for this year's money."

"Tell me, how long do you want me to wait this time?" Fang Zilan looked easy to speak, Fang Lihui pursed his lips, and said pitifully, "Two years?"

Hearing this, A Wan who was on the side was choked by the tea and coughed a few times, "Mr. Fang, are you going too far?"

(End of this chapter)

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