Chapter 727
Although Fang Chongzheng didn't get up, he spoke politely, "Master Fang is the Duke of Dajingyue, and his rank is above mine. Today's gift is a vain gift for me."

"The Prime Minister is too serious." Fang Zilan stood up straight without any intention of sitting down, "I don't know why the Prime Minister invited me here today?"

"There are a lot of things to do today, please be patient, Mr. Fang, don't think I'm long-winded." Fang Chongzheng pointed out something, and Fang Zilan simply took his seat generously.

The butler personally brought refreshments over, and then withdrew, and there was not a single servant girl left in the hall.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan thought in her heart that what Fang Chongzheng was going to tell her might not be simple.Sure enough, Fang Chongzheng said slowly, "The truth about the murder of the Duke of Jui is revealed. Master Fang must have heard about it."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, Fang Chongzheng looked at her firmly, "I want to hear Master Fang's opinion."

"I..." Fang Zilan's lips twitched, but suddenly she didn't know where to start with a lot of thoughts. It was a shocking case, but now it seems like a joke.

"With Mr. Fang's ability, he must know more things than I do. I have a doubt, whether Mr. Fang can explain it for me?" Fang Chongzheng seemed to have expected her reaction, and changed his voice: "If Mr. Fang can solve my doubts, and I would like to tell Mr. Fang what he wants to know the most."

Hearing that Fang Zilan's gaze sharpened a little, since the beginning of the year she has been doing something, from Baiye Temple to Fang's house, others may not know what she is looking for, but Fang Chongzheng must know.

It sounded like a deal, and one she couldn't refuse.

Her silence seemed to be her acquiescence, Fang Chongzheng asked bluntly: "Since Lianniang can poison Duke Juan, why didn't she directly attack Pei Poming?"

"It's not impossible." Li Shengxuan connected all the places on the map one by one, Fang Zilan was thoughtful, "We are in Jiangdu now, although we are not far from all the prefectures, but..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, staring fixedly at the circle marked on Li Shengxuan's map, "This is... Suzhou Mansion?"

"The Fang family will hold an annual spring meeting in Suzhou Mansion. At that time, officials from the surrounding mansions, big or small, will come here in person or by sending people." Li Shengxuan said with certainty, "This is the opportunity."

Fang Zilan was silent for a while, before saying: "Although I have the identity of the chamber of commerce, I haven't received the invitation to the Spring Festival, so I went rashly..."

"Don't worry, I have an invitation for the Spring Festival." Li Shengxuan said, and took out a golden invitation from his bosom and handed it over, Fang Zilan took it and looked at it, "There is nothing written on it? "

"You are quite perceptive." Li Shengxuan's lips curled up slightly, "But others may not, this post is enough to deceive laymen."

"It may be enough to deceive a layman, but it is not enough to deceive Fang's family." Fang Zilan said helplessly: "Can't you find someone to imitate it?"

"The Fang family's gold-sprinkling posts are all specially made by a special person, and it's hard to find one." Li Shengxuan shrugged innocently, "It's me, I don't have that much skill."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath. Perhaps she has always regarded Li Shengxuan as a god and Buddha in the temple worshiped by everyone. He is so powerful and omnipotent that when he hears these words now, he just finds it inconceivable, as if the person in front of him is an impostor. dummy.

Li Shengxuan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by Fang Zilan, and asked involuntarily, "Why do you look at me like this?"

"I'm confirming." Fang Zilan tightly held the invitation, "Are you Li Shengxuan?"

"Fang Zilan, you are bold!" Xia Houzhang, who had been guarding the door all along, finally couldn't help but interjected, "How dare you name?"

He deliberately lowered his voice, he looked like an angry puffer fish, holding his cheeks but he didn't dare to attack at will, Fang Zilan was so happy to see it, he wanted to tease him, wanting to see what it would be like when the puffer fish exploded.

Li Shengxuan had a panoramic view of Fang Zilan's thoughts, and changed his voice first: "It's okay, I'm just an ordinary person now, and I still have to rely on Miss Fang to support me."

"Me?" Fang Zilan pointed at herself and laughed dumbfounded, "Something to remind you?"

"Ms. Fang's body as a businessman is much better than that of me, a poor commoner." Li Shengxuan looked natural, and Fang Zilan's hand holding the invitation became more and more forceful, and it seemed that the next moment the invitation would be smashed to pieces.

"Miss Fang, please be merciful." Li Shengxuan said solemnly, "It took me a lot of effort to get this invitation, if it is destroyed..."

"So what if it's ruined?" Fang Zilan tore up the invitation without any scruples, "I will find another invitation to the Spring Festival, the real Fang family's invitation."

Li Shengxuan chuckled, "Well, I'm sorry."

"You did it on purpose." Fang Zilan collected her expression, "Since you want to cooperate, then don't play any tricks. I have something to say, and I don't have time to accompany you to make troubles."

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back. Li Shengxuan had reservations about her, and she didn't completely trust him.However, the current situation is really not suitable for mutual suspicion.

"If I want an invitation card, is it still possible?" Fang Zilan pursed her lips, Ming Xiang thought for a while and said, "Qianjinfang receives invitations from Fang's family every year, but..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan knew in her heart that Qianjinfang could not be easily shown in front of people, so even if she received the invitation, she never showed her face.

Now, if she shows up at the spring meeting with the invitation from the Fang family to Qianjinfang, it will only arouse people's suspicion. In the future, if she wants to deceive people and act as an ordinary businessman, I'm afraid it will be impossible.

However, if everyone's attention can be drawn to her, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang will have the opportunity to investigate carefully.After all, time is running out, and this is the fastest way at the moment.

"If this poison is applied to the little girl's sleeve arrow, will it have the same effect?" Fang Chongzheng asked, and Fang Zilan said firmly: "Yes, but it doesn't take effect as quickly as oral administration."

Fang Chongzheng thought thoughtfully: "If this poison is used on Mrs. Pei or other Pei family members, will it be fatal?"

Fang Zilan still answered neatly: "Yes."

She had asked Awan to investigate the poison before, and Awan told her that this poison was incompatible with the medicines commonly used by the Pei family, so it would be fatal if used on the Pei family, and it would be fatal if used on other people...

Wait, the medicine commonly used by the Pei family...

Fang Zilan suddenly realized something, and before he could change his words, he listened to Fang Chongzheng's words: "Master Fang's words are wrong. Except for Duke Ping and Mrs. Pei, if others use it, it may not be fatal."

"What exactly does the Prime Minister want to tell me?" Fang Zilan held the teacup in his hand calmly. Fang Chongzheng knew the answer a long time ago, and he just pushed her into the game out of suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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