Don't ask where people go

Chapter 729 Undercurrent

Chapter 729 Undercurrent
"Lord Wei, be merciful!" Fang Zilan hurriedly stepped forward, only to see Mrs. Ouyang having difficulty breathing, but she showed no sign of struggle.

Seeing that Wei Subaru seemed to have lost interest, he threw him aside casually, and Fang Zilan hurriedly supported him, "Mrs. Ouyang, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere..."

Mrs. Ouyang patted Fang Zilan's arm, indicating that she was fine, then stood up straight, looked at Wei Subaru firmly and said, "I want Zirou to be safe, and I want her to come back alive."

Fang Zilan's expression changed suddenly, "Mrs. Ouyang, what did you say?"

"The Ouyang family didn't want Ouyang Zirou to join the Ministry of Industry, so they used sleeve arrows and improved bows and crossbows as an excuse to direct and act in quite a show." Wei Subaru sneered, "Why, Madam Ouyang regretted it now?"

Mrs. Ouyang turned pale, "I never thought of..."

"Even if Ouyang Zongrui's mud can't support the wall, he is quite courageous under your connivance." Wei Subaru interrupted her coldly, "When you acquiesce in Ouyang Zongrui ordering soldiers from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to give false testimony, then You should have thought that he would attack Ouyang Zirou. After all, Pei Poming dared to poison Duke Ping, let alone your lawless son?"

Mrs. Ouyang's voice weakened, "Master Wei Guogong, I implore you to save Zirou and bring her back safely for Wei Shi's sake."

"Why, do you still want to complain about those bandits?" Hong He snorted coldly, "Although the elder sister escaped, she died of dystocia. In the end, only my elder brother and I were left alone."

Fang Zilan heard this, and couldn't help asking: "After that, you and Hongtai will take over Feiling Mountain and take over..."

"The Hong family is a minister, and the wolf army is a soldier. How can you be a bandit?" Hong He interrupted Fang Zilan sharply, "Miss Zixiu, you underestimate our brothers and sisters."

"If according to what Miss Hong He said, the Hong family is not a bandit." Li Shengxuan said meaningfully: "Then why did you appear here today? Also, why is Hong Tai the master of Feiling Mountain?"

Hong He's expression froze, "If we had no other choice, how could my brother and I..."

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped, looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Miss Zixiu, you have done so many things for him. You should be the most clear about the reasons."

he?Fang Zilan realized in an instant, thinking that the Hong brothers and sisters were instigated by Ji Ningtian, so they fell into bandits and became bandits sitting on Feiling Mountain.

Later, it continued to develop and grow, and became the leader of many bandits, and also became the most distinctive banner against the imperial court.

"Miss Zixiu doesn't speak, but is she guilty? Don't dare..." Fang Zilan stopped Hong He as soon as she opened her mouth, "I have nothing to dare, it's just that I took medicine, and I don't remember many things."

She spoke lightly, but Li Shengxuan's expression changed, and he tightened his hand a little bit, as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he loosened it a bit.

Fang Lihui on the other side was also full of astonishment, no wonder he always felt that the current Fang Zilan was neither similar to the previous sister Lan, so it was because of amnesia?

"You..." Hong He looked at Fang Zilan incredulously, seeing her curl her lips and said calmly: "Miss Hong He, I know too much about him. Even if he can't kill me, he won't kill me." Let me go."

There was helplessness in her shallow smile, more of indifference, as if she was talking about an unimportant person.The past and the past are nothing more than steps down.

"Miss Zixiu is so open-minded, if I ask more questions, she will appear aggressive." Hong He lowered her expression and said, "Forget it, it's my brother and I's choice after all, and I can't blame others."

She let out a long sigh before continuing: "My father was loyal to General Zhenbei King Pingnan all his life, and my elder brother inherited his father's behest and was loyal to Princess Wuqing. The princess chose Ji Ningtian, and my brother followed her without hesitation. I chose Ji Ningtian. This is the beginning of everything."

"You can probably guess what happened after that. My brother was ordered by Ji Ningtian to occupy the mountain as king. With the support of Uncle Sun and other old Wolf Army troops, he took back all the bandits on the mountain. The family dominates, just to one day be able to For Princess Wuqing, I will restore Great Chu."

"But I always feel that all of this is nothing more than a mirror image. Since the establishment of the Great Beijing Dynasty, even if it is not a deep foundation, it can be regarded as very popular and unshakable."

When Hong He said this, she laughed self-deprecatingly, "But it doesn't matter what I think, after all, I can't control all of this. I, my brother, Yin Quanzhang, and even King Rong An are just a pawn on the chessboard. I can't help myself..."

"You mean, King Rong An?" Fang Zilan couldn't help interjecting, "What does this have to do with King Rong An?"

If Ouyang Zirou died, then Ouyang Zongrui would be able to justifiably take over the arsenal, and with Mrs. Ouyang's help, he would definitely be the next Patriarch Ouyang.

No, besides Ouyang Zirou, Ouyang Zongrui has another threat...

In the blink of an eye, Fang Zilan asked anxiously: "Mrs. Ouyang, where is Ouyang Juncheng now?"

"Juncheng?" Mrs. Ouyang was stunned for a while before she realized, "Juncheng's wife was unwell a few days ago, and he asked for leave..."

She stopped before she finished speaking, Fang Zilan supported her back, and said in a deep voice: "Mrs. Ouyang, if Ouyang Zongrui really does not stop doing one thing, the Ouyang family must be in a mess right now, and Madam needs to go back and preside over it." Big picture."

"I..." Mrs. Ouyang bit her lips tightly, her eyes were red.

"Madam Ouyang, don't worry, I will definitely find Zirou. If you want to see someone alive, you need to see a corpse when you die." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, Wei Subaru came over and pulled the jade pendant from Mrs. Ouyang's hand in a noncommittal manner.

"Master Wei..." Fang Zilan wanted to say something, but Wei Mao raised his hand and held up the jade pendant, "The person who was entrusted by Wei Shi to obey this jade talisman will leave with Ouyang Wei Shi. , you have nothing to do with Wei Shi and Beijing Suburb Daying."

After he finished speaking, more than a dozen people stood up. Mrs. Ouyang watched them walk behind her, and they all saluted respectfully.

"Thank you, Lord Wei." Mrs. Ouyang closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was no more haze in them.

The Wei family's children all belong to the battlefield.From the moment she stepped into Ouyang's house, she knew that her battlefield was Ouyang's house.

On her battlefield, no one can break the rules, even if that person is her own son.

Those who break the rules can only be expelled from the battlefield.Especially, people who used such despicable means.

Fang Zilan watched as Mrs. Ouyang's figure disappeared before her eyes, and the jade pendant in Wei Subaru's hand fell and shattered.She didn't stay too long, and strode out of the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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