Don't ask where people go

Chapter 732 like smoke

Chapter 732 like smoke
After the crisp sound of chopsticks fell, it was the boy's dull voice tinged with astringency, "I just want to know what happened in Wanhualou seven years ago, and I never thought that it would cause Miss Lingyu to commit suicide."

"Seven years ago?" Fang Zilan thought for a while, but found that she had no memory of this time point.

"I've checked the account of Wanhua Building. Seven years ago, a large amount of money flowed in, which made the business of all the girls in the building able to survive." Ah Shi said quietly: "But I have no account books in Fang's house. At that time, Fang Liren, the former head of the family, took over the second year, and the elders of Fang Liren were very strict about the expenses of various accounts, and there was absolutely no possibility of tampering with them behind the scenes."

"Just to share your worries." Li Shengxuan's face was calm, Fang Zilan clenched his fists, "No need. In my heart, you are my brother-in-law, even if you change your identity, it will not change."

"Master Fang, spare me, I'll send him here right now." After a trembling voice, a middle-aged woman pushed the door and came out, but as soon as she reached the door, she saw Fang Zilan throwing something. What, "You can find someone to take this brand to the Duke of Yue's mansion to get the money."

The woman took a closer look and was so frightened that she could hardly hold it, "Lord Fang, the token of the Duke..."

Fang Zilan wondered: "Remember what?"

"It's nothing." Li Shengxuan turned his face away, and Fang Zilan didn't ask any more questions, but instead said: "Time is running out, let's exchange information first. What have you found?"

"Bandits colluded with the local government, especially in Feiling Mountain." Li Shengxuan walked to Fang Zilan's side, picked up the pen and paper she put on the table, and sketched a simple map with a few strokes.

"There are many gangsters among the bandits, and they have always had the habit of worshiping the top of the mountain." Fang Zilan looked at the picture and said, "The leader of the Feiling Mountain bandit should be the culprit. If you kill him, the Feiling Mountain bandits will be wiped out, and the land in the south of the Yangtze River will be destroyed." It can stop a lot.”

"Not to mention the collusion between officials and bandits, it is the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain..." Li Shengxuan pursed his lips, and then said, "Three caves of the cunning rabbit, let alone a maze like Feiling Mountain?"

"General Zhou, I can't bear this." Fang Zilan supported Zhou Lang's arm, "You are the pillar of the country, how can you thank me so easily? It really breaks me."

"Miss Zhen, you can bear it." Zhou Lang kept his saluting posture motionless, like a stone statue, and said in a deep voice: "Your trip is not easy, but you still don't forget your home, country and world. Only this heart, It’s enough to be admirable, not to mention that you practice yourselves and never slack off.”

Hearing his words, Lin Jian who was next to him felt like a raging flame was burning in his chest, and a heart was framed in it, which was extremely hot.It was as if the fire in the Lin Family Village had started again that year, but it was even more intense.

Even though he was unwilling at that time, he also knew that not everyone can be a hero, at least he didn't have the ability to do it.

However, at this moment, Fang Zilan, who looked powerless and powerless, and who got the name and surname of Qianjinfang Zhen from nowhere, who was mediating between bandits and high-ranking dignitaries, suddenly understood—the so-called hero does not have to be You have to be able to do it.

It's just that when most people choose to be alone, a very small number of people choose to stand up, so they become heroes.

Maybe they will lose everything, and in the end there is only one name left on the page, and even the name may not be preserved, but they still rush forward without regret or complaint.

This time, he, Lin Jian, can also be such a person.How lucky?Even once in a lifetime is enough.

"Since the two of you know my heart, I'll leave everything to you." Fang Zilan poured three cups of tea and lined them up on the table, and then she held up her teacup with both hands, "I use tea instead of wine, here Respect to both of you. May the family and the country be peaceful in the future.”

Zhou Lang and Lin Jian also raised the teacups on the case, and respected Fang Zilan, "May the family, the country and the world be peaceful in the future."

Li Shengxuan, who was always outside the door and never went far, couldn't help but feel sore eyes when he saw this scene.

It turned out that he was not really alone.

Among the world, he is not the only one who is willing to fight for prosperity and peace.

My way is not alone—the four words suddenly appeared in Li Shengxuan's mind, and there was an ironing note in my heart that had never been there before, as if all the bitterness and pain before had disappeared with these words.

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then changed the topic, "You said earlier that you believed that there were secret operations in the Jiangnan camp, what happened?"

"After the establishment of the Jiangnan camp, we fought against bandits and bandits." Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "They all ended in failure."

"Just because of this, is there a meticulous work?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and Li Shengxuan sighed softly, "You have never fought bandits and bandits before, maybe you don't know that Dajing has never been defeated."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, Li Shengxuan pulled another piece of paper, and the pen changed and became much sharper.

"Bandits and bandits have always been difficult to achieve, because from the previous dynasty to the present, there has been a fixed style of fighting." Li Shengxuan explained: "The so-called never leave the original line, maybe the court will suffer in one or two battles, but never As for defeat."

Fang Zilan reacted, "The second year of Fang Liren's succession as the head of the family was when Fang Lihui's Wanhua Building was first built, right?"

"Master Fang, have you ever heard of the Jiangnan Painting Boat Fire Case?" Ah Shi suddenly brought up an irrelevant old case, Fang Zilan was startled, and remembered.The flames soared into the sky, burning the entire river red.

It was more than seven years ago, when she came out of Hidden Sword Villa, she encountered this shocking case.

A fire not only killed several important state officials on the boat, but even the boats next to it were not spared. Countless gentry, wealthy businessmen were killed or injured.Later, it was found out that several kabuki on the boat hated the injustice of the world, so they set fire to vent their anger.

Although the fire was huge, the truth behind it was also obscured by the death of the murderer. However, after this case, the imperial court strictly managed the entertainment venues in various places, and there were layers of requirements from the beginning of their opening...

"It seems that Mr. Fang has heard of it." Ah Shi looked at the silent Fang Zilan, and continued, "The culprit in this case, the kabuki that set fire to it all came from Qianyan Pavilion, which is the first place opened by Mr. Fang Lihui. One brothel, and the second one is Wanhualou."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, "You mean..."

She didn't continue, Ah Shi interjected: "Not only that, after that case, the relationship between Fang's family and the state government has improved a lot, and Mr. Fang Lihui's silk and satin shop has gone the way of a high-ranking official..."

"Ah yes, does Fang Lihui know that you are looking for him?" Fang Zilan suddenly said, Ah Shi's eyes turned red, "It's more than knowing? Otherwise, Master Fang thinks, why did Miss Lingyu die?"

(End of this chapter)

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