Don't ask where people go

Chapter 739 Restraint

Chapter 739 Restraint
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Fang Chongzheng brought his second daughter, Fang Zitong, into the palace together. After entering the palace, the two went to Fengyi Palace where Fang Ziqin was located, without stopping along the way.

However, when the two of them passed the imperial garden, they were blocked by a few sweeping attendants.

Seeing that it was Fang Chongzheng and Fang Zitong, the female officer standing aside to supervise the work hurried forward to greet her and say hello, "Lord Fang, Second Miss Fang is well." After she saluted, she immediately signaled the attendants who were sweeping to get out of the way.

Fang Zitong stopped at the same spot, carefully looked at several attendants, and saw that each of them was holding a bucket in their hands, and the white flowers in the bucket seemed to be grains of salt.

Seeing this, she couldn't help asking: "Adults, are you spreading salt to melt snow?"

"Second Miss Fang has good eyesight, so she can tell at a glance that they are throwing salt." The female officer looked at Fang Zitong approvingly, and then explained: "It's just that they didn't just throw salt to melt snow."

"Not only for melting snow?" Fang Zitong's eyes flashed with surprise, and he quickly said, "Or for repelling insects?"

"Exactly." The female officer nodded and said: "A few days ago, the gardener in the uterus saw insects when he was tending the flowers and plants, so he told him to sprinkle more salt after the winter snow, not only to melt the snow, but also to repel insects. The emperor The Empress Dowager loves the flowers and plants in the garden, so we have to be more careful in serving them."

"Really?" Fang Zitong had an obvious disapproval expression on his face, "Sprinkling salt to repel insects is understandable, but not all pests can be repelled by sprinkling salt, and the right medicine must be prescribed."

Hearing this, the female officer couldn't help but change her face, and said embarrassingly, "Second Miss Fang said..."

"Zitong." Fang Chongzheng's voice came from the side of several people, neither light nor heavy, but with a shocking power.

Hearing the sound, Fang Zitong walked to Fang Chongzheng's side step by step, bowed his head and said nothing.

Fang Chongzheng was standing under a plum tree, his jade hair crown was tied up meticulously, his beard was neatly grown, and his official uniform cloak was neat and straight, standing upright.

He nodded to the female officer and said: "The way the gardener in the palace behaves has its own reasons. The little girl speaks ignorantly and lies, I hope you don't have the same knowledge as her."

The female officer stood with her hands down respectfully, "Lord Fang is too serious."

But Fang Chongzheng said: "However, even if it is to repel insects, it must be measured. Going too far, hurting the roots of plants and trees for a short-term benefit, is against nature. I am afraid that after the beginning of spring, the garden will not be full of colorful and fragrant flowers. view."

He spoke every word in a gentle and natural manner, but clearly revealing the strictness without anger and prestige.

The coercion from the high-ranking people made the female officer involuntarily lose her composure, and she said with a frozen expression: "What Mr. Fang taught is that we must remember Mr. Fang's teachings."

"No." Fang Lihui didn't know when he took out his folding fan again, and shook it open with a clatter as if showing off, "If I want to leave the Fang family, I'm afraid the Fang family will pay me a sum of money." .”

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Liren suspiciously, "What does Mr. Fang want to do with such a large sum of money?"

Fang Liren remained silent, but it was Fang Lihui who spoke for him, "If Miss Sassan knew that her cousin was going back to Persia with her, she would probably be willing to pay the money for her cousin, but I don't know if my cousin is willing."

"Fang Lihui!" Fang Liren clenched his fists tightly, his eyes filled with uncontrollable anger, "This is my business and has nothing to do with Warners."

"Really?" There was an imperceptible sarcasm in Fang Lihui's smile, "But my cousin left the Fang family because of Miss Sassan, so affectionate..."

"Shut up!" Fang Liren interrupted Fang Lihui's words in a cold voice, his expression turned from anger to sadness, but he returned to his previous appearance as Mr. Pianpian in a flash, "I will pay back the money owed, and I will not be with the Fang family. You went back."

"Cousin has ambition, but now you, what do you have to pay back?" Fang Lihui put away the folding fan, and his eyes became more ruthless, "Why are you so obsessed with obsession?"

Fang Liren didn't answer, but lifted his chin slightly and raised his head to look at the person in front of him.

He was about the same size as Fang Lihui, and from this angle, he could see the corners of his eyes and brows, which were made more sharp by the light and shadow.

The little boy who followed him step by step at the beginning has grown so big that he can safely hand over the Fang family to him.

Seeing a smile on the corner of Fang Liren's mouth, Fang Lihui felt that the fire in his chest was burning more and more. He took a sudden step forward and grabbed his collar, "What are you laughing at?"

Fang Liren patted Fang Lihui's hand holding his collar lightly, smiled indulgently and helplessly, "Lihui, you are the one who is obsessed with obsession."

Fang Lihui's hand gradually loosened, he took a step back and stood still, with a low voice, "In business, if you can't repay the money, cousin, I won't let you leave the Fang family."

"As I said, I will pay you back." Fang Liren's breezy appearance made people feel at ease, and Fang Lihui continued to ask persistently, "When?"

Fang Liren was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "I won't leave until I pay off the debt."

"I'll remember what my cousin said." Fang Lihui nodded emphatically, "It's getting late today, so I won't disturb you all. I'll take my leave first."

The empress dowager still asked the guard calmly, "Too much is too much, it hurts the root, and goes against nature. Fang Chongzheng really said that?"

The dark guard nodded hurriedly, "Yes."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand to indicate that he could go down, and the mother at the side came to her side and whispered in a low voice: "It's too late, if the one from Qiankun Palace is determined to investigate this time, I'm afraid our Pei family..."

Mammy didn't finish her sentence, but the Empress Dowager knew her meaning very well, and said softly: "Fang Chongzheng is indeed extremely powerful. This whole court, even the Ai family and the emperor, may not be as clear as he is." If this case continues to be investigated, once it hurts the foundation of the Dajing court and violates the system of public servants, the princes of the family will join forces to oppose it, and Dajing will be in danger."

Hearing this, Mammy's brows and eyes were full of worry, "Ma'am, what should we do now..."

The Empress Dowager regained her composure and snorted coldly: "Forget it, you go and inform Wang Quanrui, let his brother Wang Quanzhi find a scapegoat to take the blame, and close the case."

She thought for a while, and said: "As for the one surnamed Lu, the Ai family sees him as the culprit."

The nanny confirmed: "Your Majesty is talking about Lu Zhizhang, Inspector of Yanzhou?"

"Then the other people in the northern region?" Mammy couldn't help asking, but seeing the empress dowager's expression became colder, "The group of people in the northern region are just pawns in the game between the Ai family and the emperor and Fang Zilan. The Ai family doesn't want to make Fang Zilan go crazy and desperate for those people. For the sake of their many years of guarding the border, let's keep it."

(End of this chapter)

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