Chapter 747
The man's left hand was caressing the desk case, and a jasper teacup was held in his right hand. The tattoo of vines climbing out of his sleeve spread from the back of his smooth hand to his slender fingertips.

As if he didn't notice the person coming, the man's vermilion lips were printed on the jade-colored teacup, and he took a sip leisurely.

As the tea fell into the mouth and the man's Adam's apple rolled, Fang Zilan only felt a chill down his spine.

She stared fixedly at the man in front of her, feeling indescribably strange.A faint dangerous atmosphere pervaded her surroundings, making her instinctively clenched the hands hidden under the cloak.

"Lord Wei!" Wei Wei's voice broke the silence in the tent, he walked to Fang Zilan's side, and bowed respectfully to the man in the main seat, "I have invited Master Fang here."

Only then did the man raise his eyes, and casually looked at the person standing in front of him.

His pupils are lighter in color, with a faint amber light.The whole pair of eyes seemed to be clear, but in fact they were extremely cold without any emotion, so empty that it was almost barren.

"Master Fang, you're here." The corner of the man's lips raised a small arc, and Fang Zilan stood there without any reaction, waiting for his next words.

"My lord Fang came to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing before to recruit troops. I regret that I couldn't see him because of my official business." The man's smile was more playful, "I can see you today, your lord Fang is really extraordinary. Alone, he dared to go straight to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, which is admirable."

Fang Zilan settled down, and said loudly: "Since Master Wei invited me to come, then I can't be called Chuang."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't know, when did Master Fang be invited here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Wei's face turned earthy, his body trembled a few times, and he looked at Fang Zilan as if asking for help.

"Who am I, does it matter?" Fang Zilan interrupted her indifferently, "In this situation, life and death are at stake. Status and status are irrelevant. It's not just someone who is rich and precious can escape the plague, isn't it?"

Yun Qinghan pursed her lips and let her continue, "Since you have taken my two sisters in, then we must do our best. Although I dare not promise you anything lightly, whether it is Uncle Wang or your father, , or other people infected with the plague in the village and town, we bet our lives and will heal to the end."

After she finished speaking, she looked at A Wan, only to see her nod her head slightly, "Sister, let's get down to business, I'll try your method first and see if it works."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded in response, and A Wan took out a silk handkerchief from her bosom and handed it to Yun Qinghan as if thinking of something, "I soaked this silk handkerchief with herbs, and it has a certain effect on preventing the disease. Miss Qinghan, wear it."

Fang Zilan looked at A Wan wearing a silk handkerchief for Yun Qinghan, and asked aloud: "A Wan, how much of this silk handkerchief have you made?"

"Not much. I prepared six parties. I gave one to Miss Yan'er before, and one for you and Miss Qinghan. Now there are only two parties left." A Wan turned to look at Fang Zilan, "You want to Let me give each of the people in the hospital who are not infected?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "But in terms of quantity, I'm afraid it's not enough. Is this silk handkerchief troublesome to make?"

"The silk handkerchief is nothing, the key is the soaked medicine, which is a bit troublesome to make." A Wan struggled for a moment, then took out the remaining two silk handkerchiefs from her arms and handed them to Fang Zilan, "Use it first, I will find a way to make some more soaked medicine."

"Okay, just ask if you need me to do something." Fang Zilan took Sipa, and asked Yun Qinghan: "Qinghan, how many people in the medical center are not infected besides you?"

Yun Qinghan stretched out his hand to pick it up, just in time to see Ah Jun who had already set up the car and had just returned to the courtyard, so he beckoned him over.

Ah Jun stood far away from them, and he didn't dare to go over for a long time, "What do you want Missy?"

Yun Qinghan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say, just in embarrassment, he heard Fang Zilan say: "Qinghan, I have something to ask you."

"I'm worried that the medical center is short-staffed. Please Qinghan, please help me find other doctors in the village and town who are willing to treat patients who are sick. We all work together and can save one person." Fang Zilan spoke sincerely, and Yun Qinghan agreed, " But Uncle Wang and my father..."

"Don't worry, Awan and I can handle it." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "Besides, there is Miss Xiaohuan?"

"Xiaohuan doesn't know about the two girls yet, I'll go and talk to her first before looking for someone else." Yun Qinghan was about to leave after speaking, but suddenly she turned her head and asked as if thinking of something: "Miss Alan , what if there is no doctor willing to help?"

"It depends on Uncle Wang." Fang Zilan looked at Uncle Wang who was weeping silently. He heard someone mention that he raised his head in confusion, "What?"

"Wealth touches people's hearts." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed, "If everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties, as long as the plague is over, Uncle Wang is not only willing to provide rewards for all those who contributed, but also to engrave a monument and pass it on to everyone. merit. Am I right?"

Fang Zilan said indifferently: "If Master Wei hadn't detained Deputy General Cao, I would not be here. The way Master Wei invites people is also very special."

"Deputy General Cao has never reported to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing since he returned to Beijing. He left his post without authorization and did not accept the command and deployment. It is a matter of course for me to be punished by military law." The man snorted and said with a smile: "Lord Fang was once The Lord of the Northern Territory, the commander in chief of the army, who is determined to kill and attack, would come to question my teacher for this kind of people?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said bravely: "Deputy General Cao followed me to the northern border, and he is already a member of the northern border. Now that he returns to Beijing with me, he will definitely be included in the roster of my house."

"Lord Fang's words are right." The man nodded noncommittally and said, "It's a pity that the regulations have been messed up. If Lord Fang sincerely wanted someone, he should have asked Vice General Cao to bring the documents to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing on the first day after returning to Beijing. Why? Delay so far?"

"I..." Fang Zilan knew that she hadn't thought carefully, and everything she said now seemed like an excuse, and she was choked up by him for a lifetime.

But the man seemed to be interested, turned his head to look at her with interest and said, "Lord Fang, now that you are a minister, you are extremely honorable. Are you going to use your position to overwhelm me and forcefully take away Vice-General Cao?"

Before Fang Zilan could answer, he heard him say again: "However, Mr. Fang was born in the army. He knows that the army has no trust and can't stand up. He can understand me. He will not force others when he gains power. Am I right?"

Fang Zilan was refuted by him on the surface and had nothing to say, but in her heart she just felt more and more afraid.

Every word he said seemed to make room for her to make things difficult for her, but in fact, every word he said was easy to punish her heart, leaving her with no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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