Don't ask where people go

Chapter 759 Darkness

Chapter 759 Darkness
"Xiangfu Academy does not distinguish between grades, grades, and ordinary people may not be impossible..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Fang Lihui as soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, "Sister Lan, do you believe me when you say this?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Fang Lihui sneered: "If you don't believe it yourself, it is impossible. You know, in the early years of Xiangfu Academy, there were rich and noble people and poor and lowly people. Anyone who wants to be taught But in recent years, they are all from poor families with no foundation like Mr. Wu Sheng. Although they don't have much money, and they can't even afford the money to study, but once they become officials, they can be pawns. No matter how much you lose, what's the point?"

"You mean..." Fang Zilan looked surprised, and Fang Lihui shook his folding fan to cover half of his face, "This is a profitable business. Not only can you win a good reputation, but you can also have a chess piece that is determined to die. The most important thing is that a poor family needs balance. , this move will definitely be supported by His Majesty."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's thin lips moved, but she didn't make any sound. She said after a while, "Cousin, do you want to say that my father, who is the Prime Minister, is using power for personal gain?"

"My uncle has always been very good at seeing the direction of the wind." Fang Lihui's expression was a bit sharp, "If not, why can he be promoted to the position of prime minister step by step in the past and the present?"

For some reason, Fang Zilan only felt angry, and slammed the teacup on the table with a bang, "Cousin, it is my father who is very good at seeing the wind direction, so what has this to do with you? I don't care about..."

"You are wrong." Fang Lihui intercepted Fang Zilan's words in a calm manner, and said in a low voice: "How can the Fang family not know about the collusion between officials and bandits, corruption and bribery? But the Fang family is a businessman, and neither can offend them. What can be done?"

Fang Zilan was taken aback by the question, and subconsciously said: "Is there no compromise?"

"The twists and turns are complicated, how can it be explained clearly in a few words?" Fang Lihui sighed softly, "You just need to know that no one can stay neutral forever."

"The Fang family has been in business for several years, and it is no longer a lamb at the mercy of others." Fang Zilan said in a cold voice: "My cousin said that because he was able to profit from the gangsters and gangsters, so he pretended to be a last resort. That's all."

"As a last resort?" Fang Lihui repeated this sentence, as if hearing something ridiculous, he laughed out loud, "Sister Lan, do you think that seventy percent of the world's business is in the Fang family? Do you think money is hot? What's more, even if the Xiangfu Academy is famous, it is not easy to train students from poor families to become officials. The simplest question is where does the money come from?"

Fang Zilan was speechless, Fang Lihui put away the folding fan with a "snap", and said in a deep voice: "Everything you take for granted has an invisible painstaking effort behind it. I would like to stand in the darkness for the Fang family."

However, Fang Zilan walked up to the old man respectfully, knelt down and said politely: "Old man, what do you mean by what you just said?"

The old man squinted his eyes, and his eyes flashed, "Oh, you little girl is interesting, you can actually listen to what I, a bad old man, say."

"The old man's reputation is too high." Fang Zilan waved his hand, "I also ask the old man to give me some advice."

"That's what happened when Emperor Ning Shun was in power." The old man raised his face, his white hair parted a bit, revealing his clear eyes, looking at the lush greenery above his head, he seemed to be lost in reminiscence.

The debate among the crowd had already started, but Fang Zilan didn't seem to care about it, but just looked at the old man in front of him steadfastly—his eyes did not have the cloudiness of an old man, but the clarity of a young man.

Her intuition told her that this old man was unusual, he must know something.

"The second son of Zhuge back then was really amazingly talented. Not only was his calligraphy first-rate, but his eloquence was even better. He had never lost in debates." Master Yi Nian was full of praise for him, and Master Yi Nian, after talking with him, once said that if this son converts, there will be someone who succeeds Zen Buddhism, and Baiye Temple will live up to the name of the national temple."

"What?" A look of shock flashed across Fang Zilan's face, "Old man, who is Master Yi Nian?"

"The original abbot of Baiye Temple, his master." The old man said and looked towards the noisy crowd. Fang Zilan followed his gaze and saw Master Liaoyuan standing in the center at a glance.

The white robe is plain and spotless.The red cassock was like fire, which made his eyebrows and eyes more delicate, but there was no enchanting smoke and fire, but an inexplicable solemnity.

"The iron-blooded man who fights on the battlefield has always had today but no tomorrow. If he can see through life and death in the world of mortals, who else can match him?" Can an old monk with wood carvings and clay sculptures sit empty-handed, be called an eminent monk just by chanting sutras at the assembly meeting at his age? It’s really ridiculous.”

"Old man..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by the old man as soon as he opened his mouth, "A heart of compassion and a heart full of pity for the world, how could it have fallen to where it is today? If Master Yi Nian saw it, would he regret it at the beginning? He shaved?"

"Old man, you have said that Master Yuan is amazingly talented, not someone who has a reputation for nothing." Fang Zilan said with a firm expression: "In this case, no matter how far he has come, I believe he can break through."

"Good girl..." The old man's eyes suddenly turned red, "I...I just feel that it's a pity that such a good person has to suffer so much? Girl, take a good look at it. will be remembered."

Fang Zilan stood up, looking back, the master Yuan Yuan among the monks was like the rising sun, talking and laughing freely, writing calmly, but...

When everyone saw the words on the paper, they all whispered.Compared with other eminent monks, the well-regulated characters are indeed much inferior. Although the debate is not based on words, such words...

"Look at Master Yuan's hand!" Someone in the crowd suddenly yelled, Fang Zilan's lips were drawn into a straight line, and she watched as Master Yuan rolled up the sleeves of his robe for the convenience of writing, revealing the hideous scar on his arm .

The old man looked at Master Yuan's calm expression, and murmured: "Have you let go?"

Fang Zilan stood outside the crowd and heard the debate clearly.From the Buddha cutting the meat to feed the eagle to holding flowers and laughing, Master Liao Yuan talked eloquently, and every word was pearls, and Master Diengdeng seldom spoke, his face was full of praise and comfort.

Seeing that the debate was coming to an end, she turned her head and looked under the tree. The old man had left at some point, but the words he repeated like ravings lingered in her ears for a long time.

The old man said he was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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