Don't ask where people go

Chapter 878 Decisive

Zhuge Yu's expression softened a little, "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just that sister Lan, you know that the nine princes are conferred in front of everyone in the court, but when you are proclaimed Duke of Yue, only His Majesty declares it to the world. Even though your Majesty speaks eloquently, but there are many rumors in the capital, you have already been criticized, so why do you have to appear in a social drama with the dignity of a public minister to make people laugh? Your Majesty intends to ask you to escort you during the spring hunting. world."

"If someone deliberately humiliates me, even if I don't act in a social drama, there are still other traps waiting for me, and I can't escape." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently. It doesn't matter. What's more, it was the same when I was appointed Duke of the Northern Kingdom and went to the northern border. It was just a paper edict. I'm used to it, so I don't care."

"Sister Lan said this, but she has a grudge in her heart?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly as if dissatisfied, Fang Zilan chuckled, "Your Majesty, I am too late to be grateful for your kindness, how dare you hold grudges? To me, these vain gifts are all It doesn't matter, as long as you have real power in your hands."

"Master Zhong is very considerate, just deal with it. No matter who comes out to make things difficult, you don't have to worry about it, I will deal with it." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, and gently put down the teacup in his hand.

She stood up and bowed with fists in her hands, "If Master Zhong hadn't planned a strategy today, I'm afraid it wouldn't have ended so easily. I misunderstood Master Zhong yesterday, and there were so many offenses in my words, I hope Master Zhong will not hold grudges. Fang Zilan is here to give Mr. Zhong can't make up for it."

"Lord Fang, you don't have to be polite." Zhong Yao stood up quickly, and saluted respectfully, "This case involves a lot. If it wasn't for Lord Fang's support, the lower officials would not have made up their minds to investigate thoroughly. What Master Fang taught yesterday is , seeking a job in his position, and the lower official is in the position of magistrate of Yanzhou. Even if he has to weigh the pros and cons, he must not be restrained and shrink back. It will be better."

Fang Zilan sighed softly, "I know your concerns. After all, you are from a commoner background. It is not easy to get where you are today, so you are cautious as if you are walking on thin ice, for fear that if you make a mistake, you will be pushed into the abyss. But people in high positions , no matter how good the family background is, who is not like this? From the one in Qiankun Palace, down to me, the Lord of the Northern Territory, people are staring at me all the time, waiting for those of us in high positions to come out of the storm. If we fall, they will step on them again, so that we will never turn over."

After she finished speaking, she sat back in her original seat, and Zhong Yao also sat back, "Master Fang's words are not bad. But I see that Master Fang's face is dark, but what else is on his mind?"

"I was just thinking..." Fang Zilan paused, then changed her voice, "Master Zhong, has he ever seen a cobblestone?"

Zhong Yao was taken aback by her question, but still nodded and said: "I have seen it before."

Fang Zilan then asked: "Does Master Zhong think the pebbles look good?"

Zhong Yao was at a loss, "What does Master Fang want to say?"

"I don't know what's wrong. I suddenly had some strange thoughts in my heart, and I felt a little uncomfortable. I wonder if Mr. Zhong would like to listen?" Fang Zilan's expression and tone were all asking, and Zhong Yao sat upright and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"When I mentioned being in a high position just now, I was thinking that in fact, no matter who it is, they can choose to be a puppet with a glamorous appearance and let the people around them dress up until they become the appearance that everyone is satisfied with. You can choose to hold a sword and be an indomitable brave man, no matter what the people around you do, just go to the end with one belief and will."

Fang Zilan looked at the tea smoke curling up in front of her eyes, and suddenly smiled, "Master Zhong, don't you think it's funny when I tell you this?"

Zhong Yao didn't speak, but quietly looked at the indifferent but firm woman in front of him through the tea smoke.

Her face could not be called beautiful, but it was the outline of an ordinary person, but he had traced it in his mind for a long time, feeling that he had never seen such a person before.

It took him a long time before he spoke again: "Which one will Mr. Fang choose?"

"I want to choose the second one." Fang Zilan replied without hesitation, but she smiled a little embarrassed when she finished speaking, "but it's just thinking about it. Mr. Wang Quanzhi told me before that the more you get, the better you get." The more choices there are, the less room for choice. I know it in my heart, but I am still not convinced. Unexpectedly, so many things have happened, and even if I am not convinced, I will admit that what he said is true."

"It's one thing to know, but another to be unconvinced." Zhong Yao smiled slightly and poured another cup of tea for her, "No wonder Mr. Fang asked about pebbles. Before I became an official, I heard Shangguan Jing general say However, he said that when he was a teenager, he was more or less arrogant, until he got older and encountered more troubles, he knew that the youthful spirit could not be counted. In the end, his temperament was worn away, and he became a pebble in your mouth, Mr. Fang."

He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, and continued, "The former in Mr. Fang's mouth is like this cobblestone, but if everyone in the world is like this, it's really boring."

Fang Zilan couldn't help asking curiously: "Then what kind is Master Zhong?"

The smile on Zhong Yao's face grew a little more, "Xiaguan is the same as Mr. Fang. He once wanted to find his own way with perseverance, but he couldn't help but let the waves beat him by the waves. Get a foothold in the vortex. But..."

As he spoke, he raised the teacup in his hand, "I'm ashamed, if it wasn't for Mr. Fang's words today, I'm afraid I would have forgotten that I had also chosen the second one. I hope Mr. Fang will not be convinced today, but in the future Don't give in, and truly become the second type of person in your mouth. The next official will drink tea instead of wine, and toast Mr. Fang."

As if her mind had been seen through, Fang Zilan laughed loudly, "Let's all wait for our respective fates to come! After stepping onto the stage, no matter who you are, there will be times when you want to be alone."

Her eyes fell behind Zhong Yao, and there was nothingness in front of her eyes, but it seemed that it was all there was. "When you enter there, as a character, you will start an endless performance. But at least, there are some things we can decide for ourselves."

After she finished speaking, she raised her teacup and drank it down.

Zhong Yao looked at Fang Zilan's almost evil eyebrows and eyes, which were shining brightly like a god, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at them.

He raised the corners of his lips, picked up the teacup and drank it down, and blurted out a few words involuntarily, "If Lord Fang doesn't dislike it, from now on, the lower officials in the Northern Territory will swear to follow Lord Fang to the death."

Fang Zilan put the teacup on the table, "Thanks to Mr. Zhong's favor, Fang Zilan will do his best."

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