Fang Zilan didn't break free from his hand, but tapped lightly on the document that was held down by her with her finger, "Ayu, this is last month's report, you misplaced it."

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu let go of his hand, and pulled out the document that was under Fang Zilan's hand.He held the document in his hand and collected himself, speechless for a long time.

Fang Zilan looked at the document tightly held by him, and the thin folds spread from the place where his palm was exerting force. The wrinkled texture concealed twists and turns, and she said with a firm expression, "Ayu, you have something on your mind."

Zhuge Yu remained silent, Fang Zilan reached out and grabbed the other corner of the document, "If you don't want to say, let me guess."

She pretended nothing had happened, and secretly exerted strength in her hands, "Your Majesty doesn't want to see me participate in the New Year's drama, does he?"

Zhuge Yu's fingers loosened a little, and the document fell into her hand, with obvious finger marks on it.

"If this is the case, please tell your majesty, Ayu." Fang Zilan stroked the creases with her fingers, stretched the paper with a little force, and the folds became lighter, "New Year's Society, I will not lose anyone Even if I pretend to be a monster, I must be the only one in all ages."

Zhuge Yu's expression relaxed a little, "It's not that I don't believe you. It's just sister Lan, you have to know that this matter is not a child's play. The nine princes were conferred in front of everyone in the court, but you are conferred the title of Duke of Yue. Only His Majesty's imperial decree is declared to the world. Even though His Majesty speaks well, there are rumors in the capital that you have already been criticized, so why bother to appear in a social drama with the honor of a public minister and make people laugh? Your Majesty intends to ask you to escort you during the spring hunting, as your cross country The public's first public appearance shocked the world."

"If someone deliberately humiliates me, even if I don't act in a social drama, there are still other traps waiting for me, and I can't escape." Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently. It doesn't matter. What's more, it was the same when I was appointed Duke of the Northern Kingdom and went to the northern border. It was just a paper edict. I'm used to it, so I don't care."

"Sister Lan said this, but she has a grudge in her heart?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly as if dissatisfied, Fang Zilan chuckled, "Your Majesty, I am too late to be grateful for your kindness, how dare you hold grudges? To me, these vain gifts are all It doesn't matter, as long as you have real power in your hands."

"Do you hold real power?" Zhuge Yu repeated this sentence in a low voice, without further words.

Fang Zilan put the Chinese books in place, then looked at Zhuge Yu and said, "It's rare to be free today. It's still early, Ayu, would you like to accompany me to see how the social drama is being performed? So that King Yucheng won't visit the house every day to disturb people's peace."

Zhuge Yu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Alright."

"Isn't my follower A Yu?" Fang Zilan took out the playbook suspiciously, and before he found the character introduction, Wei Subaru explained with a smile: "Master Fang, you are playing the role of an unprecedented monster, and there is only one How can a follower do it?"

The corner of Fang Zilan's mouth twitched unconsciously, and hurriedly opened the playbook.

Fang Zilan's scalp felt tingly because of the impressive profile of the characters. Since she got the playbook, she just glanced at it in a hurry. Now that she looks carefully, she realizes that the evil character she is playing is a great monster through the ages, who has done many evil things. Kill villains who are not enough to outrage the common people.

And as the great monster of the ages, she has many little followers, and there are as many as three or five who can be named in the play.

Apart from Zhuge Yu and Wei Subaru, Fang Zilan scanned the page, and the three names Pei Xiaoze, Ouyang Juncheng, and Wang Xianhui came into view, making her frown slightly involuntarily.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what, but she almost has all the people she met in Beijing, but there is a little anxiety in her heart.Speaking of them, almost all of them are on the cusp of the upstarts.

Needless to say, she has caused a lot of uproar in the world, and now she returns to Beijing is also a highly anticipated existence.

Zhuge Yu, who had never been a showman but became Li Shengxuan's right-hand man, was only in name in her government office and had no real power so far.

Although Wei Subaru was born in the Wei clan, the family of a public official, but because his biological mother was a barbarian slave girl, he was never reused, and he was blessed with military exploits until Li Shengxuan ascended the throne.

As for Ouyang Juncheng, he bears the name of the son of the Ouyang family, but he has no status in the declining Ouyang family. On the contrary, he got closer to the Wang family after marrying Shangguan Lingyuan.

But this Wang Xianhui... Fang Zilan thoughtfully looked at the young man who was walking towards them, with reluctance written all over his face, it was the one who provoked them in public just now.

Fang Zilan frowned even deeper, and simply turned his gaze to Zhuge Yu, only to see that he looked like he had known it for a long time.

Just as she was about to say something, she heard him approach her and whispered: "Wang Xianhui is the son of Lord Wang Quanrui."

Fang Zilan was a little dazed, and asked uncertainly, "Master Wang Quanrui, the younger brother of Lord Wang Quanzhi in the Northern Territory?"

Zhuge Yu nodded imperceptibly, Fang Zilan's lips were pursed into a straight line, and his expression gradually sank.

Now Wang Quanzhi replaced her as Duke of the Northern Kingdom, and Wang Quanzhi's younger brother Wang Quanrui was a celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager. The Wang family was so powerful that even the younger generation dared to protest her.

Wang Xianhui opened his mouth hesitantly, as if he wanted to greet several people, but he didn't say a word.

Pei Xiaoze was friendly, he stepped forward to greet him and said, "Master Wang, now that everyone is here, we need to cheer up."

Wang Xianhui hummed stiffly, but Wei Subaru snorted, "Young Master Wang is so arrogant."

When he called Wang Gongzi, Wang Xianhui blushed and was eager to argue.

Ouyang Juncheng hurriedly held down Wang Xianhui, and was about to say a few words of persuasion when Wei Subaru's eyes twitched and he smiled frivolously, "Mr. Ouyang, what do you want to say?"

Ouyang Juncheng said "I" like a stick in his throat, his face was pale and he didn't answer, and finally he swallowed the words whole.

Zhuge Yu said calmly: "Master Wei is a newcomer, but he doesn't need to overwhelm everyone."

His flirtatious words made Wei Subaru stop laughing, and said coldly: "Meng Yin's ancestor is a son of a family, who has no merit for the country and no use for the world, how can he be worthy of an adult?"

"Master Wei's words are wrong." Pei Xiaoze shook his head, stood up to smooth things over and said, "You are born between the heaven and the earth, you must have talent, but the function depends on the size, how can it be completely useless?"

"Master Pei is right." Wei Subaru took a deep look at Pei Xiaoze.In the past, he didn't often deal with dignitaries in the court, and his impression of the Pei family was that the head of the family, Pei Juanqing, was gloomy and ruthless. He didn't expect that the Pei family had such an upright gentleman as Pei Xiaoze.

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