Don't ask where people go

Chapter 886 Excuse me

Chapter 886 Excuse me
After Fang Zilan finished speaking, she opened the door, only to see Wen Ya standing upright with her back facing her, and snow fell from the sky at some point, covering his shoulders with a thin layer.

"Mr. Wen, are you still here?" Fang Zilan said as he raised his hand and patted the snow off Wen Ya's shoulder. He turned around and looked over, "Master Fang, have you eaten?"

"Mr. Wen, stop teasing me." Fang Zilan coughed lightly, then changed the voice and said, "I'll go and see A Wan and Shangguan Min. It's getting dark, why haven't they started setting off fireworks yet?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw a gorgeous firework streaking across the dark night sky, although it was fleeting, it was extremely bright.

"That's great." Fang Zilan sighed, and Cong Rong happened to pass by with a food box, and greeted: "Master Fang, the front hall is almost filled, and Mr. Mo has already passed, and we will wait for you to have a feast."

"I'm coming now." Fang Zilan nodded in response, and walked quickly in the direction of the front hall.

The housekeeper brought the red envelopes prepared early in the morning to Fang Zilan. After she distributed the red envelopes to everyone present, she ordered the housekeeper to distribute the remaining red envelopes to other people on duty.

Afterwards, everyone sat down, and A Wan and Shangguan Min ran in after setting off the fireworks.

As soon as Awan came in, she ran to Fang Zilan to ask for a red envelope, Fang Zilan patted her hand, "It's hidden in your room, you can go back to your room to find it later."

A Wan entered the table with a smile on her face, touched Shangguan Min who was sitting next to her, "Where's your red envelope, wouldn't Master Fang also hide it in the room?"

"I..." Shangguan Min opened his mouth and didn't say anything, when Fang Zilan waved to him, he got up and walked over, calling out Master.

"Apprentice, you haven't paid me New Year's greetings yet." Fang Zilan sat upright, Shangguan Min saluted, and said: "Happy New Year, Master. I hope Master is healthy and everything is safe."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded with satisfaction, asked the servant to bring a box, and handed it to Shangguanmin.

Shangguan Min opened the box, eyes full of surprise, "Is this a crossbow made by Master Lu?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan took a sip of tea and said casually: "I'm not used to this thing, you can play with it."

"This...isn't it a bit too expensive?" Shangguan Min gently put the crossbow back into the box, "Although the weapons made by Master Lu are all precious, there are not many handed down from generation to generation. This crossbow..."

"Happy Chinese New Year, take it if you want, why so much nonsense?" Fang Zilan interrupted him, "Take it as your reward for asking the craftsman to come."

Deputy General Cao laughed out loud, and Fang Zilan laughed and said, "Old Cao, you also have a share of merit. What do you want? Tell me."

Deputy General Cao responded cheerfully, and Fang Zilan ate, drank and laughed with him.Shangguan Min held the bow and crossbow to watch it over and over again, A Wan took Wen Ya out to watch the fireworks after eating, Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong helped to arrange the plates and add tea... The whole house was a festive and peaceful scene.

Fang Zilan got up, put on a cloak, walked to the eaves, stood beside Wen Ya, and said softly: "It's rare that we can get together to celebrate the New Year."

"That's right." Wen Ya didn't look at her, his eyes still stayed on A Wan who was setting off fireworks in the courtyard, "What else do you want to ask? Why don't you ask them together."

Fang Zilan shrugged, "I didn't want to spoil the scenery like this, but..."

"I know. Although Mr. Fang is in a high position and is in the limelight, he can't stay in the palace for many days." Wen Ya said: "Even if you don't speak, I will leave tomorrow."

"Since you have said everything, then I will ask." Fang Zilan moved closer to him, and lowered her voice: "Is the poison on my body related to the Yin-Yang spell?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Wen Ya's eyes, "How did you know that?"

"I guessed it." Fang Zilan gathered her cloak and said in a leisurely manner, "You said that this Gu is divided into master and deputy. This statement sounds very similar to the argument of the Yin-Yang family."

Wen Ya didn't speak, Fang Zilan continued to ask, "Do you know Yin-Yang spells? Or do you have anything to do with the Miluo Yin-Yang family or the high priest?"

"The Yin-Yang Family has been destroyed for more than a hundred years, and the only bloodline is the High Priest." Wen Ya said calmly: "As for the Yin-Yang Curse, it is a secret technique that has never been passed on to the outside world. Except for the High Priest himself, no one in the world can practice it. .”

Fang Zilan thought thoughtfully: "So this Gu was not made by you, but by the high priest of Miluo?"

"This Gu was brought back from Miluo by my master. I don't know whether it was made by the high priest of Miluo himself, or whether it was made by the witch doctor and asked the high priest of Miluo to bless it with yin and yang spells." Wen Ya said calmly: "I All I know is the casting and effect of this Gu."

"Is it your master?" Fang Zilan's voice was much softer, with some inexplicable meaning.

Wen Ya glanced at her sideways, "Have you checked me?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and Wen Ya's expression was gloomy, "When will you be able to find out all the people in the ghost gate, maybe you will be able to know the answer you want."

"Do you know what the answer I want?" Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, Wen Ya said quietly: "I don't know. But there is one thing I haven't figured out - why did your mother die back then?"

"What do you know about my mother's death?" Fang Zilan's voice trembled imperceptibly, and Wen Ya said in a low voice: "When the incident happened, a nobleman from the ghost gate was offering incense in Baiye Temple. "

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, that is to say, the so-called ghost killer was just to protect that noble man and offer incense?She took a deep breath and said, "Isn't it a pre-arranged action?"

"No." Wen Ya turned his face away, "What kind of place is Baiye Temple? If it weren't for a catastrophe, how dare they do it?"

Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly, what Wen Ya said was almost in agreement with her judgment, it was an accident.But what kind of accident is it that can make the ghost killer put his hands on the Baiye Temple regardless of the safety of the nobleman?
However, apart from Ji Ningtian, the only ones who can be called a noble person in the ghost gate are the former Concubine Shu and Princess Wu Qing.Who was it that was in Baiye Temple at that time?

"The snow has stopped." Wen Ya's voice interrupted Fang Zilan's thoughts. She raised her eyes and looked over.

"Thank you, Mr. Wen." Fang Zilan saluted solemnly, "In the future, I will never make things difficult for you, and I will try not to make things difficult for you."

"Okay." Wen Ya nodded slightly, "I accept Mr. Fang's gift."

"Sister Lan, Mr. Wen, it's cold, you should come in." Mo Han's voice came from behind the two of them, Fang Zilan agreed, and Wen Ya looked at A Wan and said, "I want to watch the fireworks for a while, Mr. Fang, go in first."

(End of this chapter)

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