Chapter 891
"His Highness King Yucheng will actually participate in the New Year's drama?" Fang Zilan blurted out, and she was answered with a gentle voice, "Amitabha, this year is of great significance to His Highness."

With a thought in Fang Zilan's mind, she suddenly understood what Master Yuan meant.At the beginning of the year, the Empress Dowager left Beijing, the Pei family declined, and the household department fell into the hands of Xu Youtong. Li Qiyou never fought or grabbed, and was content with the court.In the middle of the year, Princess Rong'an died, and Di Rong's department and Da Jing were torn apart. He stood up to protect the two concubines. Later, King Rong'an died of illness, and he invited him to go to the southeast.

Although the Queen Mother has always disagreed and shelved the matter, Li Qiyou's actions are enough to show his responsibility as a prince.

After King Rong An died of illness, the southeast region desperately needed a capable adult, preferably a relative of the emperor.Compared with other princes who have little reputation and popularity, Li Qiyou is the most suitable candidate.He has been on the battlefield, received foreign envoys, and led affairs in the court. He has gone through all the experiences, so many people think that he is Li Shengxuan's heir.

heir?Fang Zilan was taken aback by her own thoughts, and the vague details that had been ignored came to mind with these three words.Only then did she realize that perhaps Li Shengxuan had this intention and raised Li Qiyou as his heir...

"Miss Fang San?" Master Liao Yuan stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Fang Zilan's eyes. She came back to her senses and smiled apologetically, "His Royal Highness King Yucheng is handsome and handsome. , I’m really sorry.”

"Amitabha, everyone has the desire to love beauty." Master Liao Yuan lowered his brows and said with a slight smile, "Why are you talking about impoliteness?"

"Thank you, Master, for your understanding." Fang Zilan followed Master Yuan's words, her half-serious and half-playful tone was indescribably relaxed and happy.

Master Liao Yuan smiled, and asked Fang Zilan to come in to listen to the scriptures, but before he could take a step, he heard someone behind him say: "Miss Fang San, please stay."

Fang Zilan looked back and saw Xu Youtong's son Xu Yi standing not far away, his face full of embarrassment, "I heard that Miss Fang San was seriously injured to save the empress..."

"What does Mr. Xu want to say?" Fang Zilan interrupted Xu Yi's words unceremoniously, "Did I never think that I would have the courage to block the knife with my body, or did I not expect that I, a sick man, had such a hard life that even under serious injuries die?"

"I..." Xu Yi's face turned green and white, Fang Zilan snorted softly, "No matter what, thank you Mr. Xu for your concern."

Xu Yi opened his mouth, and after a while he choked out a sentence, "Miss Fang San is fine as long as she has nothing to do..."

He paused as he spoke, then changed his voice embarrassingly: "I am Master Xu now."

It was good that he didn't say the last sentence, Fang Zilan was at most too lazy to respond, but after he said it, she felt an unknown fire rushing straight up, burning her reason completely.

"Master Xu is so powerful." Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, and said mockingly: "Why, if I call Mr. Xu, will I be punished for my crime? I don't know when the court officials in Dajing were so small-minded. gone?"

"Miss Fang San, you..." Xu Yi clenched his fists in anger. Fang Zilan still didn't restrain himself, and said in a dragged tone: "I forgot. Prime Minister, isn't it ridiculous for me to contemplate you with my father's broad mind?"

She seldom talked so much recently, she coughed a few times out of breath for a while, and Xu Yi's expression froze, fearing that she would faint in the next moment.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to cleanse himself.

So Xu Yi held back his breath immediately, and walked back to the rehearsal crowd in despair. Fang Zilan hooked his lips in satisfaction, turned around and followed Master Yuan in.

Little did he know that this scene fell into Li Qiyou's eyes, and he suddenly felt inexplicably familiar.When Fang Zilan moved to the mansion back then, he asked her to help in the New Year's drama, and in a hurry, he proclaimed himself the king. At that time, she looked down on the arrogance of the powerful, just like that.

In a trance, he actually thought that he saw the woman who had amazed him again—Fang Zilan, the murderous and decisive Grand Duke of Jingyue.

It's a pity that she is no longer alive, and it is a sad memory after all.

"Your Highness!" The shouts of the people around him brought back Li Qiyou's thoughts, he calmed down, and focused on the New Year's drama.

It's still a story about exterminating demons, but this time Li Qiyou is not a bystander, but a decent demon extermination. As for the beheaded demon, Xu Yi plays the role.

"Your Highness, after so many years of New Year's drama, what new tricks can there be?" Someone on the side said dissatisfiedly: "The scene when the Duke of Xianyue was alive, with her and Lord Wei, the martial arts drama was outstanding, and it happened to be snowing. It adds a lot of artistic conception. If the right time, place and people are in harmony, I am afraid that it may not happen once in ten or a hundred years..."

"Yes." Everyone agreed, and Li Qiyou looked at Xu Yi and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

"Everything is subject to the meaning of His Royal Highness Yucheng." Xu Yi said it as a matter of course, but Li Qiyou seemed to have a ball of cotton stuck in his chest when he heard the words, which was boring and meaningless.

After a while, Li Qiyou said: "Master Xu was born as a civil servant, so you don't have to force yourself to play martial arts, just follow the regulations."

Xu Yi hurriedly agreed, and the others heaved a sigh of relief as if they were relieved from a heavy burden. One after another, they cheered up and put on airs.

After a rehearsal of a social play, Li Qiyou was very serious about every move, Xu Yi bit the bullet and took a few moves, and he was defeated in a short time. The first time there was a problem of not enough time.

Everyone looked at each other in embarrassment, Li Qiyou was silent for a moment, and said: "This is the end of today, everyone go back and familiarize yourself with the script again, and continue tomorrow."

"Yes." Everyone responded one after another, and left Lianhua Palace as if fleeing.

Looking at their backs, Li Qiyou felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart, and let the attendants go forward to pack the props, while he was still standing there.

"My lord." A slightly hoarse voice came from behind Li Qiyou, he turned around in astonishment, looked at Fang Zilan not far away, and wondered when did she stand there?He was completely unconscious.

"What's the matter, Miss Fang?" Li Qiyou remained calm, and Fang Zilan bowed, "It's nothing, I just thought the New Year's drama was interesting, so I stayed for a while."

Li Qiyou was stunned, "Why does Third Miss Fang think the New Year's drama is interesting?"

"Don't you think so?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "If it wasn't interesting, why would the lord be in charge of the rehearsal every year, and even participate in the performance this year?"

"I..." Li Qiyou hesitated to speak, and Fang Zilan continued on her own, "I heard that the so-called extermination of demons and evil spirits in the New Year's drama is aimed at remembering the past and cherishing the present, and it implies the determination to bring peace to all generations. Xinzhi, isn't the prince acting for this?"

(End of this chapter)

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