Don't ask where people go

Chapter 895 Suffering

Chapter 895 Suffering
"Zhuge Yu listened to the decree, the queen's sister, the third lady of the Fang family, Zilan, has both talents and looks, and is elegant and upright. Today, she is married to Murongqing, the son of the Zhongzheng Prince of the Miluo Kingdom. May the two countries enjoy good relations from generation to generation."

Zhuge Yu was so overwhelmed with each word that he couldn't breathe, he subconsciously looked up, the pain and sincerity in Li Shengxuan's eyes was the first and only time he saw it.

With deep roots in love, these four words suddenly appeared in Zhuge Yu's mind, but he didn't feel any violation of harmony.Just the sharpest sword in the empire and the king who wields it...

Thinking of this, Zhuge Yu shook his head lightly, bowed respectfully and said: "I take orders."

"Xia Houzhang, pass on the Tiger Talisman." Li Shengxuan's unquestionable tone made Xia Houzhang stunned, "Your Majesty..."

Li Shengxuan said in a dignified manner without anger: "The transfer order remains unchanged. The southeast camp and the Jiangnan camp will send [-] troops to follow Zhuge Yu to Lin City. There must be no mistakes."

Xia Houzhang was confused, but when he saw Master Zhuge and Zhuge Yu nodding slightly to him, he quickly responded.

"As for Master Zhuge." Li Shengxuan fixedly looked at the old man in front of him, his temples were white and his face was haggard, but he still knelt upright, "the old minister is here."

"I don't want to hear the name of Duke Xianyue from you again." Li Shengxuan's body showed a vague killing intent, which was an obvious warning.

Elder Zhuge bowed down solemnly, "Old minister obeys."

"Okay, you all step back." Li Shengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, "I want to be alone for a while."

The three of them retreated one after another. Li Shengxuan watched helplessly as their backs disappeared, then turned around and looked at the high throne not far away.

He stared blankly for a while, and finally walked slowly step by step.The moment he sat on it, he suddenly felt that everything did not belong to him anymore.

He is the lord of the capital, and what he guards is the vast world and the beautiful country, so everything unnecessary for this can be given up.But if he couldn't hold everything that belonged to him firmly in his hands, and couldn't protect the one he loved, why did he take this throne in the first place?
"Hell King of Ten Halls of the Ghost Gate, I killed him." Fang Zilan said softly, "Now the grass on the grave is three feet high."

The more she said lightly, the more the hearts of the people were beating. There was an announcement from the court earlier, saying that the Hades of the Ten Palaces had committed many evils and had been killed by a righteous man. Who would have thought that he was killed by Zixiu.

But apart from Zixiu, who else in the world can kill the King of Hades with his own strength?

Thinking about it this way, it is very subtle.Did Zixiu execute the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces under the order of the imperial court, or in the name of the son of the ghost family, or was it her own whim?

If it was ordered by the court, did Zixiu also follow the order of the court when she came here?If it's the son of a ghost... It's really impossible, after all, the king of Hades in the Ten Palaces is his capable general, why should he kill the good one?If Zixiu had a whim...then she was crazy?

"Okay, don't guess." Fang Zilan looked at the crowd with a half-smile, "I won't say anything until you show up in charge."

"You have such a bold tone!" Everyone was enraged by Fang Zilan's words, waving their weapons and was about to charge up. At the very moment, a voice sounded from behind the curtain, "Stop."

Those two words, neither warm nor cool, made everyone stop their hands, and fell silent like a chilling cicada.

Built in the middle of the mountain, it can accommodate hundreds of people. The wide hall is illuminated by lights as if it were daytime. At this time, it is extremely quiet, and you can hear the drop of a needle.Only the hanging red curtain moved with the wind on the high platform in front, and this voice came from there.

Fang Zilan thought the voice was familiar, but couldn't remember who it was, so she raised her eyes and looked over, "It seems that the manager can't calm down anymore."

"You are Zixiu?" The male voice behind the curtain was a little low, and Fang Zilan approached slowly step by step, "It's true."

After a brief silence, the male voice sounded again, "Zixiu, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." Fang Zilan said concisely, "King of the Wheel, I want to know where he is."

"Just now you said that you killed the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces." The male voice said meaningfully: "In this case, the King of the Wheel is no exception."

"You really know." Fang Zilan unceremoniously opened the curtain with a plum sword, with a cold expression, "Stop playing tricks in front of me..."

Before she finished speaking, she stopped abruptly, because she was very familiar with the face in front of her.

"Why are you here..." Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, her expression relaxed a little, and there was a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

"Accident?" The man in the veil stood up, "Compared to me, you are more surprising."

"Fang Lihui." Fang Zilan gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't know when did you have such a good skill?"

"Sister Lan doesn't know a lot." Fang Lihui laughed softly, "It's like I don't know, you are Zixiu."

Fang Zilan suppressed the surging emotions one by one, her whole body was unprecedentedly sober and calm, "What is the relationship between Feiling Mountain bandit leader and you?"

"Business partner." Fang Lihui didn't hide anything, Fang Zilan suddenly felt like his heart fell into an ice cave, "You..."

"Sister Lan, are you sure you want to talk to me here?" Fang Lihui waved the folding fan in his hand, looking like a cynical noble son as always.

The plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand pointed directly at Fang Lihui, without any intention of taking it back.If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have connected Fang Lihui with bandits, but now that she saw it, some things were explained.

"Lord Xiahou wants to ask, since His Majesty has agreed to this marriage, why do you still want to suppress Miluo?" Zhuge Yu stopped, but Elder Zhuge turned a deaf ear and walked straight towards the palace gate.

Xia Houzhang nodded and said: "I also ask Lord Zhuge to enlighten me."

"Master Xiahou knows exactly who she is." Zhuge Yu lowered his expression, leaned into Xia Houzhang's ear and whispered: "Lord Xiahou should be much clearer than me about what Your Majesty thinks of her. "

Xia Houzhang pursed his lips, "If soldiers overwhelm Miluo, Mrs. Mu will definitely have doubts about her identity."

"That's right, but with her current frailty and sickness, even if Mrs. Mu suspects her identity, she will not doubt her identity, but only the relationship between men and women." Zhuge Yu explained: "Your Majesty beat Miluo in anger for her, and Yucheng became king." His Highness also openly stated his position at the reception banquet, ignoring the empress dowager's will for nothing. In this way, the personal relationship between Third Miss Fang and these two is confirmed."

As he spoke, his voice gradually became colder, "Master Xiahou thinks that with such a troubled beauty in hand, wouldn't Miluomu family want to take advantage of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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