Chapter 897
"Miss Fang San, according to the customs of Dajing, you need a respected elder in your family to perform the pre-marriage gift for you, but right now..." Fang Zilan was stunned when she heard the words "pre-marriage gift", and raised her eyes From the mirror, I saw the maid holding the hairpin with a hesitant look on her face. Just as she was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded, "I will do the makeup before marriage."

Fang Zilan froze for a moment, what was reflected in the mirror was a face she was very familiar with, but it was less bright and more dignified than what she usually saw.

"Today, I ask you to call Miss Fang San a younger sister." Zhen Mier walked behind Fang Zilan and put her hands on her shoulders, "Miss Fang San, would you like it?"

"I'm so happy." When Fang Zilan heard her own voice, there was a little bit of astringency.

The nanny in the room exchanged glances with a group of maids, and then retreated, leaving room for Fang Zilan, Zhen Mier, and Xiao Xuaner who followed.

"Lan'er, if I don't come, will you marry Murong Qing without saying a word?" Zhen Mier sighed subtly, making Fang Zilan almost think that she had heard it wrong.

"I..." Fang Zilan hesitated to speak, and finally changed his voice, "The last wedding ceremony was done by Mrs. Wang and I for the two girls of the Shangguan family. Thinking about it now, it seems like a lifetime ago."

"Lan'er, you..." As soon as Zhen Mier opened her mouth, Fang Zilan stopped her, "Sister Mier, I have made up my mind, I will never run away and ignore the Fang family..."

"Master Prime Minister, I'm retiring and returning home." Xiao Xuan'er interrupted Fang Zilan's words, her expression froze, "When did it happen?"

"On the second day after His Majesty ordered the marriage." Xiao Xuan'er's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could still hear it clearly. She breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine. In the future, no matter what happens What, even if I can't escape, I won't implicate the Fang family."

"But..." Xiao Xuan'er wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan asked, "Fang family, are you okay?"

"It's not good." Xiao Xuan'er lowered her eyes and said, "The prime minister is about to leave the capital, and the whereabouts of the head of the house, Mr. Fang Lihui, is unknown. The Fang family is distracted, and the other houses say that they want to draw a line with the Prime Minister's Fang family before choosing another head. The courtiers taking advantage of the opportunity to turn the rudder, said that the source of the Fang family's wealth is unknown, and asked His Majesty to investigate thoroughly."

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then asked again: "My elder sister, empress, are you okay?"

"The Fang family is in a slump, the empress in the palace..." Xiao Xuan'er paused, and looked at Zhen Mi'er as if asking for help, but Fang Zilan asked involuntarily, "Are those people in the court wanting to abolish the empress?"

"There are indeed rumors in Beijing..." Xiao Xuan'er said, her voice became softer, "But His Majesty has kept the harem vacant for the empress for many years, and he has a deep affection, and I think he will not abandon the empress..."

"Unless, marry another." Fang Zilan's eyebrows seemed to be covered with a layer of frost and snow, and became more and more cold, "Since ancient times, queens have mostly relied on family power. If you only rely on your majesty's love, you may have thousands of lives, which is not enough to lose. of."

"Lan'er!" Zhen Mier shook her head, indicating that there were others outside Fang Zilan's door, but she heard her raise her voice, "His Royal Highness King Yucheng, since you are here, why don't you come in?"

Zhen Mier's expression changed slightly, and she saw Li Qiyou walking in with a gloomy expression, "Miss Fang San, I..."

"Have you heard His Highness?" Fang Zilan curled her lips, her smile was half mocking, half cold, which made Li Qiyou speechless for a while.

"Up to now, Your Highness still thinks that I have a choice?" Fang Zilan picked up a gold hairpin and stroked it casually on her hair.However, through the mirror, the eyes fell directly on Li Qiyou.

Li Qiyou took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, he looked at Fang Zilan firmly, and said: "Miss Fang San, when I return to Dajing, I will..."

"Back to Dajing, how is your Highness?" Fang Zilan smiled, and said unceremoniously: "Since the fire in the Zuiyue Tower, the Fang family has been pushed down by the wall. Now that it is finally possible to avoid the capital, what does Your Highness want to do?" ? Does His Highness have to watch the Fang family ruined before he is willing to be reconciled?"

"I'm not..." Li Qiyou was about to argue, but Fang Zilan cut him off, "Whatever your Highness wants to do, it has nothing to do with me. After today, I will be Miluo's loyal and righteous wife. And Dajing , nothing more to do with it."

Li Qiyou's expression froze, "Fang Zilan, do you really have to be so decisive?"

"Your Highness, I don't want to do that either." Fang Zilan curled her lips, but there was no smile in her eyes, "You guys forced me."

"Mr. Wen is still in Prince Yuning's mansion and hasn't replied yet." Qiu Shui paused as he spoke, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Your Majesty, Miss Awan..."

"I went to get someone last night, why is Mr. Wen still in the Palace of Yuning?" Fang Ziqin picked up the teacup on the table beside him and took a sip.

"Princess Yuning, Princess Wuqing, said that His Royal Highness is seriously ill and cannot leave Mr. Wen." Qiu Shui said helplessly: "If Mr. Wen leaves the mansion, I'm afraid that His Royal Highness will die. Instead, it is Mr. Wen She doesn't care what sorcery is used, and she alone will bear the consequences."

Fang Ziqin laughed softly, "Princess Yuning, who dares to bear the consequences, why wouldn't I dare? Go and invite Miss Awan over here."

That night, Fang Ziqin was leaning against the window, and Qiushui put on a cloak for her, "Ma'am, what should I do now?"

"Wait." Fang Ziqin said lightly, a look of worry flashed in Qiushui's eyes, but he finally didn't speak again.

Another day passed, and all the adults in the Yintai Hospital in the palace were under guard, and it was still calm.Outside the palace, however, rumors abounded that Wen Ya and A Wan used black magic to seem to save lives, but in reality they were killing people.

As soon as Li Shengxuan ordered the Jingzhaoyin Mansion to search for the person who spread the rumors quickly, Fang Ziqin said that he had found it, saying that he was the assassin who had not been caught before, and took the opportunity to make trouble in an attempt to harm Miss Fang San and Yuning king.

According to the laws of Dajing, if more than 30 people are deceived by demonic words, they will be punished by beheading.Moreover, it is related to the assassination of Zhonggong, and the punishment will only be heavier.

Therefore, all the adults in the Imperial Hospital were anxious when they heard the news, and soon launched a scapegoat - Chang Imperial Physician.

Fang Ziqin was not surprised, and directly handed over to the Imperial Physician Chang, and the sentencing was completed in one go, truly killing the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, only then did those with discerning eyes understand how powerful their queen's methods are.

If it was dealt with at the beginning, even if it had a warning effect, it might not be too much, but now it is different. According to the court law, the capital punishment is imposed in full view, and the deterrent effect is naturally extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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