Don't ask where people go

Chapter 900 fruitless

Chapter 900 fruitless
Taichung's big red-clothed monster flaunts his robes and is independent from the world. After several rounds of siege by the righteous way, he is finally defeated.

The Yaoxie played by Zhuge Yu fell to the ground on the side stage and died quietly.However, he felt something was wrong in his heart. According to the script, it should be Pei Xiaoze who stayed by Fang Zilan's side last, but now it was Wei Subaru.

Although there is no order of killing the evil spirits, as long as Fang Zilan is the last to end, the official performance is strictly in accordance with the rehearsal to avoid mistakes. Could it be...

A dazzling silver light flashed and interrupted Zhuge Yu's thoughts.He took a closer look, and saw an off-string arrow heading straight for Fang Zilan, she barely avoided it, but his expression suddenly changed.

Such a sharp blade is not a prop, yet someone dares to put her to death in full view.

Wei Subaru, who was on the other side of the crowd, obviously also noticed something was wrong. He moved closer to Fang Zilan in a few moments, only to realize that the people besieging Fang Zilan had changed their weapons at some point, and they were not props, but real knives. Spear, the cold light split the wooden sword in her hand into two pieces.

Wei Subaru swung his sword to block Fang Zilan's attack, and the people around him scattered when they saw him approaching, and the weapons in their hands were not so realistically swung.

He took the opportunity to stand back to back with Fang Zilan in the middle of the field, pushed the mask away slightly, and asked in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "What's going on? Someone wants to kill you?"

Although it was a question, his tone was very firm.

Fang Zilan stood upright with a broken sword in her hand, her breath swept over his ears, and a voice almost contemptuous came into his ears, "That depends on whether they have this ability."

After she finished speaking, she slammed Wei Subaru hard, and let him slam into the nearest weapon. The owner of the weapon subconsciously withdrew his attack, and he rolled to the back of the stage pretending to be stabbed.

Seeing Wei Subaru stepping down, Zhuge Yu hurried towards him, "How is the situation now?"

"Not good." The simple two words made Zhuge Yu's heart sink.He didn't care too much, and quickly found Li Qiyou decisively.

Although it was cold winter, Li Qiyou's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his fingers were clenched into fists, and his whole body was tense like a fully drawn bow.

"My lord..." Zhuge Yu opened his mouth and before he could say anything, he heard the clanging of swords and swords.

Fang Zilan's crown fell to the ground while the sharp edges were contending, and her ink-like long hair fell in all directions without restraint.

The fiery red robe was torn apart, and together with the long hair, they were wrapped in the cold wind and fluttered in the air. Red and black were intertwined, coquettish and poignant.

Holding a broken sword, Fang Zilan retreated to the side of the stage under the threat of everyone, and would fall if she was not careful.She raised her head and looked up the city tower, Li Shengxuan was surrounded by civil and military officials, and everyone was watching the play.

Amidst the mighty momentum, her gaze was fixed on Li Shengxuan.She couldn't see clearly from too far away, she could only see a blurry figure, but for some reason, she felt a little calm in her heart.

"Monster, don't hurry to die!"

The person closest to Fang Zilan suddenly shouted, and the sword pointed straight at her.

She dodged it lightly and deftly, half of her body was hanging outside the high platform, like a precarious kite.

Soon the next round of attack came unexpectedly, she turned around and the sleeve of her robe was cut by a sharp knife, and the bright red cloth fluttered in the wind.

Fang Zilan is now riding a tiger. If she jumps off the high platform by herself, she will fall down if nothing happens but the evil spirits will not die.

But if she fights with them with swords and guns, even though she won't lose, I'm afraid she won't lose anything.If the injury is more serious, it will inevitably be talked about by A Wan.In a dilemma, this year will not be easy.

After thinking about it, there is no way to have both, Fang Zilan simply got angry, and unexpectedly stretched out her hand to grab the wrist of the person in front of her on the left, and suddenly forced him to release his hand in pain. She took advantage of the situation and snatched his sword.

The man obviously didn't expect her to do this, and she moved too fast, he was caught off guard and couldn't resist at all, and was pushed away by her palm in a daze, and the inertia retreated and brought down the few people behind.

The person standing on Fang Zilan's right saw her snatching the weapon, and seeing that the situation was wrong, he hurried forward a few steps, and swords came one after another.

In the shadow of swords and swords, she tore off her outer robe to use her strength, and dazzled everyone's eyes with the dazzling red.When everyone reacted, they saw red rags falling from the sky like a rain of bloody flowers.

Everyone's eyes followed the flower rain to the audience, only to see a demon in red lying lifelessly on the ground, with black hair in red and skin as white as snow, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep forever.The gorgeous strips of cloth fell on her body, which was indescribably eerily beautiful.

In an instant, the onlookers on Suzaku Street fell silent, and everyone was so shocked by this scene that they couldn't speak.

For a moment as if time stood still, Li Shengxuan stood on the tower, all his attention was occupied by her, and there was no room for anything else in the center of his eyes.

"Yeah, it's full of flaws, but he said it in a high-sounding way." A coldness flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and A Wan tugged at her sleeve, "Who are you talking about? Who told you this?"

"It's nothing, it's all over." Fang Zilan looked forward with deep eyes, "In the future, I won't believe his words."

She didn't tell A Wan that this sentence was said to her by Ji Ningtian.

For some reason, perhaps because the future is unclear, or because the affairs of the past few days have been complicated, she always thinks back to the past inadvertently.

If she had compromised from the beginning and hadn't chosen to become a sword, wouldn't the road today be so difficult?

At this moment, she was greatly shaken.

A Wan didn't pay attention to her emotions, but shook her head and said: "Fang Zilan, just admit it. You brought me by your side, not to abandon me, but to ensure that I am safe and sound, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded without hesitation. Awan looked like I knew it, and was about to say something, when she suddenly sighed, "This road is really difficult."

A Wan looked at the bumpy road in front of him, and said casually: "It's really not easy to walk. But going forward, it's much easier to walk closer to the villages and towns."

As she spoke, she moved closer to Fang Zilan, looked at her gloomy expression, and said with a smile: "You don't regret it, do you?"

"It's useless to regret, after all, you chose the road." A Wan raised the whip in his hand, "Instead of regretting, it's more important to choose a good road again, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and Awan pushed her to the side and moved her position, "If you regret it, we might all be there."

(End of this chapter)

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