Don't ask where people go

Chapter 906 Indifferent

Chapter 906 Indifferent
A flash of approval flashed in Zhuge Yu's eyes, "Sister Lan is really careful. Xiahou's family controls not only the elite soldiers and generals in the east of the capital, but also the Xia family army who returned from Baiyue. These people will not really serve the capital. What they used, they only listened to Xiahou Yunzhao's orders, and now they are mercenaries. If Xiahou's family returns the military power, it will only return the part of the eastern border."

For a long time after he finished speaking, Fang Zilan didn't speak again.Just when he was about to say something again to break the silence, he suddenly heard her voice, "So Ayu, your guess is that His Majesty's conscience found that he wanted to change to another person? Or is it because all members of Xiahou's family came to Beijing this time?" , in order not to escort His Majesty any longer?"

Conscience found out?Zhuge Yu keenly grasped these four words, and thought it was a bit funny, but in fact it was nothing more than a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

"You can say that." Zhuge Yu nodded, and Fang Zilan's face showed an ambiguous smile, "The Empress Dowager will not sit idly by. If the target of public criticism is changed, her previous painstaking efforts will be in vain."

"If the person who is the target of public criticism is the Empress Dowager, she will not have any objections." Zhuge Yu's expression was very calm, showing no expression.

"Young Master Zhuge, I might be from the Empress Dowager?" Fang Zilan changed her name calmly, with a hint of guard in her expression.

Zhuge Yu said so much, it is impossible for her not to notice anything.From the day he received the imperial decree, what he said meant something, and what he just said was obvious. If Li Shengxuan really had this intention as he expected, then she would be one of the new candidates for public criticism.

"I know you're not." Zhuge Yu said firmly, his tone sank, "But it's not hard for me to see that you are not His Majesty's. Fang Zilan, who are you?"

"Who is it, is it really so important?" Fang Zilan still had a vague smile, and said casually: "Young Master Zhuge, in all fairness, have I done anything to endanger Dajing?"

"Fang Zilan, do you have to deceive yourself like this?" Zhuge Yu snorted coldly, "If you don't do it today, it doesn't mean you won't do it in the future. Once the people behind you stand on the opposite side of Dajing, can you let it go?"

As soon as his words fell, Fang Zilan only felt that something in her heart was shattered and scattered all over the ground.

Zhuge Yu was right, she was deceiving herself.

She always thought that she would be able to live in peace and stability if she could fight for her own place, but she knew very well in her heart that this was just an appearance.

Why did Ji Ningtian want her to be someone Li Shengxuan could rely on?It was for the day when she would turn her sword against each other and deal a fatal blow to Li Shengxuan.

The higher she climbed, the harder she would hurt Li Shengxuan and Dajing in the future.

However, if she gave up, she would be the one who died.If she wants to live, she can only selfishly foresee the result and climb up, unscrupulous, painful and sober.

"No matter what Mr. Zhuge thinks, Fang Zilan only wants to be innocent." Fang Zilan said every word seriously, but Zhuge Yu sneered, with a rare mocking look, "If you are stubborn, others can't say anything. It's just that you bully People can, but self-deception is fine. Ever since the incident of Shangguan Jing, you have no innocence at all, let alone a clear conscience?"

Every word in his words was heartbreaking, she remained silent and didn't speak, she just felt that whatever she said was like an excuse.

"Forget it, I'll let you do whatever you want." Zhuge Yu stood up with a cold expression, "I want to see what will happen to you Fang Zilan in the end."

"Anyway, if I fall into Mr. Zhuge's Linglong bureau, I won't complain at all." Fang Zilan stood up and looked him straight in the eyes, "But if it's the other way around, and Mr. Zhuge falls into my hands, I won't complain." Even if you die, you will keep Mr. Zhuge safe."

She left after she finished speaking, Zhuge Yu looked at her back with complex expressions, some were fiercely guarded, and some couldn't explain why she couldn't bear it, and he didn't know whether it was towards her or towards himself.

He couldn't help laughing at himself, they are all people who can't help themselves, who can be who's savior?

People who are opposites have only one ending.

She is always so duplicity and self-deception, how long can she be deceived?
"Miss Fang San, I'm really sorry..." Cai Cheng couldn't hold back, but Fang Zilan suddenly calmed down a lot, "Since you call me Miss Fang San, you should know that I am the daughter of the Fang family of Xiangfu. Although I am weak I can’t take care of myself, but I’m not someone who can intimidate me with a few words.”

Cai Cheng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Miss Fang San, I am not threatening, but your body is indeed in a state of exhaustion..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan interrupted him, her voice trembling slightly, but she still said word by word: "Do your best and obey the fate. No one can say how long I will live."

Mo Han in the crowd suddenly raised his head when he heard these words.For some reason, at this very moment, Miss Fang San, who seemed weak, seemed to overlap with his sister Lan, as if they had never left.

Fang Zilan met Mo Han's gaze, although it was only for a short moment, but they had already understood each other, then she saluted, and solemnly said: "The flowers are blooming very well today, but I am very tired, so I will not be here Disturbing everyone's pleasure."

After she finished speaking, she bid farewell to Mrs. Wang, and bowed to everyone present one by one, but before the ceremony was over, she couldn't hold on anymore and fell over again.Amidst the exclamation of everyone, she was finally sent back to the prime minister's mansion.

Early the next morning, Empress Fang Ziqin summoned Wang Quanrui's wife and a group of wives who attended yesterday's flower show into the palace.In addition, as long as there is an imperial order, the female family members of high rank and high grade in Beijing will also be called into the palace.

Fang Ziqin did not bluntly say that Fang Zilan was in trouble repeatedly yesterday, but no one spoke out to help her, but went from house to house, sisters and sisters-in-law beat each other, forcing all the female relatives to break into cold sweat, even the most stupid ones could hear it implication.

Until noon, although Fang Ziqin tried to persuade her to stay, none of the female family members dared to stay for lunch, and left the palace in a hurry, which was a sigh of relief.

It is widely spread in Beijing that Fang Ziqin was in charge of the family at the age of ten, married as Princess Xiang at the age of 16, and is now in command of the harem, so everyone knows that she is not comparable to the daughter of an ordinary family.Usually it doesn't show mountains and dews, but once it is rectified like today, it will hit the nail on the head.

Everyone in the Fang family protects their shortcomings, and Fang Ziqin is clearly telling the world that no one can bully her sister.

The female relatives who returned to the various mansions all had long memories, and they unanimously picked Fang Zilan out of their daily banquet list, tacitly knowing that seeing is not seeing.

(End of this chapter)

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