Everyone whispered, but Fang Chongzheng who stood among them was indifferent.All the officials were filled with righteous indignation for Chen Xu, could it be that they had forgotten the original intention of not to speak falsely at the beginning of Yushitai's establishment?

The Su family is weak, and they don't like to offend others, so they have always been peacemakers.Under the control of the Su family, today's Yushitai is almost no different from a grass on the wall.

If no one reminds all the censors, in the long run, I am afraid that any pretentious things will be played up. At that time, it will not only disrupt the court, but it may even be used as a knife to kill people without blood.

Fang Chongzheng sighed imperceptibly. In Yushitai, there are not only people like Chen Xu who can see the wind at both ends, but also people who are upright and prudent. Once again, I am afraid that there will be no one in the court who really dares to speak.

"My lord, I only have friendship with you, and I have no affection for a man and a woman." Fang Zilan broke away from his hand, with a calm expression, "I believe that with the character of my lord, no matter who I marry, I will respect her, love her, and protect her." She has a complete life, but that person should not be me."

"Why?" Li Qiyou held her by the shoulders and forced her to look at him, "You clearly know... don't you have to be a pawn and marry whoever you want when the imperial decree is issued?"

"I've been waiting for it now, haven't I?" Fang Zilan raised his hand and pushed his hand away, "My lord, if His Majesty hadn't respected me and was willing to ask me what I mean, the situation you said would have already happened."

Li Qiyou stared at her blankly, and only heard her say: "My marriage, as long as I don't want it, it is an imperial decree, and I have the courage to fight against it. What about you, do you dare?"

"Fang Zilan!" The Empress Dowager's voice sounded suddenly, especially sharp in the huge hall, "How dare you..."

"Why not?" Fang Zilan glanced at the ashen-faced Queen Mother, then turned to Li Qiyou and said, "My lord, I understand that you originally had good intentions, but when you used the name of self-protection to ask for a marriage decree At that moment, you have become the kind of person you don't want to admit."

"I..." Li Qiyou's tone weakened a little, "I'm afraid you will..."

"My lord, this is your problem." Fang Zilan cut off his words unceremoniously, "You used coercive means to try to make me submit. It's because you knew very well that this is something I can't agree to. thing."

"I'm sorry." Li Qiyou's voice was very soft, and Fang Zilan still heard those three words, but before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard the Empress Dowager say: "Master Fang is really a big tone, could it be that you are an Aijia and Does the Queen Mother not exist?"

Fang Zilan looked at the Empress Dowager and said: "I just said it when I came in, today I am here to see the prince. After all, the marriage is related to the two of us, and has nothing to do with others. Now I have finished what I have to say... ..."

"Lord Fang, marriage has always been the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, so how can it be a matter between you and Qiyou?" The Empress Dowager raised her voice and said without anger: "What's more, Qiyou wants to marry me." There is never something that is unattainable, and neither is man.”

Fang Zilan turned cold, "What do you want to say?"

"The Ai family will issue a decree to grant the marriage, please be at ease with the marriage." The sudden change of the Empress Dowager caught Fang Zilan by surprise, she was extremely puzzled, and Li Qiyou was also at a loss.

"There is no need to say more about this matter. If Mr. Fang feels that the Ai family can't control you, then the Ai family will ask His Majesty for an order." The Empress Dowager said in a deep voice, "The concubine who prays must be you."

Fang Zilan didn't know how she got out of the Yuzhang Palace, she only felt that her steps were extremely heavy, and what she repeated in her mind was the last words of the Empress Dowager, "If Mr. Fang thinks that he has meritorious deeds, he can be honored for a lifetime and despise the majesty of the royal family. Then how will the people of the world have reverence for my Dajing royal family in the future?"

For a while, she couldn't refute such words.It was she who forgot that it has always been a taboo to make great achievements.

Even if Li Shengxuan didn't care, even if she was a woman, even if she had never been proud of her merits, but as long as she had the slightest intention of rebelling, she would be considered a traitor at any time and would be dragged into the water and trampled to death.

Murong Qing was in a trance for a moment, Fang Zilan turned his face back, and his voice was a little bit lower, "My son, I promised King Zhongzheng that I will protect your life. But if you plan to do something wrong, don't blame me for being ruthless. Next time, I will Kill you."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, but Murong Qing called to stop her, "Lord Fang, you said that I have plotted against the law, so you have made every step of the way to become the Duke of Yue, don't you have other plans?"

Have another picture?Fang Zilan chewed on these four words repeatedly, then looked back at Murong Qing, "I have other plans, but they are different from Shizi's ambition."

"Ambition?" Murong Qing laughed out loud as if hearing something funny, and stopped after a while, saying word by word: "Master Fang, if you have the prophecy of destiny, do you fight or not? If you don’t fight, where will you settle down?”

Fang Zilan sneered, and said coldly: "There are many people in this world who do not have the prophecy of destiny. Don't they need to settle down? Only you know best whether your son has come this far, whether it is for the sake of survival or the prophecy of destiny."

"No matter what Mr. Fang thinks, I will not stop here." Murong Qing clenched his hands into fists and said with a sharp expression: "I will never let Mr. Zuo's blood flow in vain."

When she heard Mr. Zuo, Fang Zilan was stunned. She pursed her lips and said in a low voice: "My lord, have you ever thought that Mr. Zuo's so-called helping you may be just satisfying his own god-making?"

"What did Mr. Fang say?" Murong Qing didn't seem to hear clearly, Fang Zilan shook his head, "It's nothing, my son only needs to remember what I said today, and keep yourself safe. Otherwise, forgive me for not being able to fulfill my promise to your father."

After she finished speaking, she walked out without looking back, Murong Qing looked at her back, and felt a sense of powerlessness and dejection in his heart.

It's not that he didn't hear the last sentence just now, but he didn't dare to hear it.

If Mr. Zuo is really like what Fang Zilan said, and he only helps out for the prophecy of destiny, what is the friendship between teachers and friends in those years... what is he?A tool to fulfill the destiny prophecy?

Fang Zilan's slanderous words are really more ruthless than killing people.

Thinking of this, Murong Qing staggered a few steps, and managed to stabilize his body while supporting the table.Panting heavily, he stretched out his hand and swept all the utensils off the table, there was an endless clanging sound, and pieces were everywhere.

Meng Tingyang rushed over when he heard the noise, "My son..."

"Get out!" Murong Qing coughed a few times, his face pale.

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