Xiao Xuan'er looked serious and said: "The banquet in the first month is usually held by the clan and royal family two days before, so even if the fifth day of the lunar new year is placed among the nine princes, it is extremely high."

Li Shengxuan took a seat beside the bed, seeing Fang Zilan staring at him without saying a word, he couldn't help chuckling and said, "Why are you staring at me like this?"

As soon as he said this, Fang Zilan was startled to feel impolite. Just as he wanted to get up and say hello, he pressed his shoulder and leaned back, "You are injured, so there is no need to be polite."

Fang Zilan looked at the person close at hand, and said with a complicated expression: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I have caused a lot of trouble for Your Majesty recently..."

Li Shengxuan interrupted her and said: "Since you know that you have caused me a lot of trouble, you should take care of yourself as soon as possible."

"Okay." Fang Zilan murmured, her expression still full of hesitation.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan took the initiative to ask: "You want to ask me, why did you save everyone in the northern border?"

Fang Zilan nodded unabashedly, "Yes."

Li Shengxuan smiled slightly: "You answer me a question first, and I will tell you why."

Seeing that Fang Zilan didn't respond, Li Shengxuan assumed that she agreed by default.

He asked indifferently: "I know all about the situation in Yuzhang Palace that day. You could have retreated completely, why did you insist on kneeling in the snow to belittle yourself and beg the Empress Dowager to calm down?"

There was a hint of anger in his tone, although he restrained it well, Fang Zilan could still hear it.

She wondered why he was angry, and said involuntarily: "I beg the empress dowager to calm down, is that how your majesty sees me?"

Li Shengxuan didn't answer, Fang Zilan continued on her own, "I know that I caused trouble for Your Majesty that day, but I never asked His Majesty to stand up for me and fight with the Empress Dowager. Why did Your Majesty vent his anger on me……"

Before she could finish her grievances, she was interrupted by him again, "Let me ask you, you shouted in front of the Yuzhang Palace that day, but in order to anger the Empress Dowager, so that she dealt with you indiscriminately." ?”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's eyes widened suddenly, and she opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Seeing her reaction like this, Li Shengxuan knew that his guess was right, so he continued, "If the Empress Dowager disposes of you, this case will no longer be as simple as a case of corruption, but will involve the authority and face of the royal family. .”

Fang Zilan was stunned and did not say a word, and listened to him silently: "Even if you are a humble person, after all, you are also the Duke of Yue who was appointed by my relatives. Once the empress dowager disposes of you, it will be openly with the nine princes." Confrontation, under the coercion of the powerful and powerful, she will not dare to delve into it any further, and can only let it go. What you call saving everyone in the northern border at the price of death and reputation is such a way to protect the law?"

At the end, Fang Zilan lowered her head and said softly: "Your Majesty already knows, so why bother to ask?"

"Fang Zilan." Li Shengxuan held her shoulders and met her eyes, "You don't believe that I will protect everyone in the northern border?"

She stared closely into his eyes, and said coldly: "Yes, I don't believe it. All those in high positions play tricks and weigh pros and cons, and His Majesty is no different. How can I believe it?"

Li Shengxuan let go of his hand, and took a moment to say: "If all those in high positions are like this, then why do you want to protect everyone in the northern border even if you die?"

There was more scrutiny in his eyes, "Or, do you think you are the most different?"

Is it different?She suddenly chuckled when she heard the word, and asked instead: "I have already answered one of your majesty's questions. Now, it's your majesty's turn."

He was stunned for a moment, but he didn't ask any further questions. He just said in a low voice: "Those who hold salaries for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow. Everyone in the northern border has stood by for several years and has worked hard. I will not chill the hearts of soldiers in the four realms. "

She was slightly stunned, and she couldn't help asking when the words came to her lips, "What if..."

"This kind of contingency, if it had happened long ago, why wait until today?" He interrupted her involuntarily, the confidence in his tone was almost conceited, "I also guarded the northern border, have you forgotten? "

Fang Zilan didn't speak, but felt inexplicably more at ease.

In fact, ever since Li Shengxuan said in front of Yuzhang Palace that he was willing to share the burden with her, the balance of trust and suspicion in her heart had uncontrollably tilted towards the side called trust.

Now that he is so aggressive and relentlessly pursued, it is finally confirmed.

In any case, she believed him.One point or ten points, after all, is a letter.

"Fang Zilan, I know that people in this world are sinister, and being suspicious is the inevitable end result of those in high positions." Li Shengxuan said slowly: "But Zhuge Yu told me that the word trust should be used for things and not for people. I think he is right, so I will As for fulfilling your duties, I trust you, and you trust me."

When she heard his voice, she said word by word: "You are never the only one who is different."

His tone was calm and calm, and what he said seemed to be unimportant ramblings.But for some reason, the last string of defense in her heart was completely relaxed.

After a long time, just when Fang Zilan thought that Li Shengxuan was about to leave after speaking, he heard him say: "I have something to ask you. According to the custom in Beijing, the ministers of each government take turns to hold banquets in the first month. I asked the Ministry of Rites, and your house will take turns It's the sixth day of the lunar new year, but on the sixth day you closed your house, why?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan looked at him fixedly, coughed lightly and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I have no money."

Her words were gentle and soft, revealing a little bit of coquettishness, and she was completely different from her who was usually indifferent, alienated and full of guard.

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan's back trembled, and the apex of his heart felt numb, an indescribable itch.

He gathered himself together, and said with a smile: "You have already been named the Duke of Yue, but you actually told me that you have no money?"

"Whether I have money, Your Majesty won't know?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and seeing his doubts, she couldn't help curling her lips and said: "It seems that the people in the Ministry of Rites didn't tell His Majesty that they didn't send the corresponding money due to the many things at the end of the year. Send the reward to my house."

There was a lot of complaint in her tone, Li Shengxuan laughed dumbly and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Fang Zilan nodded emphatically, "If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can ask someone from the Ministry of Rites to confront me. I am willing, but I'm afraid they won't."

Li Shengxuan was concerned, and said in a gentle voice: "I know about this matter, and I will definitely give you an explanation. You can rest at ease, and I will come to see you when I have time."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded obediently, like a docile cat.

Li Shengxuan stretched out his hand out of nowhere, covered the top of her head, and gently stroked her hair.But in just a moment, he felt inappropriate and suddenly withdrew his hand.

"Your Majesty?" Fang Zilan tilted his head slightly to look at him, his eyes were clear and innocent, Li Shengxuan panicked, he hurriedly avoided her gaze, got up and left.

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