Chapter 936
"Master Huanyan..." As soon as Wen Yafu opened his mouth, Huanyan cut him off, "Nine-petaled flowers were originally used by the royal family to control Huan's daughters, and they are no different from those dirty things used in Huajie Liuxiang Mr. Wen, am I right?"

Wen Ya remained silent, smiled happily, and said word by word: "The so-called effect of the nine-petal flower is all thanks to the Su family and Mr. Wen, but I don't know if the descendants of the Su family still know it. Do you dare to admit it, sir?"

There was a descendant of the Su family in the room, who immediately jumped up and said: "Stop talking nonsense, ruining the reputation of my Su family!"

"Whether it's true or not, Mr. Su Bo will know when he goes back." Before Huan Yan finished speaking, the speaker just now panicked, "How do you know me..."

"Come on, class leader Huan Yan of the Qing Dynasty used the forbidden nine-petal flower to mess with people's minds and plot wrongdoing. Arrest her." Ji Ningtian finally spoke, and the guards outside the hall rushed forward.

Seeing a flash of silver light, Huanyan pulled out a soft sword from his waist to protect his body, "Since I came today, I have no plan to go back. Ji Ningtian, if the former concubine Shu was not a fake, how could you have survived to this day? "

"Your Highness, you don't need to be like this." Murong Xun poured a cup of tea on his own, held it in his hand without moving, and just calmly said: "You forced Fang Zilan to open the city gate, don't you want to test her skills and find her identity?" weakness?"

Mu Chuji's expression froze, and he immediately saluted respectfully: "Student knows his mistake, please forgive me." Just now he seemed to be frank, but in fact he was careful and didn't tell the truth.But how to hide it from Murong Xun?He didn't say anything on the surface, but now that he was asking this question, it was clearly expected that he had known that Fang Zilan would open the city gate.

Murong Xun took a sip of his tea, and didn't answer his words, but just asked, "Did you find it?"

"Fang Zilan's skill is the best that the students have seen so far, every move is clean and neat, as if instinctive, without any flaws." Mu Chuji changed his voice, "However, even though she has excellent skills, she is still just one person. If you cling to her for a long time, your physical strength will be exhausted, and you will only die."

"How long have you been delaying her?" Murong Xun was expressionless, but Mu Chuji said honestly, "One and a half hours is her limit."

"Rare." Murong Xun asked thoughtfully, "What do you think?"

"It's really rare." Mu Chuji said seriously: "I remember my husband once told me that the brave and good at fighting are generals, those who plan strategies are commanders, and those who are prepared for danger in times of peace are prime ministers. I can see something in Fang Zilan. The most important point is that she is not afraid of death at all. She has reached her limit that day, but she still hasn't taken half a step back."

"The survival of such a person is the biggest obstacle." Murong Xun withdrew his gaze, "His Royal Highness, what do you want to do in this situation?"

Mu Chuji thought about it for a while, and said word by word: "The sooner you attack the city, the better."

Murong Xun didn't answer, Mu Chuji only felt the invisible pressure enveloped him, making him sweat, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

It wasn't until a drop of sweat on his forehead fell to the ground that he heard Murong Xun's voice, "Those who have attained the Dao will help more than those who have lost the Dao. If you can't fight to the end before Dajing regains its strength, you will only lose. Li Shengxuan I also know, that's why Fang Zilan was sent to defend Qiluo City with such a hard nail. Since this is the case, this nail must be pulled out."

"Sir, do you think we can't win?" Mu Chuji couldn't help asking, and Murong Xun said quietly: "People's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant. Dajing is like an elephant. It can't swallow milk, but it is easy to choke. Your Highness thinks , how can we win this battle?"

"Brother Huang means to move the border to the north to expand our territory in Miluo." Mu Chuji replied: "So, as long as we can pose a threat to Dajing and force Dajing to negotiate with us, If you cede land and pay tribute, you will win this battle."

"Just posing threats is not enough. Enough threats are needed to achieve the goal." Murong Xun's expression became a little fierce, "Cut the flag and kill the commander, drive straight in, don't take it lightly."

"Yes, sir." Mu Chuji responded, "I personally led the attack on the city and vowed to take Fang Zilan's head."

"Let's leave the siege to Jiang Hanze, and you stay here." Murong Xun's tone was beyond doubt, and Mu Chuji was stunned, "Why..."

"Your Highness, do you know what to do if you are riding a tiger?" After Murong asked, without waiting for Mu Chuji to answer, he said, "If Fang Zilan is as lonely and brave as Fang Zilan, he will fight to the death and kill the tiger to survive. Therefore, this only Hu, Jiang Hanze can do it, I can do it, His Highness can't do it."

Mu Chuji understood, and said in a low voice: "Sir, I'm afraid of my brother..." He didn't continue, and Murong Xun's eyes flashed with worry, and he didn't say anything.

Mu Chuji subconsciously blurted out: "Don't worry sir, with me here, Jiang Hanze doesn't dare to complain to brother Huang at will, let alone do anything to sir."

"Jiang Hanze was taught by me alone. Now even if my heart is not with me, I have ways to deal with people. Your Highness doesn't have to worry about it." Murong Xun's expression was calm, and Mu Chuji knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he opened his mouth and finally just said Say goodbye.

"Your Highness, please stay." Murong Xun paused for a while before asking, "How is your Highness injured?"

"Mr. Lao is concerned, there is no serious problem." Mu Chuji smiled slightly, and bowed to Murong Xun again, and heard him sigh softly: "I hope that your highness will put yourself first, and don't worry about my old man. bone."

"Sir, you're joking." Mu Chuji smiled even wider, and joked, "If you are all old bones, wouldn't those people in the court who are full of food and doing nothing all day long be rotten?"

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. Murong Xun looked at his back and suddenly felt a little bit embarrassed.

No matter how absurd and cruel Mu Chuji was, he was very kind to the Zhongzheng Palace.Few people know that Mu Chuji's so-called debauchery, giving up the throne is just to preserve his Qinger, and even this expedition is all for his survival.

Mu Churui couldn't resist, so he sent Jiang Hanze to watch him, so Mu Chuji took the initiative to invite Ying, and came with the army without hesitation.How could he not know this one by one?

Who would have thought that all his miserable life, he would live in such a state of relying on others and being manipulated by others?
If he had been willing to use military power to suppress others and help protect Mu Chuji to the throne...

Murong Xun shook his head violently, pushing this thought out of his mind.For him, even thinking about it is a sin of disloyalty.

Now that things are done, it's a done deal and we have to do it.All he can do is obey the king's order and do his best.Even if it is an unjust battle, he must win.

(End of this chapter)

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