Don't ask where people go

Chapter 952 The Grass Grows

"Master Wei heard that you are back, boss, let me come over." Cao Hong's face was a bit worried, "Shangguan Min was detained by them in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing."

"I know about this." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Cao Hong was stunned, "Boss, do you know?"

Fang Zilan nodded, Cao Hong touched the back of his head, "Then there is one more thing, boss, do you know?"

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan couldn't help frowning, Cao Hong leaned in front of her, and said in a low voice, "I heard from my acquaintance in the camp that the person in charge of Shangguan Min held a picture every day and forced him to ask him what the picture was. What's the meaning."

"What picture?" Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but Cao Hong still heard it. He whispered, "Plum branch."

Fang Zilan's hands hidden in her sleeves were clenched into fists, thinking that it was the plum branch pattern that tricked Shangguan Min to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.But when did he know that Meizhi was related to him?

Before she could think about it, another thought popped up.They deceived Shangguan Min with the plum branch pattern, but they didn't know what the pattern represented, which meant that Wei Changtai didn't know the relationship between the plum branch pattern and her, but someone who knew the inside story told him...

The answer is ready to come out, Ji Ningtian.He stood behind the scenes and planned such a farce-like rebellion.

No, his real purpose is not to rebel, but after the rebellion...

Drag Wei Shi into the water and find someone to replace him, just like what she did to Shangguan's family.

But she is already in the position of Yue Guogong, does Ji Ning Tianming have other chess pieces available?Or is it that Ji Ningtian doesn't want to replace Wei Shi, what he values ​​is Wei Subaru's big camp in the suburbs of Beijing?
Not without this possibility.The most important place in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, whoever controls the camp in the suburbs of the capital will have the absolute right to speak.

However, due to the guard against her by Li Shengxuan and other noble families, even if Wei Subaru no longer manages the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, she may not take over...

Fang Lihui didn't show any embarrassment at all, he just smiled lightly and said: "Master Fang guarding the northern border is certainly not comparable to ordinary women."

Seeing that Fang Lihui refused to tell the truth, Fang Zilan shook his head involuntarily, called the two behind him to turn around and leave.

Fang Lihui hurriedly walked a few steps to follow, "What Mr. Fang said at the banquet today is quite interesting."

Fang Zilan still ignored Fang Lihui, Fang Lihui continued on his own, "I thought Mr. Fang was trying his best to facilitate this marriage, but I didn't expect that he would come to demolish me."

"Isn't Mr. Fang settled?" Fang Zilan asked back, with a cold tone, "I have long heard that the world's business is in the hands of the Fang family, and the Fang family is well-deserved when I see it today."

"Master Fang is ridiculous." Fang Lihui was not annoyed, but still just smiled, "The Fang family are all businessmen, and since they are businessmen, they have to calculate the pros and cons of gains and losses. Lihui will not do business that loses money."

"You don't lose money from this marriage." Fang Zilan slowed down a little, and Fang Lihui walked side by side with her a few steps faster, "I'm in the romantic business, so even if this marriage is a good one, I won't be able to get into the eyes of the Wang family."

"That's why you brought Fang Yuhan here?" Fang Zilan was noncommittal, "But you have to know that a son from a collateral lineage still can't get into the eyes of the Wang family."

"You can't get into the eyes of the Wang family, but you can get into the eyes of the daughter of the Wang family." Fang Lihui smiled with his red phoenix eyes. .”

"The Wang family's family is very strict. My slick tongue is enough to annoy Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang." The smile on Fang Lihui's face was even wider, as if a twilight shone with light. Your Excellency, worry about it."

"Young Master Fang is too confident." Fang Zilan stopped walking, raised her eyebrows lightly, "If I were Lord Wang, I would definitely choose you, not Fang Yuhan."

"Oh?" Fang Lihui's eyebrows stretched, his ending sound raised, playful: "I would like to hear the details."

Fang Zilan said softly: "During the day, Fang Yuhan complained for the two daughters. His words seemed sincere, but in fact they were powerless refutations. He didn't know that others saw him as deeply involved in the family, but that's all. As a person in the game , still so unclear, it is not pure goodness, but self-righteous hypocrisy."

She paused for a moment, then suddenly changed the subject and said, "But Mr. Fang, you are different. You are quick to judge the situation and the situation, and you can guess people's thoughts at a young age."

Hearing this, the smile on Fang Lihui's face froze, but for a moment, he still looked like a swinger, leaned in front of Fang Zilan and said softly: "Master Wang and Mrs. Wang have never seen that scene during the day. "

Fang Zilan took a quick step to distance himself from him, and said coldly, "Young Master Fang, you are not afraid that I will tell Lord Wang and Mrs. Wang?"

Fang Lihui covered his face with a folding fan, and smiled softly, "I'm not afraid. Although I don't have acquaintance with Mr. Fang, I also know that Mr. Fang is prudent and open-minded, and he will never do self-righteous hypocrisy."

Fang Zilan clenched her fingers into fists, thinking that Fang Lihui was such a good businessman, she actually returned what she said intact.

She snorted coldly, "What kind of characters are Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang? I can see it. Do you think they can't see it?"

"So what if you can tell? It's a pity that none of them are you, Mr. Fang." Fang Lihui chuckled, "A man like me is a wild horse. They don't have that certainty, so they won't take this gamble easily. And Master Fang..."

He paused while speaking, bent down and lowered his head to get closer to Fang Zilan, put his lips against her ear and said: "It's worse than me, so I won't be afraid of me."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was already a dagger on the side of his neck, but it could kill him with just a haircut.

"Master Fang is annoyed?" Fang Lihui didn't change his face, and he didn't show restraint in his teasing. Instead, he stretched out his hand to hold Fang Zilan's wrist, "Master Fang looks exactly like my cousin with the same name."

"Really?" Fang Zilan shook off Fang Lihui's hand, put away the dagger and hid it in his sleeve, his expression became colder, "I heard that Prime Minister Fang has a daughter with the same name as me, also called Fang Zilan."

"That's right." Fang Lihui nodded in agreement, "If Miss Lan wasn't too stubborn, I'd like to marry Miss Lan."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and walked away without stopping.

Fang Lihui followed, "I have to say, Mrs. Fang and my sister Lan do have some similarities."

"Fang Lihui." Fang Zilan clenched the dagger in her sleeve tightly, with a bit of restrained anger in her voice, "Your sister Lan can't kill people, but I will."

"Master Fang, are you willing to kill me?" Fang Lihui's eyes were obviously teasing, and the next moment Fang Zilan's sleeve flashed a silver light, and the dagger flew towards Fang Lihui.

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