Don't ask where people go

Chapter 975 Heaven and Earth

"Your Highness, what are you doing?" Fang Zilan glanced down at Li Qiyou's hand holding her, and said in a low voice, "If you have a wife, and Luo Fu has a husband, Your Highness must not exceed the rules."

Li Qiyou gritted his teeth, "Fang Zilan, do you really want to marry that stinky little boy Murong Qing?"

"If not, what will I do?" Fang Zilan curled her lips indifferently, "Could it be possible that Your Highness thought that I was really drunk and passed out at the banquet that day?"

Li Qiyou's expression froze, "Why don't you refuse..."

"Reject?" Fang Zilan interrupted Li Qiyou unceremoniously, "Your Highness, do you think I can refuse?"

Li Qiyou didn't speak, but suddenly tightened his hand holding Fang Zilan, as if he was afraid that the person in front of him would disappear suddenly.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan turned her head slightly, not looking at Li Qiyou's almost paranoid expression, "Your Highness, the night is getting dark, you and I are alone in the same room, really..."

"Fang Zilan." Li Qiyou looked at the person in front of him firmly, and asked word by word: "Are you willing to marry Murong Qing?"

"Your Highness, this is the end of the matter, even if I don't want to..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, Li Qiyou stopped him, "As long as you say you don't want to, I will take you away."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Li Qiyou, "What does Your Highness mean by this?"

"I'll take you away from marriage." Li Qiyou's eyes were burning, and he finally uttered the most indecent word, but the only solution in his mind, "elope."

Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, "Your Highness, are you sick? Confused..."

As she spoke, she reached out to touch Li Qiyou's forehead, wanting to confirm whether he had a fever and talking nonsense, but he held the other free hand, "I'm not sick, and I'm not confused. "

"Your Highness, do you know that if I agree with you..." Fang Zilan collected her expression and said seriously: "After tonight, the world is so big, but there will be no place for you and me."

"So what?" Li Qiyou's voice became more eager, "We can find a remote place to live in seclusion..."

"Remote places?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Under the whole world, could it be the king's land? Where does His Highness think we can escape?"

Li Qiyou was stunned for a moment, then Fang Zilan continued, "Besides, the prince has a family, if he elopes with me, where will the two princesses be?
"I..." Li Qiyou opened his mouth, and without waiting to defend himself, he heard Fang Zilan continue: "Today, the prince can completely ignore the two concubines for me. In the future, he can also give up for someone else. I."

"I won't!" Li Qiyou couldn't help but bring Fang Zilan into his arms, "Except for you, I won't..."

"Your Highness, you are King Yucheng of Dajing. And I am the third lady of Fang's family." Fang Zilan turned cold and pushed Li Qiyou away, "People like us are destined to be involuntary. Even if you don't want to bear the glory and reputation of the Li family, I can't turn my back on the Fang family."

After she finished speaking, she resolutely said: "Your Highness, please leave."

Fang Lihui reached out and poured a cup of tea for Warners, "Miss Sassan, how about a taste?"

Warners didn't take the teacup from Fang Lihui's hand, so he put the teacup in front of her, and then said slowly: "I'm not talking routinely. It's just that the Sassan family is strict, so even if Miss Sassan handles the family business , but never set foot outside Persia. However, I heard that Miss Sassan likes to collect all kinds of anecdotes and strange things outside of Persia, and even sent people to spend a lot of money to buy many foreign objects. I made a bold guess, and I hope Miss Sassan won’t be surprised.”

After he finished speaking, he saw that Warners looked alert and remained silent, so he stopped probing, but went straight to the point and said: "I invited Miss Sassan to drink tea this time because of my cousin."

Warners' expression relaxed a little, and Fang Lihui continued: "It's true that Miss Sassan and my cousin are in love, and it's true that you two don't love each other deeply. My cousin doesn't want to give up for you." As the head of the family, you are not willing to give up the glory of the family for my cousin. Am I right, Miss Sassan?"

Warners said nothing, and looked down at the tea in the cup. The green, clear and bright color reflected in her eyes, but cast a thin shadow on her amber eyes, shadowy People can't see her real thoughts clearly.

"Miss Sassan doesn't say anything, so I'll take it as your acquiescence." Fang Lihui picked up his cup of tea and took a sip, "But after this ordeal, I'm afraid that Miss Sassan and my cousin's minds will change again. Sassan Ms. Shan has more fear of the unknown, but my cousin has more courage to break the boat."

"It's no wonder Liren has never let me talk to you. You are really good at deceiving people." Warners raised his head, as if he had changed into a different person, and the softness and confusion in his eyes disappeared without a trace, as if dignified and calm Her own face.

She said coldly: "But you are wrong. I am not afraid of the unknown, but worried about Liren."

Fang Lihui said in surprise, "Worried about my cousin?"

Warners looked at Fang Lihui steadfastly, as if he had made great determination, and said word by word: "Do you know why my father must marry him? It's because Liren once said that I am more important than his life." , but it will never be more important than the Fang family. In his heart, the most important thing is the Fang family from the beginning to the end. If he is forced to give up his status as the head of the family because of me this time and hand the Fang family into your hands, he How can you be willing?"

"How can you be reconciled?" Fang Lihui repeated the last four words, and suddenly smiled, "Miss Sassan has made up her mind to go back to Persia, and I will stop communicating with my cousin from now on, and we will be well?"

"I am different from Liren. I have lived in the glory of the family since I was a child, enjoying the power brought by the Sasanian surname, but I have never shouldered any responsibilities. My father told me that if I do not want to bear the name of Sasanian in the future, his The money is enough for me to live well in a certain place in the world." Warners said quietly, with a serious expression, "Liren tried his best to stand at the top of the Fang family, and there is no reason to give up for me."

"Whether there is a reason or not, it should be decided by my cousin." Fang Lihui still had a smile on his face, but there was more meaning, "And I heard that Ms. Sassan is talented, a business genius no less than my cousin. In the business field, he is decisive and decisive, and he is not inferior to men. Could it be that such a character was taught by the Patriarch of Sassan?
He said with a stern look in his eyes, and his voice sank a bit, and he said, "If you say I'm demagoguery, I think Miss Sassan is a master at confusing people."

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