Don't ask where people go

Chapter 991 Defection

"I have a doubt. I wonder if Master Fang can explain it for me?" Fang Chongzheng seemed to have expected Fang Zilan's reaction, and changed his voice: "If Master Fang can solve my doubts, I would like to tell Master Fang what I want to know the most. thing."

Hearing that Fang Zilan's gaze sharpened a little, since the beginning of the year she has been doing something, from Baiye Temple to Fang's house, others may not know what she is looking for, but Fang Chongzheng must know.

It sounded like a deal, and one she couldn't refuse.

Her silence seemed to be her acquiescence, Fang Chongzheng asked bluntly: "Since Lianniang can poison Duke Juan, why didn't she directly attack Pei Poming?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze suddenly, she didn't expect it to be the simplest question.But she still said: "Because Pei Poming is the only one in the Pei family who never takes medicine. The Duke of the State of Jui is often sick and cannot live without medicine. The poison that Pei Poming bought with a lot of money at the beginning took advantage of this. Among the medicines that Gong Guogong uses daily, he will not be detected, and can kill him."

"If this poison is applied to the little girl's sleeve arrow, will it have the same effect?" Fang Chongzheng asked, and Fang Zilan said firmly: "Yes, but it doesn't take effect as quickly as oral administration."

Fang Chongzheng thought thoughtfully: "If this poison is used on Mrs. Pei or other Pei family members, will it be fatal?"

Fang Zilan still answered neatly: "Yes."

She had asked Awan to investigate the poison before, and Awan told her that this poison was incompatible with the medicines commonly used by the Pei family, so it would be fatal if used on the Pei family, and it would be fatal if used on other people...

Wait, the medicine commonly used by the Pei family...

Fang Zilan suddenly realized something, and before he could change his words, he listened to Fang Chongzheng's words: "Master Fang's words are wrong. Except for Duke Ping and Mrs. Pei, if others use it, it may not be fatal."

"What exactly does the Prime Minister want to tell me?" Fang Zilan held the teacup in his hand calmly. Fang Chongzheng knew the answer a long time ago, and he just pushed her into the game out of suspicion.

"Master Fang, I said that there are many things to talk about today, and this is just one of them." Fang Chongzheng took a sip of tea, and said in a low voice: "The medicine used by Duke Juan and Mrs. Pei is to relieve the frostbite. The poison of frost. But Pei Poming found out the secret of it from somewhere, and got the medicine to trigger the poison of frost."

Frost Poison?Fang Zilan sounded inexplicably familiar. Fang Chongzheng looked at her and said, "People in the ghost family should be familiar with this poison."

Fang Zilan's expression suddenly changed, and Fang Chongzheng remained calm, "The doctor and poison of the previous dynasty are not comparable to the current one. The poison of frost was originally given to the dead guards to obey orders, but occasionally it will be given to the dead. For disobedient courtiers, such as Pei."

He paused, "Lord Fang must have heard about the fact that the mother of Duke Juan married Pei to save the lives of the whole family. Although he saved his life, he was tortured endlessly afterwards. The poison was laid by his mother."

"Qi Canjun, what are you guilty of?" Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, and Qi Yuming still knelt upright, "Let Shangguan Min be released privately, and have selfishness towards everyone in Sanyuan Village. Death is inevitable."

"It seems that Qi Canjun doesn't know where he is wrong." Fang Zilan looked down at Qi Yuming, and chuckled, "Qi Canjun's private release of Shangguan Min led to the plotters headed by Lu Seya, which is really a great achievement. But you absolutely shouldn’t have to deploy troops privately, do you know that the military power in the north is in the hands of His Majesty? Without His Majesty’s approval, I would not be able to dispatch troops and generals, let alone you joining the army at a young age?”

"Master Fang..." Qi Yuming raised his head in a daze, his eyes flashed with astonishment, and then Fang Zilan bowed and whispered in his ear: "Qi Yuming, you really think I can't guess that you came alone s reason?"

The astonishment in Qi Yuming's eyes turned to fear, but Fang Zilan didn't let him go, "You made an agreement with Huangfulin to use me as a shield to replace the dead ghost, but I won't."

After she finished speaking, she stood up leisurely, turned to the awe-inspiring generals of the army, and said in a deep voice: "Qi Canjun's crime of privately dispatching troops is unforgivable, but for the sake of Qi Canjun's meritorious service, I will not kill him for the time being, and I will report to His Majesty later." Deal with it. Someone here, first take Qi Yuming down and take him back to the barracks."

Qi Yuming numbly let the soldiers step forward to take him down, but in his heart he just thought it was extremely funny. It seemed that whether it was Shangguan Jing, Huang Fulin, or him, Qi Yuming, they all underestimated this woman too much.

Knowing that it was a trap, she still stepped in without hesitation, not because of a desperate moment, but because she took every step to leave a way out.

She had already guessed that this dispatch of troops would give Huangfulin an excuse to read her a copy in front of Li Shengxuan, but if she couldn't shrink back, it would cause dissatisfaction in the entire northern region, and Huangfulin would also pull her down from her high position.

Fang Zilan's arrogance has always been difficult to ride a tiger from the beginning, but she took the edge of the sword and made the most risky move.

She not only blamed Qi Yuming for the crime of privately dispatching troops, but also recklessly left Shangguan Min to save the hope of the barbarians and Shangguan's old man, which made Huangfulin feel scrupulous.

It's just that Qi Yuming didn't know at that time that Fang Zilan's keeping Shangguan Min was entirely out of her own selfishness.

When Fang Zilan escorted Shangguanmin and Qi Yuming back to the barracks, it turned out that Huang Fulin had already been waiting in the big tent for a long time.

Fang Zilan's eyebrows showed a look of tiredness, and he still managed to deal with Huangfulin back and forth, "General Huangfu is here, it seems that the Wang family's send-off team has already left Yanzhou City. "

"Master Fang is planning and predicting things like a god, so he guessed well." Huangfu Lin said flatteringly, but then he probed with a face of embarrassment: "It's just that Master Fang left in a hurry during the dinner today, and I think something happened at the border. Don't worry, I have to come to the barracks to have a look in person to feel at ease, who would have thought..."

Huangfu Lin paused pointingly, Fang Zilan frowned slightly and pretended to be confused: "General Huangfu may as well speak up if you have something to say."

"If that's the case, then I'll just say it straight." Huangfu Lin said seriously: "The military power in the northern border has always been in the hands of the current Holy Master. If Mr. Fang dispatched troops without permission, I'm afraid it won't make sense?"

"What should I be?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly with disdain, "Your Majesty will understand that you will not accept the orders of the generals abroad, and you must follow the authority when you are in a hurry."

"Follow power in a hurry?" A trace of sarcasm flashed across Huangfu Lin's face, "For such an important matter as military power, Mr. Fang is too easy to say. Today's matter, I will definitely report to the Holy Majesty verbatim."

"Alright." Fang Zilan nodded, and thoughtfully said: "I originally thought that General Huangfu would be considerate, so I covered up this matter for Qi Yuming. Now it seems that I can only stab His Majesty to deal with it."

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