Don't ask where people go

Chapter 993 Cooperation

Chapter 993 Cooperation
"The new emperor of Miluo has sent someone to send new terms for the peace talks." Zhuge Yu's expression was gloomy, "The general conditions have not changed, but one has been added."

"What?" Fang Zilan asked subconsciously, and Zhuge Yu lowered his eyes and said, "Send Murong Qing, the son of King Zhongzheng, to Dajing as a proton."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then realized later: "Isn't this condition too much for Murong Xun? Can he agree?"

"Murong Xun said he was sick, and I didn't see him at the banquet just now." Zhuge Yu sighed softly, "If this is added, sincerity is enough, and the other conditions can't be too demanding."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "This Miluo new emperor is really ruthless, isn't he afraid that Murong Xun will be forced to rebel?"

"Not to mention Murong Xun, this condition itself is a hot potato." Zhuge Yu pursed his thin lips tightly, "Once Murong Qing enters our capital, if in the future..."

He didn't continue, but Fang Zilan's heart tightened. If something happened to Murong Qing in Dajing in the future, it would not only solve Mu Churui's serious problem, but also give Miluo an excuse to send troops.

"Looks like Sister Lan has thought about it too." Zhuge Yu's expression darkened, and Fang Zilan nodded, "But the conditions of the peace talks now..."

"It's the best we can get now." Zhuge Yu turned his face away and said, "I've sent the letter back, and everything depends on His Majesty's decision."

"Anyway, we did our best." Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, "Forget it, let fate."

"Sister Lan, do you believe in the destiny?" Zhuge Yu suddenly raised the corners of his lips, and Fang Zilan also smiled, "Of course I don't believe it, what I believe is that my destiny is up to me."

"If it's up to you, why every Mid-Autumn Festival..." Fang Zilan interrupted Zhuge Yu impatiently when Zhuge Yu had finished speaking, "Ah Yu, you really don't know which pot to open and which pot to carry."

"This time the peace talks are over, if there is no accident, at least Dajing can be kept stable for ten years." Zhuge Yu smiled even more, "I think Sister Lan can spend every festival in the future in peace."

"Accept your auspicious words." Fang Zilan asked as if remembering something, "Ayu, you said that Baiye Temple is full of incense, is it really so effective? If it is really effective, why is your wish for the sea to be clear and the world peaceful? Hasn't come true yet?"

"The so-called wish comes from the heart, but it is expected to become a king in the dead moon. If it is not for years and months, how can it be called a wish?" Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled broadly, "I can afford to wait. In my lifetime, I will see Haiqinghe Yan Tianxia is at peace."

"That's right, if it can be realized easily, what kind of wish is it?" Fang Zilan muttered something in a low voice, and Zhuge Yu couldn't help but ask, "Sister Lan, what is your wish?"

"Mo Han is dead." Fang Zilan ignored Li Qiyou's shock, and said sharply, "Li Qiyou, what you shot was not Xu Yi, but Mo Han."

"I..." Like a child who did something wrong, Li Qiyou lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the person in front of him.

At the moment when the arrow was shot, he was in a daze, and his mind went blank.After finally having a reaction, what he thought was that he actually killed Xu Yi.

For him, killing people was not the first time. On the battlefield, he had slashed the enemy with his hands and dealt heavy blows to the barbarians, but now it was in the capital.On the stage of the New Year's Society Opera, he accidentally killed an innocent court official...

Later, in the chaos, he saw A Wan walking quickly, and only then realized that the person under the mask was not Xu Yi, but Mo Han.

After a quick glance, he was taken away by someone taking advantage of the chaos. Suspicion and guilt pulled him along the way, making him almost collapse.

On the one hand, he suspected that his own eyesight was wrong, how could Mo Han appear on the stage of the New Year's Society Opera.However, he was too impressed by that look, and A Wan was the first to rush over, so he could no longer deceive himself.

On the other hand, he couldn't explain his ambiguous feelings towards Fang Zilan, and he even had a bit of love for Mo Han. When the Yue State Mansion was raided before, he asked the people in the mansion where they were going. After Mo Han went to the Xu Mansion, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.After all, the Xu family is well-known, so they will be able to treat them kindly...

"Li Qiyou, I think there is nothing wrong with treating you, and I even saved your life in the northern border." Fang Zilan said angrily: "But I have never relied on favors to repay you, let alone asked you to do so." What happened, but how did you treat me?"

When she was talking about excitement, she couldn't help coughing a few times, took a breath, and continued: "When you invited me to act in the New Year's drama, I suffered all kinds of open and dark arrows, and I never complained to you. If you There is a quarrel between me, nothing more than my rejection of your marriage proposal, but if you hold grudges because of this, even though you came to me, why did you kill Mo Han?"

"I didn't!" Li Qiyou panicked, and put his hands on Fang Zilan's shoulders, "I didn't even know he was Mo Han, I thought he was Xu Yi, and someone jumped at me..."

"You don't know?" Fang Zilan pushed Li Qiyou's hand away in disgust, "You are responsible for the preparation of the New Year's show, except that the props are in charge of the etiquette department, and you can push them away. How can you not know everything else?"

Li Qiyou opened his mouth, and before he could refute, he heard Fang Zilan say: "What's more, Mo Han didn't come from martial arts background, but every move and style he performed in the New Year's Society Opera was not a day's work. If it hadn't been for a long time ago Premeditated, how could he appear on stage instead of Xu Yi?"

"It was Xu Yi during the rehearsal, I really don't know why today..." Before Li Qiyou could finish speaking, he froze in place, as if struck by lightning.

Speaking of it, it has been weird for a long time, but he just realized it now...

"What do you remember?" Fang Zilan grabbed Li Qiyou's collar, and he murmured, "Xu Yi was ill a few days ago, and he couldn't come to rehearse the New Year's drama until the costumes and masks were ready and sent to various He appeared on the second day in the mansion. But he was wearing a costume and a mask, and he never took it off no matter what others said. on stage..."

"Enough." Fang Zilan intercepted Li Qiyou's words, her voice trembling violently, "Don't you know now? It's too late, Mo Han is dead."

Li Qiyou held Fang Zilan's wrist, "I killed Mo Han, and I will be responsible to the end."

"What are you responsible for?" Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and said, "I want you to pay for your life, are you willing?"

Hearing this, Li Qiyou let go of his hand slowly, and said in a deep voice, "If I can relieve the hatred in your heart, I am willing."

"Okay, that's what you said." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, she pulled out the dagger in her sleeve and went straight to Li Qiyou's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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