Chapter 121

Seeing that Heart was about to run away, Qing Yu grabbed her, "Wait."

She looked at the place in the distance that was clearly surrounded by a mass of black air, "Up and down, sundial, mountain wind gu, this is a sign of corruption, if you don't advance, you will retreat, little evil."

Hongtao patted the back of her hand comfortingly: "The evil spirit is so heavy, there is no reason not to be fierce. Don't worry, it's just a mere retreat of the evil spirit, and it can't stop me."

Qing Yu said: "Removing evil spirits can only solve superficial problems. The appearance of corruption comes from the inside out, and the root causes are inside. Therefore, retreating evil spirits is only the second."

Heart thought for a while, then asked: "Where is the root?"

"If you don't advance, you will retreat. You should use retreat as advance. If you retreat as advance, you will not get rid of it. If you don't get rid of it, you can retreat. If you force it out, there will be troubles later."

Hongtao nodded, said "advance through retreat", and called: "Teacher, let's go."

Sanchan was still in astonishment. He looked at Qingyu, and then at Hearts who had gone out. He was shocked deep in his heart. What happened to this family? At such a young age, he suddenly felt that the first half of his life had been wasted.

Qing Yu seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled lightly: "Don't be fooled by the illusions in front of you, what you see may not be real."

Sanchan laughed a little stiffly, and called out "Liaochen", and the master and apprentice went after the heart.

The three of them followed the direction of the evil spirit and found Liu Yuanwai's house.He is also a well-known landlord and gentry nearby.

But before Hongtao launched the movable type sign of Sanchan, she was stopped by a row of yamen servants on the side of the street.Those who were stopped by the yamen servants were accompanied by a bunch of onlookers.

Hongtao looked around, saw a man with a long tongue, and asked, "Uncle, what happened here?"

Hearing the sound, the man turned his head and saw that it was a child, but this did not hinder his desire to speak, so he said, "Liu Yuan's family's concubine died, and this concubine's natal family also had some wealth, so I reported it to you." Officer, the squad leader is leading people to arrest people inside."

"Catch the murderer? Who is the murderer?" Heart was a little curious.

"Of course it's the mistress of the house. These days, there are many concubines killed by the mistress. Most of them are buried with straw mats. They won't make such a big fuss. After all, most of the concubines are born No, death is death. These rich people are even more afraid of causing gossip.

However, Liu Yuanwai's concubine, whose natal family is wealthy, refused to follow her daughter's death, and reported to the official, and the murderer must pay for her life. "

Hongtao chuckled, "Just because of this? Then it's not too difficult to become an official. I would do it if I were."

Someone next to him couldn't help but interjected: "No. The concubine who died in vain pointed out the murderer herself."

"Oh? Can a dead person refer to a murderer? Isn't this person dead? How did she point it? Which finger did she point at?" Hearts became more and more surprised.

This actually caught the two people on the left and right. They also looked curious, and stretched their necks forward as much as they could on tiptoes, "I just don't know what to mean, I was stopped on the side of this street, and I couldn't see what was going on inside." .”

Hongtao watched the soaring evil spirit getting stronger and stronger, thought for a while, put on a master's cold attitude, and asked Sanchan: "Disciple, what do you think when you see this evil spirit?"

Before Sanchan could react at first glance, he was taken aback for a moment, then bent down and whispered: "The evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger, if it is not stopped in time, it may hurt people's lives."

Hearts nodded, "That's right, so you quickly show your housekeeping skills and let them let me in, your master."

I. My job as housekeeper is not to be your doorkeeper.Sanchan felt resentful in his heart, but on the surface he gave his little apprentice Liaochen a wink.Liao Chen understood, took the greeting card and squeezed past the edge, not long after, he came with the butler.

The three of Hearts were successfully brought into the gate of Liu's house by the butler. Just as they crossed the threshold, a gloomy cold wind hit their faces. Chen held it up, so he didn't fall off.

Her face was flushed red with anger, and she muttered fiercely, "Little evil spirit, dare to provoke your aunt, let me break it for you."

The dantian zhenqi condensed, although it was less than [-]%, the aura was already strong, with a bang, like an empty cannon exploding on the spot, forming a circle of air waves, blowing away all the dust on the ground.

The air wave was formed by the collision of true energy and evil energy. The evil energy was blown away, and the whole body of true energy became invisible. It was not too big or small, and it happened to protect the three of them together with the housekeeper.

The clothes and hair that had been bulging and flying in the wind stopped instantly.

The housekeeper was still a little confused at first, "Has the wind stopped?" But then he looked at Sanchan in shock, "As expected of Master Sanchan, please come to the inner courtyard with me quickly, the evil spirit is playing a demon in the inner courtyard."

Sanchan was a little embarrassed, it was neither good nor bad.

Hearts were angry and didn't care.

The three of them followed the housekeeper to the inner courtyard. The moment the cold air around them stepped into the second gate, it became much heavier. The sky was gloomy, and the evil spirit in the courtyard even made sand and stones fly away.

However, these evil spirits will automatically recede after they get within a foot of the heart, and in the entire courtyard, only the place where the heart passes is extremely quiet.

There are about ten people in the courtyard, some are dressed as government servants, and some are dressed as common people, among them a couple hugging each other and crying is the most obvious.

Heart pointed to the most gorgeously dressed person standing in the middle of the crowd and asked, "This is your master."

The butler panicked, "That's right." He wanted to shout, but seeing the situation outside the protective circle, he was trembling with fear, so he could only stand on the edge and shout: "Master, Master Sanchan is here."

When other people in the courtyard heard the sound, they all turned their heads to look. The whole courtyard was in chaos, and the quiet little side was particularly eye-catching.

Member Liu paused for a moment before rushing into the protective circle. As soon as he entered, the evil wind that cut his face disappeared instantly.He had never seen such a weird thing with his own eyes, and he was a little terrified at the moment, staring blankly in the direction of the main room without saying a word.

The other yamen servants also looked terrified, and they all followed into the protection circle.

In the end, only the weeping couple remained outside the circle, and Hong Tao guessed that the two should be the parents of the dead concubine.

Liu Yuanwai seemed to have come to his senses, and at this moment he cupped his hands to Sanchan with an urgent expression on his face, "Master, please drive away the evil spirit quickly."

Hongtao looked at Sanchan, "Disciple, what did your uncle say before going out?"

Sanchan's face turned red, he saluted Liu Yuanwai, and said, "This evil... This evil is the result of resentment. It needs to be resolved. I don't know if Yuanwai can tell you what happened."

Liu Yuanwai looked distressed, "I don't know, the family backyard has always been harmonious, and the servants all know that the relationship between Xiang Ming and Wan'er has always been harmonious, and there has never been any quarrel, and Wan'er still paid for me by Xiang Ming.

Maybe, maybe it has something to do with Wan'er being pregnant, I don't know, I really don't know.Xiang Ming has always been gentle and kind, she can't kill Wan'er. "

Hongtao stared at Yuanwai Liu for a long time before turning her head to look at the main room.

The main house is the house where the master and the hostess live. At this time, all the sand and gravel in the courtyard are swept away by evil spirits, forming a barrier around the main house. If you get close to it, you will be cut by the gravel and bleed.

Seeing that there was still a pool of blood and chicken feathers in front of the house, Hongtao asked, "What's going on?"

The head of the yamen servant quickly explained: "At first I wanted to go in and arrest people, but in this situation I wanted to test whether people could go in, so I threw a chicken. I didn't want the chicken to fall in and be smashed to pieces, so we didn't Dare to go in."

Hearts nodded clearly, at this moment, the couple cried again:
"Wan'er, you have a spirit in the sky, so you let your mother go in, arrest that poisonous woman and send it to the officials for investigation. Don't worry, even if mother does everything she can, she will seek justice for you and let that poisonous woman pay for your life .”

(End of this chapter)

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