Chapter 149

A table of people was chatting and joking, suddenly heard someone shouting outside the courtyard, this is the inner courtyard, it is still far away from the gate, if not for the five people with cultivation base, their eyesight and hearing have already surpassed ordinary people, so they would not be able to hear it.

"Someone is calling." Wen Ya got up, "I'll go out and have a look."

Old man Xu and Xu Lan were both silent. After hearing the sudden, there was something strange on their faces. Didn't they hear anything? !
"I'll go." Xu Lan stood up.

"You sit down. You eat first." Wen Ya walked out while holding Xu Lan down.

When I came to the gate of the courtyard, I saw a middle-aged couple.Holding a plate of meat in her hand, the woman smiled and said to Wen Ya: "We live in the house diagonally opposite to yours. This is my husband Li Sheng."

Li Sheng smiled and cupped his hands, but his expression was a little stiff, and he looked a little reluctant.

It turned out to be a neighbor.Wen Ya smiled and blessed, "We were supposed to pay a visit, but these days have been delayed by trivial matters."

Li Sheng's daughter-in-law quickly laughed and waved her hands, "Where is it? We were rude. A few days ago, our husband and wife have been sick, and you didn't come out to say hello when you came."

Holding up the plate in his hand again, he said, "This is the sauced meat I made myself. It tastes pretty good. A little care is no respect. Madam, please don't dislike it."

Wen Ya smiled, "It's too much trouble, I feel embarrassed. Why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

"Oh, that's great." Li Sheng's wife immediately pulled Li Sheng up and stepped over the threshold.

Wen Ya's brows moved slightly, and she greeted with a smile.

Li Sheng's daughter-in-law grabbed Li Sheng and followed Wen Ya into the courtyard, marveling in her heart, and finally couldn't help it, she asked in surprise, "Why is your place so beautiful, and why do these flowers and plants grow so well?"

Because of the haunting, all the flowers and plants in their yard withered, just like the trees in the alley.Although the yin energy is gone now, and it doesn't seem to be haunted anymore, the flowers and plants in their yard have not come alive.

Wen Ya also shook her head with a smile, "They were all dead when they came here, but for some reason, they gradually came back to life. Isn't it the same for those trees in the alley? I guess it's raining and sunny here."

Li Sheng wobbled a little, grabbed his wife's hand, and looked around nervously.Although Li Sheng's daughter-in-law had some doubts in her heart, she didn't show it. Instead, she smiled and said: "Judging from your accent, it seems that you are from another place."

"Yes, we escaped from the famine in Shuzhou."

Li Sheng's wife was surprised again, "Shuzhou? That's so far away, you must have suffered a lot along the way."

Wen Ya sighed bitterly, "From September last year to April this year, except for two months in Chengyang County in winter, I was on the road all the time."

It turned out to be people who fled.Li Sheng's daughter-in-law put down a lot of doubts in her heart, and asked curiously: "Then why did you flee from the famine?"

"There is a plague of locusts in Shuzhou. The government doesn't care about it. The surplus food has been eaten up. There is no choice but to leave the hometown to survive."

Li Sheng's daughter-in-law groaned, and couldn't help but sigh, "It seems that it is not easy everywhere. I am afraid that it will be the turn of Yinzhou drought this year, so I dare not think about it."

The two walked to the dining room while chatting.

Several people in the room saw Wen Ya leading a strange couple in.Ten An Hearts has been known for a long time, so there is nothing strange about it.Although Zhuifeng didn't understand, he still did his duty as the head of the family, stood up on one leg, and hugged Li Sheng with a smile.

Li Sheng saw that there were people of all ages in the room, and the stiffness on his face eased a lot. He also saw that Zhufeng's head was wrapped in gauze, and he was polite and concerned, "What's the matter? Knocking?"

Zhufeng smiled helplessly, "Today the head of the village got into a fight with the tenant farmers, and was accidentally pushed and knocked." He raised his leg slightly to signal, "I broke my toes."

Li Sheng sighed for a while.

Wen Ya introduced Li Sheng and his wife to everyone in the room, and then introduced her family to the couple.After the couple heard it, they were completely relieved, secretly thinking that they were thinking too much, this is a very ordinary family at all.

Li Sheng's daughter-in-law put the sauced meat on the table and said with a smile, "If it doesn't suit your appetite, don't blame me for making it taste bad."

"Thank you very much." Zhuifeng greeted Li Sheng again, "Have you had dinner? If you haven't eaten, stay for a light meal."

"We've already eaten." Li Sheng returned the gift and glanced at his wife, who said tactfully, "Since you are eating, then we won't bother you. We'll go back first and come to visit another day."

Then he said to Wen Ya: "If you want to buy clothes, jewelry, rouge, etc., just come to me, I know where it looks good and is cheap."

"Okay, I will go to the street another day, and I will definitely find you." He said while sending Li Sheng and his wife out.

On the way, Wen Ya remembered again, "Oh right, back then Qian Fangya said that the well water in the backyard was eaten in Jiuquli.

I haven’t seen you fetching water these days, so don’t be polite in the future. I leave the back door open during the day. If you want to fetch water, go anytime. "

Li Sheng's wife thanked her with a smile, bid farewell to Wen Ya, and pulled Li Sheng away.

Wen Ya watched the couple enter the hospital, then closed the door and went back to the dining hall.As soon as he entered the house, Zhui Feng asked, "Why did they come suddenly?"

I have been here for a month, but I have hardly met the families in the alley.If he hadn't occasionally heard noises in the courtyard, he would have thought that only his family lived in this alley.

"Perhaps the yin energy is gone, don't be afraid, just walk around." Wen Ya sat down.

The family continued to eat, and Zhufeng talked about the things in the country again, ". I have thought about the conflict between tenant farmers and landlords, and I don't know what to do, but it's wrong to leave it alone, so I just came back and asked you. "Looked at Qingyu.

The old man Xu knew that farmers were the ones to be exploited. He sighed, "Confronting the He family is like hitting a stone with an egg. I think I will have to sign a lease in the end."

Qingyu put down her chopsticks, "Today I made a divination. The upper divination is Huoli, and the lower divination is Shuikan. This is 'Water and fire are not in harmony'. The image of this hexagram is the imbalance of yin and yang, which means that the up and down are not connected."

Zhufeng and the others looked at her.

Qing Yu glanced at Wen Ya, smiled slightly and said, "It's not troublesome to solve this matter."

After eating and clearing away the dishes, Qingyu's family dispersed separately.

Xu Lan and the old man Xu hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they stayed in the main room and talked for a while.But the topic revolved around their club.

Especially Xu Lan, wishing she could finish what she had seen and heard recently, "Grandfather, you have really good eyesight. I followed my wife these days and saw things that were unimaginable in my life.

Do you know that my wife can fly with a sword and control things with her breath? When I first saw it, I was frightened.Grandpa, I think we must have met a fairy. "

The old man Xu was also quite emotional, "It's not easy to chase the boss. I have planted medicinal materials all my life, and he said many things, but I have never heard of them. I have benefited a lot from following him these days."

He said again: "This family is not simple. At such a young age, the third lady can actually know the art of divination. Girl Lan, I don't have a few years to live. I'm afraid it's your luck. You have to follow along They, so grandpa can rest assured."

Xu Lan's eyes turned red, "Grandfather said such things again, you will definitely live to be a hundred years old."

"Hahaha~" Old man Xu laughed for a while, seeing that it was getting late, he persuaded Xu Lan to go to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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