Chapter 170

After being stunned for a moment, Qian Er Er tentatively asked, "You ask so many questions, because you want to be your own housekeeper?"

Hearts counted on their fingers, "I understand Feng Shui, and I can find a house for someone; I can also read a fortune teller, and I can help a tenant find a house that suits him; besides, I can also estimate the price, and I know how to go to the yamen. No more."

Qian Er was speechless and funny, "Son, this Fangya is not as simple as you think. Don't look at me running around all day to come to the door of the West Tenant, and think that Fangya needs to estimate the price and act as a mediator. , Just go to the Yamen for a run?

You underestimate this business so much, do you know how long it took me to get to this point?I was led into the industry by my master at the age of 15, and I have been working for 31 years now, and it took nearly ten years to gain a foothold in this inner circle.

Another point is that I have lived for more than forty years, and I have never seen female teeth, let alone you at such a young age. "

Hongtao raised her chin, "It can only be said that you are short-sighted, how far the world is, and how far you can see?! Besides, when I become Fang Ya, won't you see it in your lifetime?"

Qian Er Er couldn't laugh or cry, it was quite commonplace,

"My child, don't blame me for pouring cold water on you. I've known you for so long. Let me tell you the truth. Apart from other things, I'm afraid it's hard to get a foothold in this industry with your mouth. Your mouth, but It's so unforgiving."

Hongtao bit her lip, closed her mouth for a while, and said in disbelief, "These are all things to talk about, why bring it up now, are you born with a good face? Not really."

Naturally Qian Er Er wouldn't argue with a child, so he just smiled, "Yes, that's a later story, but if you really want to be a housekeeper, you have to be fifteen.

But you are a girl, and when you are 15 years old, you have to talk about kissing. From now on, you will be a husband and a child. Can you still put aside these things and go to a house? "

Hongtao heheed twice, thinking inwardly: My aunt is over 200 years old and hasn't gotten married yet, but at 15 she wants a husband and a child?She was afraid of losing face to Xuanmen Xiangge.

"Don't worry about it. In short, I'm sure about this tooth."

Xiao Er brought the food to the table, Hong Tao took two pairs of chopsticks, handed Qian Lao Er a pair, and said: "And you want to be my guarantor."

Qian's second child was so shocked that his jaw would drop, "You are not old enough, how can you be a housekeeper? This has never happened before."

"I'll go with you for a few more trips in the afternoon, and I'll get to know the people in the yamen. You can introduce me to them when the time comes. It's easy for acquaintances to do things well." Hong Tao took care of picking up vegetables for dinner.

Qian Er Er felt that he was being entangled by this little ancestor, and said with a bitter face: "Little ancestor, even if I believe you are not joking, I dare not be your guarantor.

For any guarantor who guarantees the house, if there is any problem with the guarantor, the guarantor will be punished even if there is something wrong.This is the reason why there are many house bugs and few house teeth. Except for apprentices, no one will easily guarantee other people's house teeth. "

Hongtao didn't care about her face: "You are just afraid that I will cause trouble for you. I won't cause trouble, so don't worry. Besides, my father, mother, brother and sister are stronger than each other, and there is nothing serious about it. They can't handle it."

I know that your whole family is amazing, but I don't dare to dig a hole for myself like this.Qian Er Er shook his head: "Guarantees are out of the question."

Even if nothing happens, there is no place for him to save his face. If he lets his colleagues know that he is a guarantee for a child, it will make his colleagues laugh out loud.

Heart took two more bites of food, "You guarantee me, and I will solve the problem of you not being able to marry for life."

Qian Er Er's chopsticks landed on the table with a clatter.

He is forty and six this year, but he is still unmarried.Of course, it's not that he doesn't want to marry, but it's just like that. The matchmaker said one was yellow and the other, and they said at least twenty of them, but none of them succeeded.

It was also because of this reason that Qian Lao Er learned from the pain, and simply gave up the idea of ​​marrying a wife and starting a family, and turned to laying on Fang Ya with all his heart. Then he gradually made a fortune, and finally became a famous tooth from a little-known Fang Ya.

This is a problem that has troubled him for decades. How can a child protect the media for him?Qian Er Er picked up the chopsticks, ate a few mouthfuls of food in silence, and then asked tentatively: "Second Miss is good at reading faces, could it be that she has seen something from my face?"

Hongtao nodded, "Your husband and wife palace is flawed, that's why the road to marrying a wife is bumpy."

Qian Er Er ate two more mouthfuls of rice, and continued to ask in a low voice, "Is there a solution?"

"Naturally there is a solution. And I guarantee that your family will be able to hold a happy event this year." Heart looked at him with some complacency.

Qian Er Er smiled, feeling a little uncomfortable, "But with my appearance, if a girl really wanted to marry me, she would have married her long ago, so why wait until now."

But Hongtao clicked his tongue and frowned slightly, "Although you are Han, such things as marriage haven't arrived in more than [-] years, which doesn't mean it won't come in [-], [-], or even [-] years.

Some things, it comes slowly.If you can't say it, then let it go, but if it comes, then don't rush to refuse. "

Being taught so solemnly by a child made Qian Er Er feel a little awkward.But he pondered over these words over and over again, and felt that he had to change his mind: he really couldn't treat this second lady as a child.

In the end, Qian Laoer compromised.He admits that he does still have hope in his heart, he still wants to find a wife in his lifetime, if God favors him more, and he can have a son and a half daughter, then this life will be perfect.

After all, all he wants in his life is to return home after a busy day, to have a warm-hearted person to talk to, and to buy interesting gadgets to coax the children when he goes out.

"Guarantee is fine, but I can't guarantee that you will be able to be a housekeeper. The identity card will be issued by the yamen. If you are not old enough and you are a girl, you will most likely be rejected by the yamen."

Qian Er Er obviously had an expression of affirmation that this matter would not be accomplished.

Hongtao propped her chin and thought for a while, then said: "We'll try it later."

If it really doesn't work, then she can only go to San Chan's apprentice to catch someone to train herself.It's just that this is not what she wants, so she has to try everything first.

"Also, even if you pass the level at your age, you still have to pass the level." Qian Laoer continued:
"Fang Ya also has an assessment, and the exams are all related to Fang Ya's work. At the end of each month, the Yamen releases the date of Fang Ya's assessment two or three days in advance.

Those who are in charge of the assessment are old Fang Ya who have seniority in the past. These people are old-fashioned people. You don’t have any experience in Fang Ya’s work, and you don’t have a master to teach you things that you can’t see on the surface. Questions can stump you, and it is difficult for you to pass their assessment. "

Hongtao was a little surprised, "Why does Fang Ya have to be assessed?"

(End of this chapter)

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