Chapter 251 Gathering at Zhaoti Temple

Zhaoti Temple, a temple with the most incense in Yinzhou, is named after an old linden tree with its branches in front of the temple.Because of this tree, even that mountain is also called Zhaoti Mountain.

Zhaoti Mountain is one of the favorite places for the people of Yinzhou to go, especially during temple fairs, there are tea stalls, food stalls, lion dances and juggling, and the mountain is very lively.

But on the ninth day of the lunar new year, it was not a temple fair, but there were many sedan chairs and carriages parked at the foot of the mountain like a temple fair. They all looked very dignified, which made the passing caravans curious, and some people couldn't help asking.

"What day is it today, why are there so many people going up the mountain?"

"I don't know, the guards will not let you go up, look at those sedan chairs and carriages, they are all officials."

Just as he was talking, he heard the sound of horseshoes and cart wheels, and the passers-by who were idle watching the excitement all looked over, and there were two more carriages, chasing each other one behind the other.

Two carriages stopped at the foot of the mountain, but it was obvious that they had come too late. The driver looked left and right, but couldn't squeeze in, so he had to drive the carriage a little further, and then stopped under the shade of a tree.

When the people in the carriage got off, the owner of the carriage who was walking behind took a closer look, and joked: "I wonder who has been blocking the way ahead, it turned out to be Mr. Zhang, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The person who was called Master Zhang also returned a warm greeting, "Master Liu, long time no see, you too. Are you famous from Zhaoti Temple?"

Lord Liu nodded: "Exactly. I just heard about Zhang Dongli and Master Zhang, so I wanted to come to see and see. I didn't expect so many people to come."

Mr. Zhang smiled again, "That's a coincidence, I also heard from Zhang Dongli, my surname is Zhang and we are close, he persuaded me to come here desperately, I want to see if the old guy has lied to me. "

"I heard that the master is amazing. Many people are waiting in line for his fortune-telling, and most people don't even give it."

The two went up the mountain while talking, and soon came to Zhaoti Temple.

The huge bodhi tree is covered with red silk, and each red silk is written with a person's wish, making this place one of the scenery of Zhaoti Temple.

The two entered into the temple with mutual humility, a young novice came forward to greet them, made a bow, and silently led them into the courtyard without waiting for the two to speak.

The courtyard is secluded and elegant, and the courtyard is shaded by green bamboos, which is extremely refreshing.And in the meantime, there is a bamboo house sitting, under the bamboo house is a pool of running water, the running water is beating and tinkling, sitting in the house, with the sound of water rippling around your ears and under your feet, it is really wonderful.

On the periphery of the bamboo house is a circle of bamboo corridors. On all sides of the bamboo house, the upper part is a bamboo wall, and the lower part is hollowed out. It is neither too closed nor too exposed. It is also covered with clusters of flower vines, hanging down in strands, and swaying when the wind blows slightly.

Zhang and Liu climbed up the mountain, they were hot, tired and thirsty, but as soon as they entered the fasting courtyard, the courtyard was filled with cool breeze, which immediately dissipated their dryness and heat, and the faint scent of incense in their nostrils was even more comforting. Calm the impetuous heart.

The two wiped off their sweat, greeted each other with a smile, and entered the bamboo house.

At that time, there were already many people sitting in the house, Zhang and Liu were quite surprised, looked around for a few times, found a few familiar people, and quickly sat down with a smile.

"I didn't expect so many people to come, could it be that they all came for the master?"

"Look over there, Cao Bing, Cao Bandit, Cao Duyou, the governor of the central government, gathered most of the important positions in Yinzhou at Zhaoti Temple today."

"I also listened to people chatting, and thought that I hadn't been to Zhaoti Temple for dinner for a long time, so I just came to have a look."

The fast food in Zhaoti Temple is the second of its scenery.Many people came to Zhaoti Temple, not even to offer incense and pray for blessings, but to eat that fast meal.

"I heard that many people lined up to ask the master to tell their fortunes, so I wanted to come and experience it. But the master is not the master of Zhaoti Temple, and I don't know why he came to Zhaoti Temple specially."

"Why don't you serve tea?" Someone was really thirsty and asked in confusion.Not long after his words fell, a group of young monks walked into the house.

The young novice monks held teacups in their hands, put one next to each other in front of everyone in the house, and then silently withdrew.

All the officials sitting in the bamboo house took up their teacups one after another.

And the moment they lifted the tea lid, a refreshing fragrance gushed out immediately, making everyone who heard it feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The entire bamboo house is filled with a wisp of fragrance, which floats out along the hollows on all sides and spreads in the courtyard.

"It smells so good." Many people couldn't help but marvel.

"What kind of tea is this? There is only tea soup but no tea leaves. How can tea have such a delicate fragrance?" Someone was curious and tried to find out some secrets from the tea, but the tea soup was clear and there was no trace of impurities, so there was no way to judge.

Another person sniffed his nose and said: "The tea soup is bright red and the tea fragrance is sweet. This should be scented tea, but I can't smell what flower it is."

Of course, not everyone likes to study. There are also people like Su Zhen, who can be said to be a rough person. They don't pay too much attention to tea, just quench their thirst.Therefore, while others were still discussing what flower tea it was, he had already blown on the edge of the teacup and pecked at it a few times.

After a shallow taste, the mouth is full of sweet fragrance, especially when aftertaste, the fragrance is stronger and purer, as if sticking between the mouth and mouth, and it will not fade for a long time. After the tea, even swallowing, the throat is full of sweet taste.

Su Zhen smacked his lips in shock, "This tea is delicious, it tastes like I've never tasted it before, please try it quickly."

Yan He and Wei Pingxiao who were sitting next to him felt that he was exaggerating. It was just a cup of tea, but how good could it be? They had never drunk any kind of tea.The two then took a sip with suspicion, and tasted it carefully, but they were both surprised.

The tea enters the tongue, sweet and saliva, with a long aftertaste between the mouth and teeth, the tea enters the throat, the throat rhyme is sweet, and on the tea cover, the hanging wall is fragrant.

It's really a good cup of unknown tea.

What's even better is that after drinking a cup of tea, the whole body feels comfortable. Instead of sweating like usual after drinking tea, the whole body feels extremely refreshed.

Holding the teacup, Wei Pingxiao sniffed it carefully, "It's strange, it smells like chrysanthemum, but it doesn't smell like chrysanthemum tea at all."

Su Zhen snorted triumphantly, "Am I wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

Yan He looked around and asked strangely, "Why doesn't that little gentleman appear on stage?"

As soon as the words were over, the little monks who had delivered the tea before appeared again, each holding a small cup in their hands.But this time, before the lid was lifted, all the officials in the bamboo house smelled the fragrance and were so hooked that they salivated.

"It's so fragrant, what is that?" Someone even stood up uncontrollably, wanting to take a closer look.

The young monks still put a cup in front of everyone, and then retreated silently like the Tathagata.

The fragrance inside the cup was much stronger and more intense than the fragrance of tea, all the officials couldn't help but lifted the lid, immediately, the bamboo house was full of fragrance, just smelling it made people salivate.

Many people couldn't help but started to move their chopsticks. After a few mouthfuls, the praises came and went in the bamboo house.

"It's really delicious. The craftsmanship in the kitchen of Zhaoti Temple is getting better and better. Today is really not in vain."

"It doesn't taste like the food from Zhaoti Temple." Someone said doubtfully.

The crowd was discussing endlessly, but at this time, a young woman in lotus-colored clothes walked into the bamboo house.

The woman attracted the attention of all the officials in the house, without waiting for anyone to ask, the woman bowed down and saluted respectfully: "The scented tea you are drinking just now is called Gancao Erhua Drink.

It is boiled together with white chrysanthemum, safflower, licorice, and maltose. It can not only be used as a substitute for tea, but also can calm the liver, remove blood stasis, relieve wind, clear away heat, and detoxify. It is suitable for people with liver toxicity, headache, and red eyes.

The meal in front of the adults now is called jujube nutmeg balls, which are made of stalactite powder, cloves, ginseng, cardamom, poria cocos, and jujube meat as balls, and then boiled in a thick soup.This pill can not only be eaten, but also has the function of invigorating the spleen and kidney. "

(End of this chapter)

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