Chapter 262 It's not easy to run the hall

Hearing Xu Lan's order, the newly replaced ladle quickly poured oil into the already hot pot, and when the oil temperature was right, he quickly poured vegetables, seasoned, etc., and his actions were obviously much more skillful and swift than the previous one.

Halfway through the frying, the cooker said, "Let the fire down", and the fireman quickly put some ashes into the stove hole, covered the fire partly, and the fire gradually died down.

Some onlookers couldn't help nodding: "This fire is well controlled."

As for the other two pots, the spoons were also changed. The first person put the dishes he had prepared on the table and placed them on the table, while the latter cleaned the pot quickly, and then the fireman also changed.

As for the others waiting, they took their chopsticks to try the dishes.Everyone, you have a chopstick and I have a chopstick, taste a few mouthfuls, and start to comment.

"Not bad, neither salty nor bland, very palatable."

"The smell of meat can't be covered, no way."

"Why do you have such a tricky mouth? I haven't tasted the smell of meat."

"It's enough to smell the aroma, but after frying, the vegetables are already dark, and I don't think it's good."

After a group of people commented, they began to express their opinions. Some people thought it was good, some people thought it was bad, but after all, most people thought it was bad, so the dish was withdrawn.

Around the chopping board, there are six recruiters, and their subordinates are cutting all kinds of vegetables quickly.

Dunzi seems to be a technical job. The vegetables have to be cut to a uniform size and thickness, and they have to be fast. Those who come to apply for the job are all skilled people. With their casual movements, the cut vegetables seem to be carefully selected.

Qing Yu bypassed them, came to Xu Lan, and asked, "How is it going? Did it go well?"

Xu Lan nodded with a smile: "It went well. All the masters' comments are very pertinent, and even a little problem can't escape their mouths and eyes."

She really admires these people.It's really crafty.

Qing Yu looked around and asked again: "How many people have you chosen now?"

"Ban Fu has the most applicants and is the most difficult to choose. They are very picky. At present, there are only two master chefs who have been unanimously recognized, and there are three more who are more convincing.

Five firemen have been identified, all of which have been unanimously approved by others.In addition, Dunzi is those six, and the six masters are very good at knife skills. "

Qingyu nodded slightly, it was already very good to have such a result in just half a day, so that there would be more time for these old masters to familiarize themselves with the food list of Juxianzhai.

She looked at it for a while, then left, but came to the other side of the compound, where Ye Qiu was.

Compared to Xu Lan's lively scene, Ye Qiu's side was much quieter.He is mainly a face-to-face recruiter.

Because the running hall recruited 40 people and the wages were generous, there were quite a few people who came to apply for the job. Qingyu took a rough look and found that there were about thirty people, who were sitting scattered on the seven tables and chairs in the courtyard at that time.

Between these tables, chairs and benches, four recruiters are "walking around the field". They have a rice bowl on their heads, and two bowls of hot soup in each of their left and right hands, and they quickly shuttle between the tables and chairs to "serve food".

Among them, some people walked like flying, but either spilled hot soup or dropped the rice bowl above their heads; there were also people who walked too cautiously even though the soup didn't spill the bowl.

It should be noted that one of the unique skills of the waiter is running.

A runner with real skills has a different walk. People squat shorter and move their feet while their upper body does not move. Not moving at all.

Ye Qiu was the clearest about the waiter's tricks, he could tell at a glance who had real skills, so before the four of them's "dishes" were served, he yelled to stop.

Four more people went on.

Qingyu stood on the corridor and saw it more clearly.This time, only two of the four were called to stop midway, and the other two, undoubtedly with real kung fu, successfully delivered the "vegetables" to the table.

At this point, the test of running around the hall has been passed, but this is not all.

At that time, there were different numbers of empty plates with the names of various Juxianzhai dishes written on the seven tables, and the applicants who had just passed the first level had to start the second level.

The "guests" sitting in the yard began to call "little two", and then the waiter immediately stepped forward and replied with a smile, "what's the matter, guest officer?".

"Bill, please."

The recruiter looked at the plates on the table and sang, "Boiled chicken liver with Poria cocos costs two renminbi and forty coppers, hawthorn and mung bean soup costs one and twenty coppers, stewed chicken with stewed ginseng costs three renminbi and twenty coppers, and Morinda officinalis wine Two coins and seventy coppers make up nine coins and fifty coppers."

The other recruiting halls on the table had already calculated their prices before, and knew that the price was correct, but this singing hall was a bit too ordinary.

Several people shook their heads, obviously feeling that this skill was not good enough.

The second skill of running hall - singing hall, which includes the types of food ordered by the guests and the reimbursement when the guests leave the house after eating.

These two voices, in addition to shouting at all well, also need to be melodious and melodious. A waiter with real skills can sing melody rhymes about the restaurant's food list and the food list ordered by the guests.

It is not easy to do this.Some waiters who are looking for a good job will specifically seek advice from folk masters who tell stories or sing "Little Hot Night" to learn their folk tunes and improvisational skills.Then use this skill in the singing hall.

A good singing hall can win applause from the guests when it is sung in harmony. It can be said that the most wonderful scenery above the lobby is the singing hall of the waiters.

Of course, the most important thing in the singing hall is the quotation.

After the diners have finished eating, the waiter has to report the dishes ordered by the diners and the total price to the shopkeeper. If there is a mistake in this link, it will be a boo.

It's a small shame. Once many waiters report the wrong price, they are very likely to pack up and leave.

After Ye Qiu heard the offer from the waiter, he also felt that his singing skills were not good enough, so he called him to stop.

The next person came on, who looked to be in his forties, and as soon as he came on stage, everyone in the courtyard started to applaud.

Although Qingyu didn't know how to run the hall, she could feel the strength and self-confidence of that person on the field. When she came to Ye Qiu, she saw that Ye Qiu had drawn a red circle on that person's name.

"What is this person's background?" Qing Yu asked.

Ye Qiu was concentrating on it, but suddenly he was startled, and quickly got up and cupped his hands, "Miss San." Then he sat down again, "It's the main hall of Changqing Building, and it's quite famous in this circle."

The main hall is the leader of all the waiters.This kind of person, and he is also a famous person in this circle, must have mastered his skills.

Sure enough, following the resounding opening of the main hall, the people on the field immediately cheered.

However, amidst all the noise, the voice of the main hall could still penetrate the crowd and reach Ye Qiu's ears clearly, which showed that his skills were really deep.

Ye Qiu couldn't help but praised: "When I was a waiter, he was the person I admired the most. He's really amazing."

A good main hall can even make the restaurant full of glory.

 Thank you to all the little cuties who voted, commented, supported, liked, and subscribed to me. Thank you so much. I am so grateful to see your various supports every day. I am so happy. I hope you are also happy every day

(End of this chapter)

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