Chapter 55 Don't deserve this crime

The verdicts on Yang Jin and Fan Yi came down soon.Pan Chenggui thought that both of them had meritorious service, so they both survived in the end, but they were dismissed from their posts and sent to remote areas thousands of miles away.

It only took one day to enter the prison, and when they came out again, they saw the sun shining brightly above their heads, and the two of them felt as if they were separated from each other. The weather has actually warmed up in the past few days, and the weather is indeed unpredictable.

Yang Jin and Fan Yi both had iron chains on their hands and feet, and they were also wearing prison uniforms. Wherever they went, they were all eye-catching and pointing.

"The former doctor, Cao Shushi, ended up like this, it's really self-inflicted."

"It deserves it, he cheated in the competition, and the title of this doctor Cao Shushi is not worthy of the name."

"These officials, who usually show off their power, are not good. They have become prisoners. I am much more noble than him now."

"Who is that person next to him? What crime did he commit?"

"The yamen posted a notice, go and have a look and you'll know."

Yang Jin had never been humiliated like this before. The crowd's comments, scolding, and ridicule were like a branding iron being burned on his body one by one, and when he was pulled up, a piece of bloody flesh was pulled out, which made him feel pain and hatred.

The glory and brilliance of the past disappeared overnight, and the culprit who caused all this
As long as Yang Jin thinks of the relaxed face of that warlock, he would like to eat him alive. If it wasn't for that man's intervention, he would still be the number one medical officer in Chengyang County.

Seeing that his pace was getting slower and slower, the soldiers in charge of escort reminded in a loud voice, "My lord, there are many people here, in order to avoid trouble, it's better to go quickly."

Yang Jin came back to his senses, looked at the various eyes on the side of the road, his eyes were blood red with hatred.But he still quickened his pace. He knew that once these unscrupulous people found an opportunity, they would definitely vent their usual grievances against the officials.

Sure enough, as the news spread, more and more people gathered around. The food was precious, so these people picked up stones and smashed them. They were all small stones the size of thumbs. It still hurts.

A group of unscrupulous people who fell into trouble, if Yang Jin still has a chance to stand up, he will definitely take this revenge severely.

Fan Yi also kept his head down all the way. Because he was in the army all year round, the common people didn't know him very well, but this didn't stop the common people from venting their anger on him, even though he had fought desperately on the battlefield to protect the people. Group of people.

Yang Jin still hated Fan Yi's self-inflicted trap, and with the resentment in his heart nowhere to vent, he purposely spoke stingingly,

"Bingcao is feeling bad at this moment, right? These common people who were once protected by you, are not grateful to you, but now they are making trouble for you. They are really unconscionable.

Look, look at the faces of these people, they want to put shit on you, but what did you do to them?You just once protected them.

You didn't do anything, but these people all showed a deep hatred, why?Because you're so stupid, you're hopelessly stupid"

Fan Yi was finally irritated, and looked at Yang Jin expressionlessly: "My lord, there is no need to be so sarcastic. What is the difference between you and me now?"

In a word, Yang Jin, who was venting his emotions, was thrown into the cold abyss in an instant. Yes, no matter how fast he speaks, what can he do? He is no different from Fan Yi now.

After that, they were silent all the way, and under the escort of five soldiers, the two barely left the city smoothly.

At noon, the group stopped to rest. At this time, they had already left Chengyang County forty miles, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the road seemed much desolate.

Because of their identities, the escorting soldiers treated them fairly well. After handing them water bags and dry film, the five soldiers sat down on the other side, chatting while eating dry food.

Yang Jin stared at the five people for a while, then took a bite of the dry film, which was dry and tasteless, and drank another sip of water, which made his teeth hurt. He became more and more annoyed, he shouldn't live like this, but he knew , went to the place of distribution, the hard life will only be worse than it is now.

Fan Yi was used to hard times in the army, so he didn't have any expression on eating dry film and cold water.

Seeing his resignation, Yang Jin cursed again in his heart, and said in a bad tone: "Are you going to just do it like this, obediently accept your fate, go to that place where the birds don't shit, and then work to death?"

Fan Yi frowned slightly, what else could he do?

Seeing his attitude, Yang Jin understood, and whispered in a low voice: "You want to accept your fate, but I don't want to"

Fan Yi was startled, and hurriedly glanced in the direction of the five soldiers, making sure that the five soldiers hadn't heard them, so he whispered: "You want to run away?"

There was a cold light in Yang Jin's eyes, could he just run away?The chains on the hands and feet, as well as those five people were not vegetarians, they were soldiers who had been trained all the year round, and he believed that it was impossible for him to escape the pursuit of these five people.

"If you have money, you can buy them off and let them let us go." Yang Jin said.

Fan Yi's hands clenched the buns unconsciously. They had been searched clean, not to mention silver, not even a single copper coin.

Sure enough, Yang Jin saw that he was silent, and said again: "But now we have no money."

"What do you want?" Fan Yi looked at him coldly.

Yang Jin frowned, and said in a sad and urgent tone, "Think about your family, it's almost the Chinese New Year, but you will be dispatched thousands of miles away, and you will never have the chance to see each other again.

Think about those troublemakers again, think about Pan Chenggui, think about Chengyang County, how many scars on your body are left for defending this city?But now, when they say they throw it away, they throw it away, throw it away like a shoe, don't you hate it?

You're just a pariah, and you didn't really hurt them, not only that, but you were hurt by them, but in the end, you were the one who was punished, why?
Do you think Pan Chenggui enforced the law impartially?Wrong, he just wanted to keep that man to cure his headache, if it wasn't for that man's medical skills, wouldn't you be more precious as a soldier who defends his home and country compared to him?

Pan Chenggui is so selfish and ruthless, you have served him for many years, and in the blink of an eye he expels you because of a little pariah, yet you are still loyal to him?Don't you think about yourself, don't you feel innocent and pitiful?

What did you do wrong to deserve this?You didn't do anything. "

The words made Fan Yi's eyes turn red, hatred and grievance swept over him in an instant, he couldn't think rationally, he always felt that he was aggrieved, and he clearly didn't need to suffer this unexpected crime.

Seeing that his face was shaken, Yang Jin got up and walked in front of the five soldiers, begging and asking: "Is there any dagger or knife for me to use? My teeth are not good. This bun is hard and I can't bite it. Cut everything."

They paused for a while, without thinking too much, someone pulled out a dagger from his ankle and handed it to Yang Jin.

Yang Jin thanked him again and again, returned to Fan Yi with the dagger in his hand, and shoved the dagger into Fan Yi's hand involuntarily, "If I had your abilities, I wouldn't let you do this.

I am not ordering you, I just feel that we are pitiful and wronged.If you really go to the place of distribution this time, you and I will die soon, and we will be separated from our relatives, and we will not be able to repay the hatred. Do you really want to die with injustice? "

Fan Yi held the cold dagger, and with a light swipe of his thumb on the blade, a cut came out, which was extremely sharp.

He hesitated for a long time, but finally held the dagger and walked towards the five soldiers step by step.

 12 years old cat, died.After giving birth to the last litter of cats, and after her parents were hospitalized for more than [-] days, she was too weak to look for food by herself, so she died of exhaustion, starvation, and old age.

  The mother said that on the day she came home from the hospital, the old cat came out of the corner. Although it was trembling and could hardly stand, it still staggered to the mother's side, lay down at the mother's feet, and said in a hoarse voice that was barely audible: Come back up.But I'm leaving.

  When the old cat saw his mother for the last time, it seemed that his wish had come true, and after a while, he lost his temper.

  It was night, and the dog who had run away from home came back. It walked around the house and left again.
(End of this chapter)

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