Chapter 29
"Just a team of peasant archers?" Zhao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little regretful.

But also acceptable.

After all, the enemies he was facing now were nothing more than some low-level monsters and bandits, and they were no longer a threat.

The support of the creative workshop is mostly based on the current battle scale and the strength of the enemy. Since it has been easily slaughtered many times, it is just like a small thief and bandit, and its combat effectiveness is natural. It is not strong, and does not need too much support, and naturally does not need to provide more support troops.

A team of peasant archers was added, so that Zhao Ming's troops would directly use archers as the main force, and there were four teams of 360 people. In addition, they were archery archers, which the Cathay Dynasty had always attached great importance to.

Even if there is only a team of archers to support Zhao Ming's current troop strength, it will have a very strong increase!
"And there is..." Zhao Ming was slightly stunned at this moment: "Two upgrades of special unit modules?"

It made him think of just now for no reason.

The Heavenly Dao of the human race upgraded the 200 strong people into a scene of bravery.

"Could it be similar?" Zhao Ming murmured in his heart, but he didn't have much time to think carefully, because the troops around him had already approached the pier, and those bandits had already discovered them.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." still looking ferocious and brutal , I can't rush forward for a while, of course at this time, I will change the target of the attack and rush towards Zhao Ming and the others!

However, this kind of short-sightedness in tactics is fatal. These bandits don't even know what they are about to face, let alone that Zhao Ming's archers have a new force to support them.

Just behind Zhao Ming's last two teams of long-handled spearmen, they quietly appeared.

All the way past the spearmen ahead.

Among the archers from the previous three teams, there were four teams of 360 people lined up in a rectangle.

Two pots of 22 feather arrows per person, if these peasant archers think about it, regardless of the risk of arm muscle strain, then their number of 360 people can take all of the arrows that each of them has in a short period of time. 22 feathered arrows, a total of 920 feathered arrows, can all be poured out in just over ten minutes!
These terrifying arrow rains covered, how could those little demons who had just transformed into the area surrounding the pier in front of them have the ability, strength, and means to defend themselves against the pouring arrow rain! ?

"Wesley Province, newly recruited peasant archers, are ordered to come to support!"

This team of agricultural archers quickly entered the archer queue.

After neatly lined up.

Ahead, the leader of this team of peasant archers came to Zhao Ming, bowed his head and cupped his fists solemnly, and reported loudly: "My humble Li Qian, the leader of this team of archers is willing to go through fire and water for you, and will do anything!"

"Well, very good." Zhao Ming stood in front of the group of archers, nodded to him and said, "Li Qian, a good name, is now far away from the territory of Cathay, and it is a foreign land full of evil spirits. I use it to break out a piece of the sky of my human race in the future and restore the reputation of Zhendan, I will never forget you, and there will be rewards!"

This is not for the new team leader Li Qian, but for all the people around the Cathay, those team leaders and their corresponding subordinates—all flesh and blood, serious living people, It's not those NPC programs.

Since he is willing to follow himself, this kind of sincere confession from the superior will definitely arouse a lot of loyalty.

And this kind of empty promise to paint a big pie...

For Zhao Ming, it was too easy and costless!

"I would like to die for my lord!" Immediately, all the trilogy of the Cathay Dynasty around them shouted, neatly, as if the waves were roaring, which immediately attracted more and more monsters on the other side of the pier to discover them.

However, these shouts and howls are exactly the call for the death of these ancient demon bandits!
"Attention all archers!" Wu Jingzhong's command sounded.

He is the leader of these four teams of archers.

At this time, after all the 360 ​​people were quieted down, they just looked at the front quietly and coldly, and those monster bandits who were chaotically coming and getting closer shouted in a deep voice: "Raise the bow, take eighty steps, and shoot a volley!" wheel!"

"Raise the bow! Eighty steps!" The other team took the lead in conveying the order: "Shoot a round!"

"Boom boom boom --" Then there was the sound of the bow arm being pulled tight.

The bow arm is connected to the bow string and is drawn into a full moon.

The feathered arrow resting on it is raised obliquely upwards at an angle of 75 degrees.

"Shoot!" Following Wu Jingzhong's shout in the silent wilderness, and then the response of the group of peasant archers who instantly released the fingers that were tightly gripping the bowstring, and directly shot the feather arrows in their hands. !

"Buzz—" The bowstring made this 'humming' sound due to the contraction of the bow arm.

All bowstrings are making this sound.

But more.

It was still the sharp sound of countless feathered arrows being shot, tearing the air!

"Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish --" This is like splashed water, in the sky covered only by dark clouds after noon, there is still a quite obvious black shadow, drawing an arc in the sky The graceful curve, with that shrill and sharp howl like a ghost, then fell into the eighty steps away overwhelmingly.

Just fell into it, eighty steps away, there happened to be a group of messy people, who had already started to face the approaching cataclysmic trilogy, on top of the group of rushing ancient monsters and bandits. !

"Aw, ow, ow..." Then there was a miserable howl, a lot of painful howls.

There was also the sound of being nailed through the head and falling to the ground.

A round of arrow rain covered.

Just let these demon bandits fall down, dozens of them!
"Raise the bow! Seventy paces, shoot a volley!" However, Wu Jingzhong watched the chaotic appearance of those ancient monsters rushing over from a distance, and based on experience, he raised the dagger in his hand again and pointed forward: "Shoot!" !"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—" Another feathered arrow rushed out roaringly, another feathered arrow crossed a beautiful arc, and another feathered arrow landed in the group of monster bandits, continuing to splash. Pieces of blood caused dozens of monsters to stagger and fall down again. It became the harvest of these peasants and archers after the volley, the result of this battle!
"Sixty steps! A round of volley!" Wu Jingzhong was still watching those monsters approaching with cold eyes, and seeing the distance he had already calculated in his heart, he paused for a moment before giving orders: "Shoot !"

It was still a rain of arrows, which turned into a torrential rain and fell on the heads of those monster gangsters.

The closer the monster race bandits are to rush over.

Then their casualties will be heavier!
One step is about 1.7 meters eight, and every ten steps is a round of arrows.

Sixty steps, fifty steps, forty steps, each salvo caused more and more casualties, until it reached a distance of thirty steps, about six to seventy meters, and it was extremely close to close combat. distance.

"Raise the bow, take thirty steps, and shoot a volley!" Wu Jingzhong looked coldly at the bandits not far away: "Shoot!"

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—" This time, it was a volley after the long-tipped bow was leveled.

A salvo slightly upwards almost at the horizon.

But for those monsters...


It's like shooting them straight in the face!

Thirty steps, that is, a distance of five to sixty meters, the direct shot at this time is the most deadly!

"Swish swish swish swish swish swish --" a round of arrows whizzed like a rainstorm head-on, making those ancient monsters even unable to resist, those monsters in the first row were instantly crushed by countless feathers The arrows hit, from the face to the neck to the chest and abdomen, each monster bandit had seven or eight or even a dozen feather arrows hit, and fell to the ground on the spot!
"All soldiers and archers, shoot freely!" At this time, Wu Jingzhong looked coldly at the countless demon bandits who fell to the ground, and his tone was even higher: "Closer to ten steps away, stop shooting, and make way sideways!"

"Understood!" A shout-like echo appeared immediately, and then there were successive feather arrows!
The previous salvos tested the lethality of their group combat against the enemy group.

It does not reflect the individual's archery level.

Now start free firing.

Within a range of 50 meters, you can choose a target at will and shoot continuously.

That means that these peasant archers who have certain archery training, know the secrets of archery, and can use the long-tipped bow in their hands to its due power, are now starting their performances!
"Swish, whoosh—" The feathered arrows flew across the distance between the archer and the bandit at high speed.

"Puff puff——" Then there were demon bandits who fell head to head.

An arrow in the face.

An arrow in the chest.

Arrow in the neck.

Arrow in the waist.

The 360 ​​peasant archers who had already scattered and stood still shot their feather arrows in a row.

Contrasted with the volley, which seems to be like a violent storm and splashing water, the dense feather arrows. At this time, the free shooting, these group of peasant archers aim and shoot according to their own intentions, it is like a thunderstorm falling drop by drop!

It seems that it is not as thrilling as the dense arrow rain above.

But if you look closely, you can find——

The monster fell down head-on.

As the distance approached, even the impacting figure slowed down a lot!

No, not slowing down.

It was those monsters who fell down after being shot to death by the feather arrows, and the monsters behind were shot to death by the new feather arrows.

One after another, the demon bandits fell, and the demon bandits behind rushed forward and fell down again. This caused the front line of these demon bandits to rush forward slowly, making these demon bandits pay dozens of heads every step. The price of killing the demon bandit!
"Peakers, two teams, get ready to move forward!" At this time, the voices of the 240 people behind, the two teams of long-handled spearmen, Zhang Fang and Zhang Yuan, also appeared at the same time: "Melee the enemy!"

This kind of long-distance killing and short-distance resistance to the enemy's advance is switched between far and near arms.

They have long been proficient as if they were instinctive!
(End of this chapter)

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