Fairy Court respects it alone

Chapter 39 Guardian Steel

Chapter 39 Guardian Steel
Outside this ruined wall, there are wild beast heads standing up, and the monsters with fur all over their bodies are gathering together, staring at the green eyes, appearing from the dilapidated houses.

But these monster clans are very different from the monster clans Zhao Ming encountered before.

The muscles on his body became stronger, and the fur on his body became thicker. When he bared his teeth, although there were tyrannical and ferocious eyes in his eyes, they were more of a kind of vigilance, including the occasional smirk from his mouth. Growl or howl rhythmically, as in speaking and communicating.

"These monster clans already have wisdom." Zhao Ming stood at the front of the formation, looking at the monster gangsters who also gathered from all directions, with a dignified face: "It's a bit tricky. "

This shows that the energy in the emperor's liquid has been completely absorbed by these monster races.

Compared with those little monsters who looked like monsters but more like monsters.

Now these monsters.

It is more in line with their derogatory name, the real gangster-like monster race like human beings!

Look at that hand, which is full of sharp claws, and is also carrying a simple mace-like weapon made of wooden sticks and stones. There are a lot of blood stains on it, and there is a loud wind sound as the arm swings. It can be seen from a glance that these demon bandits have already been able to skillfully use these self-made crude weapons, and they seem to be quite skilled.

"Be careful." This was the impression in Zhao Ming's mind, and it was also the impression of the team leaders and small flag officers who were scattered in various teams around him. They all noticed the extraordinary nature of this battle.

"The peasant archer moves forward!" Wu Jingzhong was directing.

"Understood!" The four archers immediately took action.

With Wu Jingzhong's team archers in the center, Li Sien, Zhang Yaozu, and the archers led by Li Qian's three teams are on the left and right, forming a long strip of archers shooting. Within the range of ten steps, they will immediately pour out their arrows!

However, in the follow-up, Zhao Ming said: "Zhao Duokang, Zhao Dong, Zhao Tieniu, Zhao Anwen!" He directly ordered in a deep voice: "Lead the team to follow behind the archers and form four formations!"

"Humble job understands!" Zhao Duokan and the other four immediately clasped their fists together, then nodded and passed on the message.

This is also to bite the bullet and spread the word.

Field battle on flat ground.

This is the first time that it is not a city wall defense battle.

But looking at the equipment on his body and the three-eyed blunderbuss in his hand, these Xiangyong blunderbussmen who were already at the eighth rank swallowed their saliva and walked forward following the figures of their respective little flag officers.

Then just behind these archers, a rectangular queue was neatly formed.

200 people but thinner shooting queue.

"Zhang Fang Zhang Yuan!"

Zhao Ming opened his mouth and issued an order to the Spearmen who were already in the fourth team.

This is also to relieve the tension of those brave men in front, he said in a loud voice: "Lead the team immediately, centering on the headquarters of the two of you, arrange a phalanx of spears outward, and leave room for the archers and musketmen in front to retreat. !"

"Understand!" Zhang Fang and Zhang Yuan even nodded, they all understood.

Two teams of Cathay peasants' long-handled spearmen who had completed the upgrade of special unit modules stood in the middle, and then two teams of newly supported ordinary peasants' long-handled spearmen stood on both sides, just covering the entire space in front of them.

Outside this county government office, in the county town that was also ruined, a formation was formed.

And there are gaps in queues and queues.

About three meters wide.

However, as long as the archers and gunners in front withdraw into their space, they will quickly close these gaps, so that those monsters who must have approached will be blocked by their spears.

These are the tactical content that has been trained during the Cathay Dynasty, not to mention that they have been upgraded with special unit modules. The ghosts and bandits other than the gunners and archers in front are ready to listen to orders at any time, so that the phalanx of spears they have formed can exert the greatest effect.

"Just follow the experience of the previous life." Zhao Ming turned his head and saw that the two teams of peasants and horses behind him were waiting for orders. He also let out a breath of sullen breath, stretched out his hands and clenched his fists: "This feels good!"

The qi and blood in the body are boiling, and the power of Yang Yan originating from Binglong Zhaoming is also rising.

This is the perfect combination of Yang system divine power and Qi and blood.


Just between Zhao Ming's eyebrows, another special force emerged quietly.

"噗——" Zhao Ming just made a gesture of grasping with his hand, and the saber at his waist was automatically unsheathed in the air, and the handle of the saber wrapped with a thin hemp rope was automatically sent into it. In Zhao Ming's hands!

Then Zhao Ming grasped it tightly and completely pulled out the flickering sword from its sheath!
"This is..." Zhao Ming exhaled slowly, "The power of the guardian steel!"

It also comes from the power of Bing Long Zhaoming.

The control power of natural metal mana.

5.00% power.

However, in Zhao Ming's hands, it is like a stronger talent. He has a deeper and more skilled understanding of metals, the use of weapons in his hands, and the experience of leather and thin iron pieces on his body. comprehend!
"I can swing the weapon in my hand more easily, and I can also make the saber in my hand unleash a more ferocious and powerful lethality!" Zhao Ming murmured softly. , This was impossible before, but now, this heavy saber is really like a toy in his hands.

Even more considerate, like his pet, seems to be a toy that can be connected with each other!

This is the power of the steel guarded by Binglong Zhaoming.

This is only 5.00%.

If it can reach [-]%, then Binglong Zhaoming can radiate this power to all his troops, as long as it is within a certain range of him, he will enjoy the bonus of this natural power!
The armor of the troops will be improved, the weight of the armor will be reduced, and the weapons in the hands will become easier.

And the lethality of the weapon and the defense of the armor will also increase!
Binglong Zhaoming's divine power!
That's why, he will become the governor of Wesleyan Province.

That's why his troops can withstand the attacks of countless Ratmen in the Dimensional Stone Desert, the harassment of Ogres in the mountains, and even the attacks of various Beastmen and Chaos rebels.

Bing Long Zhaoming, although not as tyrannical as his sister Biaolong Miaoying.


Can still be called strong rather than weak!
"Aw—" Just after Zhao Ming deployed his troops, a wolf-like howl appeared.

The monster bandits gathered from the ruins were already ready to move at this time, and they raised their necks following the howl of wolves, and howled towards the sky: "Ooooh—"

After the monster races are transformed, their shapes will gradually become unified.

Although the head, claws and hooves will still have the characteristics of the time before the transformation.

But after completing some flesh and blood replenishment.

These monsters are actually about the same height, short, fat and thin, and their howls are more and more similar to one.

This is the result of the ancient demon court using the power of emperor fluid to forcibly reverse these beasts in order to create the ancient demon clan. Occupy a dominant position and forcefully create a habitual means.

After a period of transformation, he also broke through the county town and devoured the flesh and blood of many human races. The essence of flesh and blood has supplemented the shortfall caused by the transformation, and he has perfectly absorbed a large amount of the energy of Emperor Liuzhi.

These monster races, serious monster bandits, no longer have the urge to rush up and fight when they see people.

Instead, it was because of the tactical experience of the seal in the emperor's liquid in his mind.

understand what to do!
Rushing forward now is death, especially just now, they were only followed by small groups of troops.

Follow those two human races, want to eat something alone.

But did not expect.

If they encounter new human reinforcements, they will not be able to continue to act according to the original plan.

Instead, we must call more brothers and sisters of the Yaozu, and use the advantage of numbers to defeat these human races in front of them just like they defeated the county and the human defenders in the county before. And when he was running away, he pounced on him and gulped down the taste of the fresh blood.

That's right, these monster races already have the ability to think, their green eyes are full of gloom and sinisterness, and the blood red that comes from the tyranny and ferocity of animal nature only emerges in the depths of their eyes.

Now these monsters and bandits have been suppressed, and they know how to think.

Also know how to cooperate and how to fight!

Behind, the bandit leader hides in the ruins and howls.

"Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." following the howls, many bandits of the monster race have already started to howl like echoes in excitement. Overwhelmed.

Even if they were overwhelmed, these monster gangsters didn't run at all, they were saving their energy.

The distance between the two sides exceeded 300 meters.

Running first can indeed slow down this distance, but it will consume energy.

They are confident.

As long as close combat, after contacting those human races, even those human races have weapons and armor on their bodies and hands.

But as long as these simple maces or stone hammers in their hands hit them hard, then these human races will vomit blood profusely, and then let them slaughter them!
"Raise the bow! Pre-shoot! Eighty steps!" Wu Jingzhong's voice appeared first at this time.

He is not afraid at all.

In other words, the peasants and archers beside him were not afraid at all.

What dangers has the Cathay Empire never seen before?

The crisis in Weixilie Province is actually more cruel than the crisis in Weibei Province!
The Weibei provinces of Biaolong Miaoying are still protected by the long wall, so as long as they stick to the long wall, the cities and villages behind the long wall are quite safe, and even if they are broken through, it will only be temporary.

But Weixilie Province is not. They don't have a long wall, and they face all kinds of alien races in the west.

So they need more courage and firm confidence.

Just like now.

Face the enemy bravely, draw the bow and shoot the arrow!
(End of this chapter)

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