This game is full of energy

Chapter 113 Wang Lufei and Liu Suolong

Chapter 113 Wang Lufei and Liu Suolong

"The round-trip ticket must be reported to me!" Zhang Fang's words shocked everyone.

"Contestant No. 2! Is this... the entry declaration you came up with?" Ye Shen was also taken aback for a moment, who would have thought that Zhang Fang would put such a sentence here as the entry declaration.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Zhang Fang looked innocent: "I remember the contract..."

"Ah! Of course it's okay!" Ye Shen hurriedly blocked the second half of Zhang Fang's sentence, and he didn't care about it. God knows what else this guy can say.

You know, this show is still being broadcast live on several video platforms.At that time, this will not be causing trouble, it will be a shame!
"Then let's start our question-and-answer session now!" Ye Shen, who couldn't stand it anymore, quickly put the process on track.

"Then please start extracting our IP! Please look at the big screen!"

On the big screen, a bunch of pictures began to scroll quickly. During the scrolling process, everyone could barely see that they were pictures of some well-known comics or novels.

In the end, the picture on the big screen was frozen on a picture.

"Oh!" The audience in the audience made a clear voice.

"Congratulations to our No. 2 contestant, who has drawn a well-known IP "ONE PEACE" in this round!" Ye Shen's voice was full of excitement and emotion:

"This comic is really old! I still remember that my grandfather started following this series when he was young. This pursuit lasted for decades."

"When I grew up, my grandfather once told me that if he couldn't wait for the end of "ONE PEACE" in his lifetime, let me wait until the end of this work, and I must burn it for him."

"But until now, I haven't been able to fulfill Grandpa's wish..."

Having said that, Ye Shen wiped his eyes with his sleeve, as if tears were flowing:

"Two years ago, it was officially announced that "ONE PEACE" would end within five years. At that time, I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep all night..."

"Then some time ago, I saw the news that the official release of "ONE PEACE" would end within five years..."

"First five years, then two years and then five years..." Ye Shen looked at the sky with his eyes, and made a mournful voice:

"Grandpa, this wish of yours may only be fulfilled by your grandson's grandson!"

The audience in the audience seemed to be infected by Ye Shen, and they took out tissues from their pockets and wiped them at the corners of their eyes.

"Oh my God, it's so touching." "Jiujiu" also took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his eyes, "This reminds me of my late wife, she used to..."

"You can shut up." "Plum Shimmer" on the side couldn't stand it any longer: "Don't sell yourself miserably on the show, and besides, the camera didn't capture our side, and you won't cry like a dog here use."

"Oh." "Jiujiu" glanced at the position of the camera, which seemed to be taking a close-up of Ye Shen, and had no intention of taking a picture of himself at all.

So "Jiujiu" silently stuffed the tissue back into his pocket.

"Okay, let's get back to business." Feeling that the atmosphere was enough, Ye Shen sorted out his expression:
"Then "ONE PEACE", as a classic IP, has also been adapted into games. Regardless of the evaluation of the industry and players, these games all have a common feature."

"That is, the sales volume and turnover are very good."

"Our No. 2 player must have heard of "ONE PEACE"."

"Next, our No. 2 contestant, please read the question."

A few lines of words appeared on the big screen:

[Excuse me: What are the surnames of Luffy and Sauron in "ONE PEACE"? 】

"Oh." Ye Shen looked at the question and commented:

"Although this question is a bit out of the way, it's not too difficult."

"As long as anyone knows something about this IP, most of them can answer it."

"After all, One Piece Luffy and Three Swords Ryu Zoro are also the main characters of this comic."

"Okay, that's all I can say about the relevant information. If I say more, I'm worried that I'll give you the answer if I keep my mouth shut."

"At that time, not only contestant No. 2's question will be judged wrong, but my salary will not be guaranteed!"

After Ye Shen said these words teasingly, he looked at Zhang Fang again:
"Then, contestant No. 2, you have 1 minute to think. After thinking, please give your answer!"

"Countdown begins!"

Looking at the countdown, Zhang Fang fell into deep thought.

Do you know this comic Zhang Fang?Of course he knows!

After all, Zhang Fang has already played many games.Although this guy doesn't usually read comics, he still plays a lot of games derived from comics.

But the surnames of these two characters really stumped Zhang Fang.

After all, when playing games, who would be free to remember what the last names of two people with such long names are!

So what Zhang Fang is going to do now is already very clear.

Since I don't know the answer to this question, and I also shoulder the arduous task of "reorganizing my work".So now there is only one problem to solve.

That is, how to make it appear incomparably natural and silky without any abruptness?

Zhang Fang came up with a plan after a little thought.

Just do it!

At the end of the countdown, Ye Shen looked at Zhang Fang again:

"Then our No. 2 contestant, please give your answer now! Here, I can't help reminding our No. 2 contestant again: This question is really not difficult, not difficult at all!"

"I see!" Zhang Fang nodded, and gave his answer calmly:
"Lufei's surname is Wang, and his full name is Wang Lufei!"

"Sauron's surname is Liu, and his full name is Liu Suolong!"

As soon as this answer came out, the whole world fell silent.

This was the sound of Xia Xinxin falling directly from the stool to the ground after hearing Zhang Fang's answer.

The rest of the audience were also so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.He didn't even notice that the popcorn he just picked up fell on the ground.

"This..." Even though Ye Shen has an excellent quality as a host, he was really stunned at this moment. He covered his face, and it took a long time to stop the twitching on his face:
"Then I would like to ask contestant No. 2, what prompted you to give such an answer?"

" told me the answer." The expression on Zhang Fang's face was not ordinary innocent.

"Me?" This time it was Ye Shen's turn to be stunned.

"Yes." Zhang Fang nodded, and said with Ye Shen's astonished expression:

"Didn't you just say that One Piece King Luffy also has the Three Swords Ryu Zoro?"

"Yes." Ye Shen nodded in confusion.

"Yes, isn't that the answer you told me?" Zhang Fang continued with an innocent face.

Seeing that Ye Shen still looked dull, Zhang Fang let out a long sigh, and scribbled down a few words with the paper and pen on the table.

Then Zhang Fang turned the paper over, and turned the side with the writing on to the night god.

I saw that it was written on the paper:

Pirate · Wang Lufei

Three Swords · Liu Suolong.

 dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy
(End of this chapter)

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