This game is full of energy

Chapter 138 The opportunity to leave

Chapter 138 The opportunity to leave

In this situation, even a fool should be able to sense that something is wrong.

What's more, [Ferocious Male Hamster] is not a fool.

Seeing that the situation is not good. [Ferocious male hamster] quickly shook his arm, trying to shake [Gluttony] aside.

[Gluttony] This time, he was determined, holding on to the [Ferocious Male Hamster]'s arm, no matter how much he twisted it, he would not let go.

Even though 【Ferocious male hamster】 kept going in and out of 【Gluttony】's body, beating 【Gluttony】's newly repaired body to bloody flesh, 【Gluttony】didn't let go.

[Gluttony], who was already so angry, still exhausted all the strength in his body to hug [Ferocious Male Hamster] tightly.

Just like he did with T-23 them before.

"You are not a 'prophet'!" [Ferocious male hamster] reacted violently:

"You are a player!"

Then, a bigger question appeared in 【Ferocious Male Hamster】.

Where did the real "prophet" go?
But【Ferocious Male Hamster】has no time to think.

Because the two [Human and Animal Harmless Eggs] in [Gluttony]'s hand have already lit up red.

A huge heat wave swallowed [gluttony], [ferocious male hamster], and the men in suits and sunglasses around them.

"Brother, it hurts so much..."

"I'm so hungry..." This is the last voice left by [Gluttony] in this script.

At this time, the eyes of the "Prophet" who followed the flow of people and left the Music Fountain Square lit up.

From the perspective of the "Prophet", I saw a door not far away.

So the "Prophet" quietly moved to the door, reaching out to push the door open.

As long as the door is pushed open, he can be teleported to another place.

At that time, you will be safe.

The "Prophet" imagined the beautiful scene after the door was opened, and his hand was already on the door.

But a hand quietly blocked in front of him.

T-23 stretched out his hand to support the sunglasses on his head, and looked at the "Prophet":
"If you want to repeat the old trick, I suggest you forget it."

Zhang Fang also quietly appeared behind T-23:
"Don't worry, we really have no malice towards you. We just want to know one thing."

At this time, the explosion sounded in the music fountain square.

Looking at the mushroom cloud rising in the direction of the square, Zhang Fang muttered quietly:
"It's really hard [gluttony]. When the script is over, go back and buy two chicken legs to reward him."

The besieged "prophet" had no choice but to put away those small thoughts in his heart, and followed Zhang Fang and T-23 honestly to a long-abandoned building.

This building was found before T-23.

"I can no longer obtain data from the mother's database." T-23 sighed:

"It seems that these operations of mine have been discovered by the mother body, and I will also face the mother body's pursuit."

T-23 turned to look at Zhang Fang: "I hope you don't forget your promise."

"Don't worry." Zhang Fang nodded and said, "What you say is what you say."

Then Zhang Fang looked at the "Prophet" sincerely:
"Look, in order to save you, we have paid such a high price. This Mr. T-23 will not hesitate to be wanted by the mother."

"And my own brother, in order to save you, detonated the bomb with his own body."

"Shouldn't you say something?"

From Zhang Fang's sincere eyes, the "prophet" felt that if he said "no", the person in front of him would completely disappear from this world.

And it's the kind that doesn't even have the possibility of resurrection.

"Well, I was careless." "Prophet" sighed:
"I underestimated the ability of the mother body. It actually interfered with my thoughts to a certain extent, and made me unconsciously make the decision to enjoy the musical fountain at that point in time."

"However, the mother body also cost a lot." T-23 said:

"At least in the short term, there will be no next time this happens."

"I hope so." The "Prophet" sighed: "Then, what do you want to get from me after all your efforts to save me?"

"Two things." Zhang Fang looked at the "Prophet" intently:
"News from the Gun God."

"Also, how to get Mr. T-23 out of this world."

Hearing Zhang Fang's second question, the expression on T-23's face finally relaxed.

"Mr. T-23 should be a guardian in this world." "Prophet" looked at T-23:

"For some reason, you chose to betray the mother's will. This also made you enter the mother's blacklist."

"As long as you are still in this world, you will face the endless pursuit of your former colleagues."

"This is very similar to me."

"However, as long as your consciousness can jump out of this world, then you are safe."

"Because the influence of maternal consciousness on reality will be infinitely weakened."

"But because of your previous identity, it may be difficult to jump out of this world."

The words of the "prophet" made T-23, whose expression had just relaxed, cast another shadow on his face.

"However, it's not impossible." The "Prophet" said slowly:
"But this operation is very troublesome."

"You need to infiltrate your Worldguard headquarters."

"There is a channel in the headquarters, which is responsible for the transmission of your consciousness."

"I know." T-23 nodded: "I entered this world through that passage."

"But that channel is one-way."

"No, that channel is two-way." The "Prophet" said: "But the reason why it always behaves like a one-way channel is because its reverse transmission function has not been turned on."

"In other words, the mother body does not want to open the reverse transmission function of this channel. Because it is worried that you who came to this world will sneak back through that channel."

"That unprotected world is too easy to collapse."

"So, if you want to open the reverse transmission function of the channel, you need an introduction."

"Introduction?" T-23 had a puzzled expression.

"That's right." The "Prophet" nodded and said: "You need a 'third-type' existence to enter the channel. That 'third-type' existence will be destroyed, but the reverse channel will be opened directly."

"So, what is the third type of existence?" Zhang Fang looked at the "Prophet" with a bad feeling.

"You, and those intruders." The "Prophet" looked at Zhang Fang this time.

"So that's the case." Zhang Fang nodded: "It seems that we have to catch an intruder. So, what kind of existence are you?"

"I'm the fourth type of existence." The "Prophet" replied cleanly:

"In this world, the first type of existence refers to those ordinary people."

"The second type of existence refers to the world defenders represented by T-23, that is, robots."

"The third type of existence is you and the invaders. In other words, alien humans."

"And the fourth type of existence is me. We don't have an entity, but a special program."

"But the intruders are not easy to catch." T-23 frowned.

"It depends on human effort." Zhang Fang looked at the "Prophet" again: "Then, the first question, can you tell us how to find the Gunslinger?"

"This..." "Prophet" hesitated:
"Why do you, or others, want to know where the gun god is?"

"You can just tell me." Zhang Fang looked at the "Prophet": "Everyone who wants to find 2 him has a reason to find him, right?"

"But..." After hesitating for a while, the prophet looked at Zhang Fang:

"It's not easy for you to go in that place."

(End of this chapter)

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