This game is full of energy

Chapter 148 I'm Still That Wolf Mie

Chapter 148 I'm Still That Wolf Mie
"Hey!" Zhang Fang reluctantly held a pipe and clenched his teeth.

With a strong pull, the pipe was pulled out from the body by Zhang Fang.

Of course, what this action brought about was that Zhang Fang had a big wound on his body.

Enduring the pain, Zhang Fang pulled out the tubes on both arms with great difficulty.At the same time that his hands were freed, the liquid under Zhang Fang's body was quietly dyed red by his own blood.

"Huh...huh..." He took off the mask on his mouth, and breathed in the air in this environment with his mouth wide open.

Fortunately, the air in this environment is not only a bit choking, but it can still barely breathe.

Pulling out all the other pipes in his body, Zhang Fang supported the iron walls on both sides, and sat up from the training cabin with some pain.

Resisting the dizziness caused by blood loss, Zhang Fang looked around him.

At a glance, Zhang Fang can see countless training cabins!
From the glass cover of the training cabin, Zhang Fang can see that there are real people inside!

How similar is this scene to the one introduced before the script!

At this time, Zhang Fang suddenly discovered another thing.

That is [Cooking School's Blessing], as well as summoning [Gluttony], [Scarlet Little Paper Man], which are limited to one-time use in a single script, can be used again.

Even the dozens of magazines that were consumed before are all restored now.

It's just that the attributes of Dabailian after upgrading and transformation have been retained exactly the same.

"Sure enough, the world just now is all fake. So is the skill I used also fake?" Zhang Fang analyzed.

But then, Zhang Fang couldn't help but started scolding his mother:
"Then you give me back the 100 game points I summoned [Gluttony] last time!"

"Without game points, how can I summon my silly brother!"

Complaining about the extortionate behavior of the game system, Zhang Fang struggled to get out of the training cabin.

It's strange to say that it's not the same as other people soaking naked in the training cabin.When Zhang Fang was soaking in the training cabin, he was wearing fashion and carrying his own backpack.

This can be regarded as the preferential treatment given to players by the game system.

Standing on the ground, feeling a sense of powerlessness all over his body, Zhang Fang used [Cooking School's Blessing] without hesitation.

If not, Zhang Fang felt that he would not be able to find Chen Dengqi alive.

Feeling that his body is slowly recovering strength, Zhang Fang is now facing the next problem:
Find Chen Dengqi and them!
When Zhang Fang packed up his things and was carefully preparing to leave, suddenly a guy with the appearance of a patrol robot drove in with his own small tires.

The camera on the robot froze for a moment in the direction of Zhang Fang's opened training cabin, and then an alarm sounded throughout the space.

"Alert! Breeders are found fleeing again, watch out for arrest!"

Hearing the sirens sounding everywhere, Zhang Fang grabbed the Dabailian in his hand, and fired at the robot.

Looking at the little guy who was smashed into pieces by himself, Zhang Fang quickly left here with Da Bailian in his arms.

"Hope these guys don't keep me waiting too long."


"I'm going, it's really uncomfortable." Chen Dengqi pulled out the tubes inserted into his body: "The methods provided by those intruders are really tormenting people."

Getting out of the training cabin, Chen Dengqi looked at Lin Wan who sat up from the training cabin:

"How about it, do you need my help?"

"No, thank you." Lin Wan unplugged all the tubes on her body and threw them aside, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

Except that her face became slightly paler.

"Fortunately, it's a staff member of the special department, and it really is a wolf." Chen Dengqi couldn't help giving Lin Wan a thumbs up.

"As soon as you mention the matter of destroying wolves, it reminds me of your operation in the [Brain Arena]." Lin Wan directly yelled at Chen Dengqi.

"Okay. ╮(╯▽╰)╭" Chen Dengqi spread his hands, and then found a terrible problem:

"Is Xia Xinxin not with us?"

"Maybe the position of each person's training cabin is random, and our training cabin just happens to be in the same room." Lin Wan analyzed.

"Then we have to find a way to find her quickly." Knowing Xia Xinxin's character well, Chen Dengqi was very worried about what would happen to Xia Xinxin alone.

Especially in such a weak situation that just came out of the training cabin.

Suddenly, a burst of alarm sounded everywhere.

"Alert! The breeder is found fleeing, pay attention to arrest!"

Then, the sound of gunfire roared in the distance.

"Go, go and have a look." Chen Dengqi took out his two guns, and rushed towards the place where the exchange of fire took place with Lin Wan.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that a person was fighting those robots.

It's just that the person who fought against each other was not Xia Xinxin.

A strong man like an iron tower was holding a submachine gun in his hand, and while using the training cabins as cover, he fought back at the robots.

This is indeed a player!

"It seems that this is my competitor." Chen Dengqi looked at the strong man and said.

"Are we going to help him?" Lin Wan looked at Chen Dengqi, and she always felt that what Chen Dengqi said just now seemed to have a different meaning.

"Of course, if the road is uneven, draw your sword to help!" Chen Dengqi went straight away holding two guns while talking:

"Don't panic, brother! I'm here to help you!"

Chen Dengqi's roar attracted the attention of many robots, and a small number of robots shifted their firepower and began to shoot at Chen Dengqi.

Chen Dengqi is not a vegetarian either, so he used those training cabins as a cover.Leng was not injured in the hail of bullets.

However, Chen Dengqi also noticed one thing, that is, these robots seem to be very worried about destroying the training cabins.

No matter how fierce the firepower of these robots is, their fire coverage points will exclude these training cabins.

"No wonder that player was able to fight back and forth with these robots."

With the cover of these training cabins, Chen Dengqi quickly approached the player.

"To do the task of 'Sharp Gun'?" The strong man glanced at Chen Dengqi and lit a cigarette for himself: "There are too many robots, it's not easy to do."

"Yeah, I tried many times myself, but I couldn't get out." Chen Dengqi said to the player sincerely:
"Brother, let's fight together. This way we should have a lot more chances to rush out."

"Fight it, it makes sense." The strong man nodded noncommittally:

"Then try it."

Then, Chen Dengqi pointed his guns at the strong man.

At the same time, the submachine gun in the strong man's hand was aimed at Chen Dengqi.

The two pulled the triggers at the same time.

 The third update is over~
(End of this chapter)

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