This game is full of energy

Chapter 151 The War Between Man and Machine

Chapter 151 The War Between Man and Machine

"Oh yeah!"

Xia Xinxin made a "yeah" gesture to Lin Wan and Chen Dengqi below.

Xia Xinxin's "yeah" gesture, in Chen Dengqi's eyes, felt like a "two".


"Farewell, this thing has disintegrated!" Chen Dengqi was really intoxicated by Xia Xinxin's careless operation.


Under Chen Dengqi's reminder, Xia Xinxin felt a sense of subsidence coming from under her feet.

But who is Xia Xinxin?As an extreme sportsman, Xia Xinxin didn't panic in the slightest when encountering such a situation.

Seeing Xia Xinxin's feet exert strength, she ran down at high speed while the steel giant disintegrated.

The collapse of the steel giant did not affect Xia Xinxin's footsteps in the slightest.When there is an avalanche, the sight of a healthy skier stepping on the pedals and racing against the avalanche.

Seeing that the distance was close, Xia Xinxin bent her knees and jumped out of the steel giant.

The target was Xia Xinxin's motorcycle below!

However, although Xia Xinxin's action looked handsome, she ignored an important problem.

That was her in the air, undoubtedly a perfect target.

Some motorcycle robots in the rear have stood up and raised their guns, ready to shoot Xia Xinxin in front at any time.

"It's really worrying."

Seeing this, Chen Dengqi could only sigh, turned the front of the car, and rushed straight into the motorcycle robots behind, covering Xia Xinxin's firepower.

Hard work paid off, and with Chen Dengqi's efforts, Xia Xinxin finally landed on her motorcycle steadily.

"Thank you!"

Sitting on the motorcycle, Xia Xinxin made another "yeah" gesture in the direction of Chen Dengqi and Lin Wan.

"It's really a headache." Looking at Xia Xinxin's innocent look, Chen Dengqi felt very tired.

Players of Xia Xinxin and Alice's level should be handed over to Zhang Fanglai in the future.

If he comes again so many times, sooner or later he will have a myocardial infarction.

Seeing that Xia Xinxin landed safely, Lin Wan on the other side also started to act.

Unlike Xia Xinxin who climbed directly up the steel giant, Lin Wan drove the motorcycle directly onto the steel giant's calf.

This feeling is to regard this steel giant as a mountain off-road challenge!
At the same time that the motorcycle drove onto the steel giant's calf, Lin Wan pulled out the long knife behind her back.

The body of the motorcycle was clamped between her legs, Lin Wan bent down, and hung sideways on the side of the motorcycle with the strength of her own legs alone.

Lin Wan raised the long knife with her free hands, and thrust it down forcefully.

The sharp long knife pierced through the outer steel plate of the steel giant without hindrance, and penetrated straight into the depths of the body.

While Lin Wan was making this series of actions, her motorcycle was still moving forward.

As the motorcycle galloped on the iron giant's body, Lin Wan's long knife inserted into the iron giant's body also brought out an increasingly large wound on the iron giant's body.

Use the movements on your legs to control the direction of the motorcycle.Lin Wan's motorcycle climbed up from the steel giant's left calf, and drove all the way to the steel giant's right shoulder.

When she reached the steel giant's right shoulder, Lin Wan pulled out the long knife stuck on the steel giant's body, and while sitting on the motorcycle, she accelerated sharply again.

The motorcycle leaped from the Iron Giant's right shoulder.

There was also a huge wound on the iron giant's body from the left calf to the right shoulder.

Under the activities of the Iron Warrior, the wound on its body was also pulled wider and deeper.

From the bone-deep wound, one can still see bunches of electric sparks stirring and shining in it.

Those electric sparks became bigger and bigger, and there were faint bursts of internal explosions bursting out from the iron giant's body.

The steel giant swayed. Such a large wound made it unable to control its body freely. After a large cloud of smoke rose above its head, the steel giant dragged its heavy body and fell to the ground, causing A lot of dust.

Even the nearby motorcycle robots were smashed to pieces by it.

The two fallen steel giants piled up two small hills on the ground. Even if the motorcycle robot in the rear adjusted its direction in time, it still couldn't avoid them all.

Those motorcycle robots that were close and couldn't avoid it all crashed into the wreckage of the steel giant.

The motorcycle robots that hit the wreckage were directly turned into a pile of loose parts under the high-speed impact.

This was not over yet, because the queue was too dense, and the motorcycle robots in the rear were also affected by Chiyu, and they also slammed into it.

There are also some motorcycle robots that don't hit the front, running directly over the wreckage of their teammates.

However, as a result of the crushing and collision, these motorcycle robots exploded one after another, and the shock and heat brought by the explosion took away a large area of ​​nearby motorcycle robots.

The originally fairly regular formation of the robot army suddenly became a big mess.

At that time, the sound of collisions, explosions, and crushing sounds entered my ears.

On the other side, Lin Wan, who was landing in the air on a motorcycle, undoubtedly attracted the attention of the motorcycle robots behind him.

These motorcycle robots stood up one after another, aiming their guns at Lin Wan in the air, spewing out ruthless bullets.

Lin Wan's reaction was also extremely fast. She held the handle of the motorcycle with both hands in the air, and the rest of her body left the seat and hung in the air.

While hanging in the air, Lin Wan stretched her arms and curled up to hide on the side of the motorcycle, allowing the other side of the motorcycle to meet the roaring bullets.

Under the impact of bullets and fire, the motorcycle in the air was also crumbling, and it seemed that it would be collapsed into a piece of dregs under the hail of bullets at any time.

Seeing Lin Wan in the air being attacked, Chen Dengqi immediately sprayed with both guns, clearing an open space around him.

Then Chen Dengqi drove the motorcycle, made a 180-degree turn, and went straight to the motorcycle robots shooting at Lin Wan behind.

The turmoil caused by Chen Dengqi's retrograde movement brought great trouble to the motorcycle robots behind.The originally orderly shooting also became chaotic.

And they stood upright, although they posed a great threat to Lin Wan, but they also lost the means of attacking Chen Dengqi who was roaring towards him.

Chen Dengqi suddenly seemed like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, the machine gun in his hand spewed out flames frantically, crushing these robots who were so arrogant just now.

With Chen Dengqi's cover, Lin Wan's motorcycle finally landed on the ground.

 In the past few days, I will strive to continue three updates every day, but the update time may not be very fixed, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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