This game is full of energy

Chapter 170 The Immortal Hero Script

Chapter 170 The Immortal Hero Script
Hearing the despair in Alice's tone, Zhang Fang and the others couldn't help but touch their foreheads.

What the hell is a Gatling player!
Tucao return to Tucao, a small question also came to everyone's mind - why can Alice know that her script is a script of fairy tales?

Sure enough, before everyone asked, Alice said it herself.

Still the same three sentences as always:

"Since the last script came out, I saw an extra disc in my game room."

"When I open this disc, it will contain the introduction CG of my script."

"Wait a minute, wait until I open it for you to see."

While talking about Alice, she hurriedly took out a CD from her luggage, and then yelled at the back kitchen of the tavern:

"Boss, do you have anything to watch here?"

"How about one?"

"Thank you boss!!"

"Okay!" [Muscle Man Dabai] came out of the kitchen wearing a floral apron, holding a freshly baked pizza in his hand:
"Come and taste my craftsmanship first, and see how my pizza is baked."

After putting the pizza on the table, [Muscle Man Dabai] ran to the back kitchen, and took out a player after a while.

After Alice inserted the disc, a video appeared in everyone's field of vision.

A gust of breeze blows across the sky, and there are a few white clouds floating above the bright and clear sky in the picture.

Wisps of mist resembling fairy air flitted across the screen.The picture freezes on a towering mountain with awe-inspiring immortality.

The screen slowly moved down, and at the foot of the mountain, there stood a huge mountain gate.On the mountain gate, there are three big characters engraved:

"Chasing Cloud Gate".

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed across the sky, the ray was extremely dazzling, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a sword light.

As the sword light slashed across, a silent ripple rippled out, and the point of that sword edge was the mountain gate of Chasing Cloud Sect.

Seeing that the sword light was about to cut into the mountain gate, he saw a hazy pale golden light glowing outside the mountain gate of Zhuiyunmen.

This ray of light is like a hood, covering the entire Cloud Chasing Gate.

Mountain guard!

There was a firm collision between Jianmang and the mountain guard formation.

The seemingly solid mountain guard array, under the misty sword light, was like a piece of fragile tofu. After a few minutes without support, it fell apart and turned into aura that filled the sky.

After the sword light pierced through the mountain guard formation, it continued to slash, and directly split into the mountain gate.

According to the power of this sword light, the seemingly towering mountain of Chasing Cloud Gate might not be able to last a few breaths under this sword light, and it would be split in half.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the mountain gate of Chasing Cloud Sect:
"Wait a minute."

A ray of green light shot out from the mountain peak of Chasing Cloud Gate.There was an invisible collision with Jianmang.

The originally unstoppable sword light turned into invisible under this green gate.

The picture suddenly freezes here.

After a pause of a few seconds, the scene in front of him turned into ruins all over the place.There are many gravels around, and the originally neat mountain peaks are also smashed and glued by the aftermath of the battle.

What used to be a lush mountain forest was now covered in scorched earth, with no beautiful scenery to speak of.

It's just that from among these broken walls, everyone can barely distinguish them.This place is actually the Chasing Cloud Gate just now.

The whole CG is completely over here.

"It seems endless." Chen Dengqi commented: "But it is indeed a script with a fairy tale orientation."

"Speaking of Xianxia Xiang's script..." Chen Dengqi thought for a while and said:
"It seems that we haven't experienced the script of Xianxiaxiang before... if you don't count the "Shuangqi Town Strange Talk"."

"Please." Zhang Fang rolled his eyes beside him:

""Shuangqi Town Strange Talk" can be regarded as a supernatural script after all, but it is far from Xianxiaxiang!"

"Really?" Chen Dengqi scratched his head without embarrassment.

"If that's the case..." Zhang Fang frowned:

"Then we have to be prepared to face a world of high martial arts."

The world of high martial arts?Hearing Zhang Fang's words, everyone was thoughtful.

Indeed, according to the scripts that everyone has experienced before, even the scripts with supernatural and technological orientations can only be regarded as relatively low in terms of overall force value.

After all, there will be no incidents such as one person turning the river and the sea with one sword, and re-practicing the ground, fire, water and wind.

But this fairy world is different.Turning one's hand into cloud and turning one's hand into rain, and the water of the East China Sea standing up between waving hands is as common as drinking water and eating.

"With our current combat power, going to a world of high martial arts, isn't that courting death?" Lin Wan also frowned.

"Give it a try." Zhang Fang shook his head, "Since such a script has been arranged, it should be said that there is a chance, and it will definitely not lead to a dead end."

"That makes sense." Chen Dengqi nodded: "Then everyone, go back and get ready, and gather in the team room when you're ready."

Once again, Zhang Fang brazenly packed up all the leftovers and took them home.

After returning to the room, Zhang Fang clicked on his attributes again:
You have to look at your own attributes first... lest the author forget.

Player: Zhang Fang

Number of scripts: 7
Title: Unknown Undertaker

Lineage: ? ? ?

[Activated bloodline: 1/9]

【Branch Lineage—"Gluttony"】

Occupation: None
Skills: Blessing of Cooking School (Active Skill), Expert Identification (Title Skill), Mysterious Elegance (Passive Skill, Fashion Skill), Madness Power (Passive Skill, Fashion Skill)
Equipment: Strengthened bricks, Crescent Eunuch Knife, Pain Mask, Qiankun Instrument, ULTIMAX-X
Costumes: Thug Suit, Thug Top Hat
Physical fitness: average

Overall Rating: Nothing to worry about

Warehouse: The hiking bag I bought last year (super wear-resistant), "The Analects of Confucius", paper figurines stained with blood

Game points: 290
Looking at the 290 game points, Zhang Fang summoned [Gluttony] after careful calculation.

" finally remembered me." [Gluttony] Aggrieved in capital letters:

"I'm so hungry... In the last world, I was in so much pain! You have to buy me more delicious food!"

"Here, this is for you." Without blushing, Zhang Fang raised his hand and handed the packaged leftovers to 【Gluttony】.

[Gluttony] This silly kid is not picky about eating, so he squatted in the corner with the things Zhang Fang handed over and began to eat.

Looking at the silly boy 【Gluttony】, Zhang Fang thought about his current situation.

If you want to get through the next script safely, you still have to rely on [Gluttony] to exert your strength.

After seeing [Gluttony] eating and drinking enough, Zhang Fang activated his title skill on [Gluttony].

[The effect of the strong identification technique activates...]

【Acquisition of target information...】

(End of this chapter)

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