This game is full of energy

Chapter 196 Sheriff Lilith Strikes

Chapter 196 Sheriff Lilith Strikes

According to this situation, it is a safe thing for their small car to hit this big truck.

Even though Chen Dengqi had stepped on the brakes very hard.

If it hits, considering the body of this big truck, this big truck may not hurt or itch.

But with their high-speed car, it's hard to say what will happen.

It's all optimistic to say that it's falling apart.

The biggest possibility is that the five of them, together with the car, were turned into a ball of scum and paste.

Integrate with each other, no longer separate from each other.

"Get ready!" Chen Dengqi slammed the steering wheel in his hand, causing the whole car to drift.

Taking advantage of the drift, Zhang Fang and the others quickly opened the car door.

"Don't forget, bring those bags of banknotes!" Zhang Fang reminded.

These banknotes are exactly five bags.

Zhang Fang and the others carried the banknotes one by one, and saw that the car was getting closer to the big truck, and saw that this intimate contact was about to happen.

"Jump!" Chen Dengqi clenched the steering wheel and gave an order.

Everyone jumped out along the car door without hesitation.

The speed of the car was very fast. If it was another person, even if he jumped off the car successfully, he would not be able to escape the result of broken bones.

Fortunately, Zhang Fang and the others are fairly agile.After jumping out of the car, when he landed, he rolled several times in a row to cushion the impact of the jump, so that he didn't end up seriously injured at the beginning of this script.

But even so, the five of them were bruised and swollen, and they were more or less embarrassed.

Just when the five of them stabilized their bodies, the car had collided with the truck.

Undoubtedly, after the truck trembled slightly, it continued to drive at its original speed.

And the whole car was like a flattened cardboard box, it was horrible.

A string of sparks continued to burst out from the car.

Everyone thought of a not so good result.

"Run!" Zhang Fang yelled, and the five of them ran away desperately.

Not long after running out, I heard a violent explosion.

There was also a heat wave.

The car has exploded.

"Walk along the path." Zhang Fang took a look, and the five of them ran along a path to the distance.

"It should be safe now." On the inaccessible path, seeing that there was no camera or anything that would let Zhang Fang and the others reveal their whereabouts, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not safe yet." Zhang Fang shook his head.

"Indeed." Lin Wan also nodded, "I still haven't received the reminder that the first phase of the task is completed."

"But. They really shouldn't be able to catch up here." Zhang Fang shook his head, always thinking that something else would happen.

Sure enough, at this time, a voice sounded:
"Gentlemen of 'Phantom Thieves', I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Following this voice, a sturdy female police officer came out of the darkness and came into Zhang Fang's field of vision:
"Although your behavior is commendable."

"But you have also violated the relevant management regulations."

"I have already calculated that this route is the most likely route you will use to escape, although the probability is only 15%."

"It's a pity that those administrative guys are all brains, and they refuse to follow my advice."

"It's a waste of time and money to put people here with less than 90% certainty" to prevaricate me.

"So, I can only come here by myself."

"But it turns out that I was right."

As soon as this strong female police officer appeared, Zhang Fang and the others felt a sense of oppression.

This female police officer is not simple.

Zhang Fang also activated his title skill without hesitation.

[The effect of the strong identification technique activates...]

【Acquisition of target information...】

[Name: Sheriff Lilith]

[Species: Human Race]

[Comprehensive evaluation: enter the room]

【Remarks: Lilith, who is the sheriff of the city, has been discredited by your 'Gentlemen of Strange Thieves' recently.She has devoted herself to studying your behavior style, as well as the planning and characteristics of each of your actions.The purpose is to be able to arrest you, and to avenge the shame.Now you will face her wrath. 】

"Going into the room." Zhang Fang frowned, this was another comment he hadn't seen before.But even if I think about it with my knees, I can know that this evaluation is definitely higher than my own.

"What? Entering the room?" Xia Xinxin looked at Lilith in surprise:
"Is that a high evaluation?"

"How tall is it?" Hearing that Xia Xinxin seemed to know the details of this entry, Zhang Fang asked quickly.

"Well, let me think about it..." Xia Xinxin thought for a while and said, "Captain, what is your evaluation now?"


"Then you are a few levels lower than me." Xia Xinxin said in a triumphant tone:

"Reluctantly, followed by ordinary, then ordinary, ordinary, and then rough. I am rough!"

"And then?" Zhang Fang had already acquiesced to the fact that his actual combat effectiveness was low.

"Then it's half-baked, and then it's time to enter the room."

"Then..." Zhang Fang looked at the others, and the hidden meaning was self-evident.

"I'm also rough." In order to prevent Alice from knowing what Zhang Fang meant, Lin Wan took the lead to make a sample.

"I'm a little weaker, I'm mediocre." Good guy, even Chen Dengqi's comprehensive evaluation was brought up unconsciously.

Zhang Fang couldn't help thinking of the trembling [Denglin Qiji] in "Shuangqi Town Strange Talk".

"Captain! I'm half-baked! I'm amazing!" Alice raised her hand triumphantly.

Sure enough, Alice added all her intelligence points to her strength.

But even so, Alice, who has the highest fighting power among the five, is still a level lower than Sergeant Lilith.

"Hey, you guys are chatting in front of me, do you think I'm so disrespectful?" Sergeant Lilith sneered:
"I know there are five of you, and it may be difficult for me to catch five of you alone."

"However, I only need to catch one of you. I can persuade those guys who are vegetarians to follow my advice."

While speaking, Sergeant Lilith had already stepped towards Zhang Fang.

"Sure enough, do I seem to be the weakest one? Or is it because I am the [head]?" Zhang Fang was speechless.

"What should we do, captain, should we beat her up? After all, she doesn't seem to be much higher than us, so we should have a chance! Shall we try?" Although each of these three sentences has a "Da", but it was indeed what Alice said.

"No, no chance." Zhang Fang shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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