This game is full of energy

Chapter 227 Red Clothes

Chapter 227 Red Clothes
Zhang Fang, who was in the white light, was looking at the message in front of him.

[The script has been completed and the rewards are being settled...]

[Script Name: Raiders of the Demon City]

[Script nature: single-player script]

[Script Difficulty: 10th script difficulty]

[General reward for script completion: 250*6 game points]

[Short-time script opening reward:? ? ? 】

[Items/Equipment Obtained: None]

[Congratulations to the players for obtaining a total of 1500 game points! 】

This time the content of the script is simple and clear.After quickly exiting the script, Zhang Fang's attention began to shift to the reward for opening the script at that moment.

Although the reward for the script this time seems a bit miserable, Zhang Fang knows it well.The biggest benefit of the script reward this time is not in the game points, nor in the so-called short-term script opening reward.

Rather, in this script, Zhang Fang fully activated his blood of nine crimes.

Then, Zhang Fang found that he was going further and further down the road of eating soft food.

As soon as Zhang Fang came back to the room in the game world, the old man sat on the bed in a hurry, ready to take a nap.

Although it is said that the old man did not put much effort in the last script, but for some reason, Zhang Fang always feels that the old man seems very tired.

There was a knock on the door.The familiar Shunfeng Express is here again.This time, the same boxy cardboard box was placed in front of Zhang Fang's door.

Carrying the cardboard box into the house, before Zhang Fang opened the box, he saw a burst of gray blowing in the box.

It's just that the gray didn't hit Zhang Fang's body, but flew to Zhang Fang's backpack after going around.

As if feeling some kind of special call, the little blood-colored paper figurine floated out of Zhang Fang's backpack naturally.

Zhang Fang felt a little familiar with this gray power.

This is exactly the same as the mist that Lin Xiaoxiao extracted in [Shuangqi Town Strange Talk] at the end of sacrificing the entire town.

It's just that, unlike the fog at the beginning, the power this time is many times thicker than the fog refined by Lin Xiaoxiao.

In terms of purity, I don’t know how much it is.

The gray power wrapped the blood-colored little paper figurine in an instant, and a humanized expression appeared on the dull face of the little paper figurine, as if the baby had returned to its swaddling clothes.

The face of the blood-colored paper figurine was originally dull, as if someone had re-drawn its face made of paper. The face with the original voice gradually softened, and the whole face seemed to slowly become alive. up.

The blood-colored paper figurine let out a happy laugh like a child, and the human aura became more and more intense on the blood-colored paper figurine.

With the continuous influx of gray power, the blood-colored little paper figurine has faint traces of tissue like blood vessels and muscles crawling out gradually. The body that was originally just made of paper is moving towards a human being more and more quickly. change.

As the body became more and more perfect, the blood-colored little paper man looked at Zhang Fang, and gradually let out a little girl's voice from his stiff mouth:


This voice is like a babbling child, it was very stiff at first, but soon the bloody little paper figurine's voice became proficient, and it started calling Zhang Fang's father non-stop.

For some reason, Zhang Fang suddenly felt a sense of happiness as a father.

The gray power is still pouring in, and the little paper man's body is becoming more and more perfect. After the last trace of gray power is absorbed by the blood-colored little paper, the blood-colored little paper man has turned into a person who looks about five or six years old. Little girl in a red dress.

"Father." The little girl looked at Zhang Fang, her eyes had turned into crescent moons, "Thank you."

At this time, Zhang Fang saw the system prompt here.

【Affected by special power, the item "blood-stained paper man" is changing...】

【Item data has been updated】

[item name: blood red paper figurine]

[Type: Special]

【Quality: Rare】

[Function: Players can designate them to engage in activities or battles within their capabilities according to the player's instructions.No cooldown. 】

[Remarks: In order to make her child resurrectable, the child's mother stained it with blood, but it was a pity that the success fell short in the end.It can only become a great, maternal witness.But after meeting you, it has gradually recovered its strength after going through battles, and you have contributed the last chance for its integrity. 】

[Detected that the "blood-red paper figurine" is changing...]

[The "blood-red paper figurine" already possesses complete life characteristics. 】

【"Blood-red paper figurine" is transforming from an item to a summoned object...】

[The conversion has been completed. 】

Zhang Fang's system menu actively appeared in front of Zhang Fang. On the top of the task interface on the left, in addition to the character panel button for fearing the old man, there was a small button called "Red Clothes".

Click the button, and the basic attributes of this old man are also displayed in front of Zhang Fang at a glance:
【Name: Red Clothes】

[Species: Paper Man (Spiritual)]

[Attack attributes: Physical, Yin Qi]

[Special Attribute: Paper Doll Body]

[Paper Doll Body: As a life upgraded from a paper doll, she can switch her body from a flesh and blood body to a paper doll body at any time. 】

[Status of flesh and blood: she has the aura that humans should have, and can use Yin Qi to attach to herself and objects to attack]

[Paper figurine body state: After turning back into a paper figurine, her body is lighter and her Yin Qi attack is more pronounced.The body that was originally as thin as paper can explode with such sharp power. 】

[Comprehensive evaluation: enter the room]

[Remarks: In order to revive her child, the child's mother stained it with blood, but it was a pity that the success fell short in the end.It can only become a great, maternal witness.But after meeting you, it has gradually recovered its strength through battles, and you have contributed the last chance for its integrity.Now, she finally got her wish and turned into a human being.Similarly, only you are left in her memory now. 】

Looking at this introduction, Zhang Fang could clearly sense that the little girl's paper figurine body obviously had more power than a flesh and blood body.

But paper figurines are not human after all.Perhaps this flesh and blood body is what the little girl has been longing for from the beginning to the end.

"Dad, I can't get in your bag now." The little girl pouted and looked at Zhang Fang.

(End of this chapter)

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