This game is full of energy

Chapter 244 The serial number of the chapter was wrong yesterday, it is not bad and does not affect

Chapter 244 The chapter number was wrong yesterday
At the last moment when the effect of [Yin Yang · Reverse] ended, Zhang Fang finally threw it out of the villa.

Seeing that the power of Yin-Yang had been exhausted, Zhang Fang immediately sucked on [Yin-Yang Pei].

Soon, the energy stored in [Yin Yang Pendant] was absorbed by Zhang Fang, leaving only 300 points.

At this time, the world guards in the room all relaxed and jumped out of the gate of the villa with their weapons in their hands.

Fortunately, the villa has only one door.

And this is the deepest layer of Huifeng's subconscious world, and these world guards have the instinct not to destroy the subconscious world.

That's why they didn't break out of the window.

This also gave Zhang Fang a chance.

Zhang Fang looked at the world guards who filed out, with a kind smile on his face.

"Face the wind, children." Zhang Fang sneered, and countless fallen leaves, flying sand and rocks in the villa turned one after another.

In the courtyard of the villa, which was not opened before, all the trees became bare in an instant.

Because their leaves have all been scooped up.

The leaves on these trees seemed to have heard the call, and they fell to the ground one after another and turned into fallen leaves.

As soon as these emerald green leaves fell to the ground, they were attracted by the yin and yang power of Zhang Fang, and surrounded Zhang Fang.

This is Zhang Fang's Onmyoji skill [Chiba Flying Flower].

A full hundred points of yin and yang force were thrown down, and these fallen leaves seemed to be coated with a layer of gold around Zhang Fang's body, ready to roar out at any time.

Looking at these endless world guards, Zhang Fang slowly raised his hand.


Countless fallen leaves roared towards the world guards in front of them.

Only this time, in order to save the power of yin and yang, Zhang Fang did not use [Heavenly Object Blade].

After all, Zhang Fang's purpose was not to kill these world guards.Because after these world guards die, they will turn into the power of this world and return to the subconscious world itself.Then new guards are recreated by the subconscious world.

Continuously, continuously.

So killing these world guards is undoubtedly a matter of drinking poison to quench thirst.

What Zhang Fang has to do now is to use the characteristics of the skill [Qianye Feihua] to procrastinate.

How long can it be delayed?

Sure enough, without being strengthened by [Heavenly Object Blade], [Qianye Feihua] did have some weakness when dealing damage to these World Guardians.

But it also significantly slowed down the speed at which the world guards rushed out.

In other words, these world guards had no chance to rush out at all, and were forced back into the villa by the endless storm of falling leaves.

Seeing his tactics work, Zhang Fang looked at the fewer and fewer fallen leaves, and began to estimate the time.

A wave of [Qianye Feihua] with 100 points of yin and yang power can stop these world guards for 1 minute.

Counting the remaining 300 points of Yin-Yang power in [Yin-Yang Pendant], Zhang Fang can only last for 4 minutes at most.

In this way, Zhang Fang still has nearly 1 minute to resist on his own.

But that's enough.Looking at the fallen leaves that were about to dissipate, Zhang Fang held the [Yin Yang Pei] and sucked hard again.

"Chiba Feihua!"

After another three waves of [Chiba Flying Flowers], Zhang Fang gritted his teeth as he looked at the yin and yang power that had been exhausted in his body and the world guards swarming out.

Fearing the old man and [Red Clothes] appeared behind Zhang Fang in an instant.

Fearing that the old man was holding the brick in his hands, [Red Clothes] was playing with the [Crescent Eunuch Knife] in his hand, the three of them looked at each other, and greeted the swarming world guards in front of them.

The effect of [thug leather shoes] made Zhang Fang's situation much better at this time.

Although it is still a bit stretched, at least Zhang Fang can be chased and intercepted by these world guards, and it will not be so easy to be caught by them.

Even if he was entangled, Zhang Fang still had enough mobility to wait until the old man or [Red Clothes] came to rescue him.

The difficult last minute finally passed, Zhang Fang only felt a white light falling from the sky, and he disappeared into this world.

But this time the white light dissipated quickly, and when the picture in front of Zhang Fang was clear, Zhang Fang found himself waking up in the oasis room, while Hui Feng beside him was still in a coma.

The prompt of the game system once again lit up in front of Zhang Fang, Lin Wan and Xia Xinxin.

[The main task has been completed]

[You have completed the team competition script "Time Traveler", and you will leave the script world in 5 minutes. 】

[Help the players good luck, come on. 】

Zhang Fang suddenly realized that he was cheated by the game system.

Leaving from the game script world this time is different from the usual way of leaving directly.

They need to leave this world layer by layer.

Big trouble now.

"My friend." Zhang Fang pushed open the door.

Fortunately, in this layer of subconscious world, Xia Xinxin and Lin Wan seem to be able to handle things with ease.

Although the environment here is not big, the two who are good at fighting, walking, and fighting can be regarded as like ducks in water in this oasis.

After Xia Xinxin and Lin Wan saw the game system prompt, they saw Zhang Fang rushing out of the room.

"Pay attention to conserving your energy." Zhang Fang immediately expressed his analysis:
"This script sucks. We need to leave layer by layer."

Lin Wan is a smart person, so she immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Fang's words.

Fortunately, this level of world is not difficult to endure, and the 5 minutes passed quickly.

A white light enveloped the three of them.

At this time, Chen Dengqi's situation is not very good.

Even with the only profession [Sharp Spear] by his side, Chen Dengqi has become more and more difficult to be surrounded by endless world guards.

These world guardians seem to be everywhere, and they can appear from any place.

Moreover, as time went on, some world guards would immediately regenerate as soon as they disappeared.

Even the place where they were born has become a place behind Chen Dengqi that can easily directly cause damage to Chen Dengqi.

All Chen Dengqi can do now is to lean his side against the wall, and the two guns in his hands are constantly spewing flames to both sides.

Chen Dengqi no longer needs to aim.

It's not because of the characteristics of [Sharp Spear], nor is it because of the boost of [Da Bailian].

It's because these World Guards are endless and don't require aiming at all.

What Chen Dengqi needs to beware of now is mainly the world guards that suddenly appear beside him, and those grenades that will suddenly appear at some point.

At this moment, another grenade suddenly rolled under Chen Dengqi's feet.

Chen Dengqi's pupils shrank suddenly.

not good!

(End of this chapter)

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